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Posts posted by sbrag

  1. Hi. Thanks for all the advice. Its an original fretless Mexican jazz not a defret but it is lined so hoping this will make doing the intonation a bit easier. I'll have a look at the neck relief but always feel more nervous tweaking a trust rod!

  2. Hi. Ive just got my first fretless which is a nice sunburst mim jazz. Only thing is the action is a little high for my taste especially higher up the neck. Im ok at tweaking action and intonation but just wondered if there is anything extra to be careful about with a fretless or is it easier as you dont have to worry about fret buzz? Cheers

  3. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1364249946' post='2023968']
    I have a Toby Pro 4.

    Plays really well and feels great. Nice through neck construction. As said above it could do with better active electronics. Bass frequencies are big and deep but the highs are a bit thin and clanky.

    Often on the bay at around £250 ish.

    If you fancy a drive over to Cardiff you are welcome to give mine a try
    Thanks. Won't be getting across the bridge any time soon but thanks for the offer.
    I think Im going to sit tight and find a tobias that I cam either play first or is a bargin. Cheers for all the advice much appreciated.

  4. Or my final option, which I shouldn't discount, is to ignore the coincidental sentimentality of choosing a name of a Bass maker and just buy a few quality basses for him and his sisters while they grow up and let them have a pick when they are old enough! It'll give me the excuse to a get an old Gibson or Guild that I currently have GAS for!

  5. Hi. Thanks for the comments. I just wish I lived nearer bass direct to try some mtds as they look bloody good basses. However as my boy is called tobias it seems more fitting to try and find abass of the same name.
    Options at the moment seem to be a couple of Toby pros at £3to 400 , a jap built 5 string on here that looks lovely but is a bit out of my price range, the mtds at bass direct or to wait and see if anything more local comes up that I can try first.

  6. I'm considering getting a Tobias as we've just had a son and that is now his name so it seems fitting to think about a bass with his name on for whe he is old enough. Only trouble is ive never played one so could do with some advice.
    Toby pros or mtd kingstons are more my price range but ive read that post gibson tobias' aren't propper ones so is it worth selling a kidney for a pre gibson one, or are the toby pro basses as good as they look? Thanks for any help.

  7. How big a job is a recap? The head was a cheapish ebay purchase a while back but I love the sound despite the head weighing a ton and being as big as a 2x10. I'm in 2 minds whether to get it fixed or flog it for spares/repair.

  8. Might just be a bust solder joint but it is old but not valve. Its peavey musician head from 70s which cuts out after being played for a few minutes. I'm hoping it just needs a clean and a dab of solder. Heron isn't too far from me may try to drop it in to Justin. Thanks

  9. Can anyone recommend a good amp repairer in bristol. I understand jessie james is the man but apparently he has not been well. The 2 nearest me are either heron music or amp loft. But am aware of steve at pmt, treblerock, and electrofix. Has anyone had any experience with any of these or could recpmmend anyone else. Cheers

  10. http://www.bellcommunity.org.uk/

    Campaign to save one of the best music pubs in the south west becoming another of baths gastro pubs. Im sure people on here must have played there. Used to be a local of mine when i lived in bath.

  11. All that's been considered because my cousin grew up with the initials a r s! Surname is bragg so no suggestion of billy please! Thing is I've never played a tobias or an mtd it just seemed like a good excuse for a new bass(it'll be his to grow into)! Are the cheaper tobias' or mtd kingstons any good?

  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1362742238' post='2004043']
    Hehe, I like your thinking! Tobias is a cool name too.

    Skol Jnr is called Max... so that's his volume setting sorted out already ;)

    Wishing you all the best with the new arrival.
    Does it go to 11?

  13. Ive got a baby due any day and one of the names on our shortlist is tobias. If this is the name we go for, does that mean that i have to buy a bass of the same name. If that is the case how can i convince my wife that Wal would be a good middle name?

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