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Posts posted by sbrag

  1. Anyone fancy one. I've never been to one but would like to. i know a couple of possible venues and happy to get involved with some of the organising. let me know if you fancy it!

  2. I've got real gas for a Peavey T40 at the moment but I've never played one. This is a hopeful request that there is a local (Bath/Bristol) bcer that has one that would let me have a try before i pull the trigger on one.

    on paper they sound like everything id like but it'd like to try one first. If you can help out drop me a pm.

    Thanks in advance

  3. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1426852942' post='2722703']
    To be honest, I think at the moment a lot of the starter kit has got so much better from when I started playing guitar.

    I'd avoid Encore though.
    I got an encore p bass in a job lot of stuff I bought a while ago and was surprised by it. it was very playable and had a decent tone For a cheap bass. I sold it on for £50 cos i didn't need it but it was a perfectly good for a stater and I was tempted to keep it as a back up.

  4. with a view to reducing the amount of stuff I have, I'm thinking of selling my practice amp and using an old peavey active stage monitor (which will do its proper job as a monitor at gigs) for occasional lower volume practice. other than it not being the greatest tone is there any reason not to do this ie will it knacker the monitor? cheers

  5. I saw this on Facebook today.
    I have no problem with the result as I wanted to be Steve Harris 25 years ago when I got my first bass. What surprises me though is that this list could have been published in the early 90s when I was a regular reader. The only exceptions being paul gray and jaco (not metal enough) wouldn't have got a mention back then. Have no noteworthy rock/metal bass players come though or is it always the legends that will top these lists?

  6. This thread has spawned a couple of gigs between The Angry Badgers and Black Dog Company. If you are in the Bristol or Bath area please come and see us at the Louisiana this Sunday 1st Feb or St James Wine Vaults 14th March. You've liked the fb pages now come and see the bands!

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