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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. [quote name='bremen' post='382427' date='Jan 16 2009, 02:29 PM']I've had some crashes on my Ti bike that would have written off ali or steel. Not a scratch on it. No paint to get tatty, either :-)[/quote] But a scratch or two on yourself I'd guess?
  2. Prices on these basses are fantastic. Kinda happy you're not making lefties or I might have a lot less money by now!
  3. liking the innovation, beautiful bass. Is Prosebass the next Shuker or ACG? Time will tell
  4. those facial expressions are absolute genius, best build thread pics in ages Liking the sideways coils, how would that affect the tone tho?I'd imagine getting a signal from such a long length of the string would get quite a unique sound. Would there be any way to pan from one end of it to the other?
  5. still can't decide if i like greenburst, I have days of loving and hating it! Then again I'm a strange person...
  6. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='202909' date='May 20 2008, 01:59 PM']that black precision looks bass ass [/quote] +1 gorgeous!
  7. I thought I'd seen this thread before! was going to be helpful and link the other one but I doubt that would help at all...
  8. ooh thats a nice dinky rig! Nice one!
  9. anyone got a lefty version perchance?
  10. haha, he could have got away with it if it wasn't for the angle on the tuning peg!
  11. the first pic pic of the 6 string is orgasm inducing
  12. josh aims high with prices again
  13. ooh probably around £500 if its the 4 string I'd guess
  14. huzzah, thought I was going mad, I've had too many early mornings/late nights myself
  15. there are reasons why i can't drop the price much further and its been on ebay for a similar length of time, thanks for input.
  16. 2.56pm was early?! You sir sound like a student as that is generally early morning for council tax evading academics like me!
  17. [quote name='Hamster' post='384519' date='Jan 18 2009, 11:24 PM']Welcome to the forums! - I work it out at around £129.23 in today's money![/quote]
  18. josh3184

    Yamaha BB's

    haha, what a find!
  19. never really known of one in green to be honest but I'd say (at a guess) Maybe £300-350? I'm sure other people will know a bit better
  20. looks pretty nice to me. Maybe a tad pricey
  21. [quote name='steve-soar' post='384240' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:45 PM']The 'Ray is lovely, I bet you couldn't believe it, leaving the Zoot for this. Did you have to put money toward the deal?[/quote] I didn't actually- to be honest I'd value them both at about the same price but the advantage of the ray is that its only going to increase in price as time goes on- something that sits wonderfully in my money grabbing mind
  22. could do but I'm worried of it getting all clogged up to be honest, I'm usually gassing for four or five different things at any one time to be honest Tell you what, I'll add it right at the bottom but if it gets too big i might have to get rid. Sound good? Hows the $$ by the way?
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