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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. new additions to the list!
  2. thanks Sean!
  3. Hi there, selling this as I'm changing my sound and this isn't really being used anymore. Believe it was the second one ever built so maybe a bit collectible? Anyhoo, looking for what I paid for it, £110. Includes both the Mullard and Electro Harmonix Tubes. Pic below is Sean's, I'll take it down if objected against, but I'm forced to use it as my camera can't currently connect with my PC... Believe there's Kev's review knocking about somewhere too! [attachment=19684:102_3366_1.jpg]
  4. quite like the look of the blue stain on the thru neck... yum!
  5. [quote name='Sean' post='399243' date='Feb 3 2009, 06:39 PM']It's very light, actually. [b][i]Previous owner[/i][/b] had the string the wrong way round on the tuner - these pictures were taken just after I got it. He also thought the bass was broken when in fact all it needed was a new pre-amp battery.[/quote] wish I could get a bass under that pretext to find it just needed a battery!
  6. ah memories!
  7. but its only got 4 strings ste?!?
  8. welcome!
  9. well guarantees GENERALLY last for a year and I personally have never known a bass that is working fine when I receive it to stop working within a year. On the forum everyone is very friendly too so I'd have thought that if you got it secondhand and it was knackered you could give it back. The best indicator of this is how many basses are still knocking around from the 70s/80s - they're designed to last for years really so a one year guarantee will cover a miniscule proportion of their total lifetime- their isn't a lot of electronics on a bass to go wrong compared to (e.g.) a car or an electrical appliance like a microwave!
  10. I personally wouldn't endorse a string company if I'm happy with what I've got for the sheer fact strings are the least of your monetary worries bass-wise (at least that's true with me, i buy a new pack every 4 or 5 months!)
  11. hope everything heals up nicely, glad to hear it went well!
  12. as for combos there arent that many banging aroung the forum at the minute, it depends on what you want to use it for. Budget bassist's mate's crate amp ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39888"]link[/url]) is a good deal for a LOUD practise amp verging on small gigs though i can't personally attest for the quality as I haven't used them myself (thought anyone?). Can probably haggle down to £120 or something similar as it looks like the guy selling it wants to get rid. Can Budget Bassist shed any light at all?
  13. gorgeous, absolutely beautiful
  14. if you are really set on buying new then by all means go for it, its definitely your own choice- also its good for guarantees etc. Anyhoo, I'd say that the rockbass if definitely a good buy, its a nice midrange bass, worth a sling I'd say! All this is bringing back memories of trying to find a left handed 5 string a few years ago and being told they were virtually impossible to come by. Thank god for this forum, its been great for my rig, although not so good for my bank balance
  15. think its a week on sunday if i recall correctly!
  16. lovely bass, I've got mini-gas for a lefty version but i don't think they exist in such gorgeous colours!
  17. i agree with joe, if you don't look at second hand then you'll really lose out. The first two basses i got were new and the minute I went into the second hand market with my third bass was when i met the truely great basses of my playing time. As for the two basses you've pointed out, I'd personally say the ibanez, as its a good bass within its own right as opposed to a bass made specifically to be second best to a good one. As for amps, avoid behringer, out of personaly choice (depending on price range) try and find an ashdown electric blue 15-180 or something of similar quality, check out some of our for sale sections!
  18. well I'm originally from leeds and to be honest I find it tough to find any lefty basses that aren't starter ones (apart from the Wal in manchester musicground ) What I do its I follow reviews and go out on a limb for the most part, by buying secondhand I can be assured of getting what I paid for it (or just under) if I don't like it. When I do go into music shops I tend to just play right handed basses upside down. I sound terrible (same when I'm playing a right handed bass upside down ) but you get an idea of its playability neck-wise and you can find tone samples by listening to other people. By doing ALL that you can get a good idea if its a bass you want or not! Not easy being lefty eh?
  19. [quote name='RayFW' post='395413' date='Jan 30 2009, 02:16 PM']I love the idea of one of these: [url="http://www.littleguitarworks.com/torzal/"]http://www.littleguitarworks.com/torzal/[/url] Couldn't justify the expense though (approx $3000)[/quote] I have an idea of making an ultra ergonomic bass which consists of that plus fanned frets, just to f*** over the heads of people watching me
  20. had a rockbass streamer in the early days of my playing, pretty nice bass to be honest, but its playability was knocked outta the park when i moved up to an actual warwick. On the other hand the ibby is a great bass in its own right, although I personally found the neck to be a bit too narrow for my liking at the nut. That's personal preference of course though. Like everyone else has said though, no substitute for trying them out first hand!
  21. Easy deal through post, couldn't ask for a better trade, thanks man!
  22. graffiti not my fault, however was highly amusing! thanks guys!
  23. bought what was quite possibly the worst condition bass I've ever seen from me AND WAS HAPPY WITH IT! Can't say any better than that, top man!
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