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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. forgot to say, watt for watt, tube/valve amps are considered louder than solid state if I recall correctly- anyone wanna back me up on that? Memory is getting hazy with my old age
  2. would be good if they have! Then again I hear playing a Tbird upside down solves said neck dive so as a lefty I'm fine
  3. Was just having a think (as one does) about listed houses and it occurred to me that it would be great if there was such a thing for basses that prevents fools from doing horrible things to classic instruments (like spraypainting a 60's fender neon green, etc). Whilst musing I thought of two rules: 1) Custom basses may not be altered except by original luthiers 2) Basses created before 1975 may not be altered in any way This is incidentally all tongue in cheek, I know there are little teensy things like, ooh, human rights to prevent this sort of thing, but what would your other rules be?
  4. i can't understand how they can attach such a price to what is such a flawed design. Love the looks, not gonna deny that, but if you can't easily play it then surely the price should reflect that!
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='400197' date='Feb 4 2009, 05:24 PM']Hi there. You may want to trawl through the wiki here [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/[/url] The "buying your first amp" section seems to have gone but there's other articles that you'll find useful and informative. and use the search function (top right of the page) to read what other newbies have found out about things like "solid state" and "valve preamps" ... In brief for your £180 you'll get some pretty reasonable combos (that's an amp and speaker on one box like this Ashdown). as opposed to a "head" or "amp" which is just the amp bit which needs a "speaker cab" or "cab" which has the speaker in it but no amp, if you want to hear anything ... Simply put if you are playing with a drummer now or in the near future, you'll need about 300 watts to keep up reasonably well. A 100 watt combo will struggle a bit.. +1 on Ashdown, Laney, Peavey Have a look through the for sale section here, ebay and gumtree for ideas. OG[/quote] This, helluva reply!
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='399766' date='Feb 4 2009, 10:28 AM'][b]In It to Win It[/b] These are the 26 names who have asked for stickers: born2bmild yorks5stringer adrenochrome Dr Dave jake10floors timloudon William James Easton Kirky Toasted Jim Fleeting niceguyhomer Argh 7string Prosebass Skelf Funkmaster Stanrobinson davidlperry greeneking MikeyR Casapete [b]Josn3184[/b] Steve Rhino artisan Monz[/quote] Double shocking!
  7. good choice with keeping the warwick man, I wish I still had my streamer!
  8. all valve amp is generally seen as providing a warmer tone which can be "overdriven" to get a dirty gritty distortion. Solid state is the other type. Solid state is lighter (usually) and has less risk of breaking from being dropped (valves amps have components that are fairly fragile). Of course this is a generalization I'm sure there are examples of both that break the trends I'm mentioned but widely those are the pluses/minuses. Also, I'd recommend an ashdown electric blue 15-180, great amps those, can power a pub sized gig too (essentially [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/Products/Product.asp?id=9467"]THIS[/url] but i think there are cheaper models such as the slightly older ones, and you can get em second hand for about £130-150)
  9. [quote name='josh3184' post='400100' date='Feb 4 2009, 03:59 PM']don't NEED cabs, might be something to add later for bigger gigs when you have the wonga. All combos are inherently designed to work with their own speakers to a decent degree so upgrading isn't necessary in the majority of cases.[/quote] ah sorry, thought you were talking about the combo that was flagged- way to confuse the matter josh!
  10. oh sick a car's up for raffle too! That'd look great on my shelf!
  11. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='399925' date='Feb 4 2009, 01:13 PM']I don't mind it mate, aslong as the condition is very very good. That Hartke looks good but I'd need cabs to go with it right?[/quote] don't NEED cabs, might be something to add later for bigger gigs when you have the wonga. All combos are inherently designed to work with their own speakers to a decent degree so upgrading isn't necessary in the majority of cases.
  12. I may be mistaking this with another spector but isn't this ridiculously cheap?!
  13. well whatever you get make sure to chuck some pictures in the gear porn thread! would never own a fender personally (asstastic left handed policy) but always appreciate the look of em!
  14. nice! wondered what watercured redwood would look like!
  15. wish I could get session work! How did you find it?
  16. can't you send it to them?
  17. DAMN YOU BASSKS ALWAYS MOCKING! And yes, doesn't work with right handed basses
  18. helluva spot that!
  19. sorry man, glad you managed to sell it in the end- you did it quicker than I managed!
  20. ooh thats nice! Well done to make that, looks like it plays just as good if not better than the real thing!
  21. *$$ five*
  22. [quote name='Apex' post='399293' date='Feb 3 2009, 07:20 PM']Glad that it's not just me finding it a waste of a good knob! [/quote] Heh. [size=1] God I'm childish...[/size]
  23. good lord that looks well put together!
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