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Everything posted by ChrisF

  1. [quote name='PaulKing' timestamp='1378973091' post='2207108'] I think there some overly cautious / scary replies here. I don't think your bridge is knackered, although it migh t be a bit below par .... Ranking it alongside hundreds of other bridges being happily played up and down the country. Sounds like your post is quite a tight fit, which is pretty common too. Not a problem for you, tho it might bother a concert bassist, and might just choke your sound a tiddly bit acoustically. But you are playing thru a pick up so don't worry about it. Plus, you don't need to worry about it falling when you fiddle with bridge and strings - just make sure your bass stays lying flat while you 'operate'. Here's what might be contributing to your trouble: Bridge feet maybe not finely fitted to begin with. Quite likely, if bought new from eBay or wherever. Solution - read up on fitting bridges, rub down the feet using a bit of fine sandpaper taped to the surface of the bass to get a good fit (it's a cheat, but works well enough for a bass like this - its how I do it). Hard thing is getting angle right, so bridge fits perfectly vertical. Alternative, send to luthier and get it done for £30, though they will probably advise a new bridge cos they'd rather see a good quality one on thee. Bridge is not wrong way round - curve on top edge follows fingerboard. Bridge taper (thickness) isn't ideally shaped at top - should be flat on underside, curving slightly on top surface, like what KOHL said. But that's not a biggie. String notches may be 'catching' strings, so as you tune up the strings constantly pull the bridge upwards. Very likely, ESP with Silverslaps strings with that half-round wound surface. Solution - as described, one at a time slacken off the strings, pop out of notch, use fine round file to smooth out notches at entry and exit point - delicate touch here. Then scrape some soft pencil into the notch before replacing string. Best to slacken off all strings at the end, tighten to point they hold bridge in place firmly, then stand bass up. Now start to tune up, but regularly push down on the top edge of the bridge to make sure it stays at 90deg to surface of bass. You might even hear the rough surface of the strings 'clicking' over the notches a bit, but hopefully not if the notches are really smooth. Ideally the strings should glide thru the notches with no resistance. Break angle over bridge too steep. Well, there's a lot written about this. It may exacerbate the problem here, but there's not much you can do about it, it's part of the basses anatomy. Expensive block extensions would reduce the angle (and apparently tension at same time), but I don't think this is really the issue here, looks pretty normal to me, within normal range. Bridge may be flexing at the adjusters. Possible, though doesn't look like it in pics, and yours is adjusted right down, so shouldn't be a problem. but if they're poorly fitted, there may be too much play in the bridge, causing it to lean. Take out the bridge, see wherher the feet wobble noticeably. If so ... Get a new bridge. Bridge may be warped. Possible, but again doesn't look much like it, not enough to be a problem. You can steam the bridge ( in a normal veg steamer) for 20 mins, then put a big flat book on it and as much weight as you can to press it flat, then leave to dry and cool overnight. But I don't think that'd achieve much here. Overall, while there may be some imperfectns, minor quality issues, there's nothing I can see here that isn't pretty typical, and there are plenty of basses with FAR worse problems that play perfectly happily for years, so I'm sure yours can be sorted pretty easily. Start by sorting the notches and keeping bridge at 90 as you tune. Over and out [/quote] Quite possibly the most intelligent and concise reply Ive read to anything.....ever
  2. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378910912' post='2206396'] ...brilliant Sarah ! [/quote] +1
  3. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378899283' post='2206183'] How on earth did you manage to implant that idea into her head? Some sort of subliminal message, I'm sure [/quote] What with being unemployed and my osteo-arthritis getting steadily worse..... she knows its the only thing keeping me sane-ish so.. have you got the UB bug yet ?? ....once it bites there is no going back
  4. This is where I keep mine.... right next to the wife's dressing table in the bedroom.....it was her idea honest [URL=http://s1120.photobucket.com/user/Chris_Finn/media/bassstand.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l491/Chris_Finn/bassstand.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is how its held up for now..... once I get round to decorating the bedroom I will make one out of something that looks better.... but it does the job perfectly. [URL=http://s1120.photobucket.com/user/Chris_Finn/media/bassstand1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l491/Chris_Finn/bassstand1.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378828966' post='2205237'] .... and must start thinking of reasonably priced pickups too I've seen some dual pickups on ebay which consist of a bridge pickup and a slap pickup, fitted behind the fingerboard... Marc [/quote] Ive got one of those pickups.... and to be honest Im not all that happy with it. Its ok, but for me the slap tends to over shadow the note far too much. Im currently experimenting with putting pieces of rubber under the fingerboard pickup to deaden it a bit......which seems to have worked to a point. But the good thing is they are fairly cheap...so quite good to experiment with as a first pickup.
  6. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1378322386' post='2198685'] But I'm actually getting too excited about buying a DB now! I'm dreaming about owning one I haven't been this excited in ages.... .... what's wrong with me? Marc [/quote] Just wait until you get one.. its [i]the[/i] best instrument ever. Haven't even touched my bass guitar since getting my upright.
  7. +1 for Thomann. Got one from the cheaper end of their range... and I love it. Although be prepared to change the strings as soon as you get it. The strings on the lower budget basses are rubbish. I suppose it depends what sort of music you are going to play too. My bass is fine for rockabilly/bluesy style music, but might not give a good tone for bowing (although why any sane person would want to do that is beyond me )
  8. Won a Peavey micro bass 50w amp the other day... £18. Picked it up today... blimey its loud. Only about a foot tall, but perfect for home practice. Ive already used it to set up my Pro Plat...and the bass is sounding much better.
  9. Looks like this is sorted now... cheers all for looking
  10. Looks like this is sorted now..... cheers for looking
  11. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1377688789' post='2190316'] I think you should give it at go Chris,there's nowt like jumping in the deep end [/quote] lol...... I would really love to. Im a massive fan .. but they are all such fantastic musicians and Ive only been at this for just over a year. I'm ok playing with my band as the others are all newish to playing rockabilly. They need someone with far more musical ability than I have at the moment.
  12. Hi all, Ive put an ad in the musicians wanted bit, but thought I would put a thread in here as its upright bass specific. A friend of mine has asked me if I can help him find a stand in bass player for his band. Their current bassist plays in dozens of other bands, so he isn't always available for gigs etc ( yes, I would love to do it myself....... no, Im nowhere near good enough unfortunately ) They play rockabilly ... well here's their website... [url="http://larsyoung1979.wix.com/theboomboomboomsuk"]http://larsyoung1979...boomboomboomsuk[/url] .. and they also have quite a lot of stuff on youtube too.... so check them out. They gig a heck of a lot.....mainly in the South East of England area. if anyone is interested let me know and I will pass on your contact details cheers............ Chris
  13. A friend of mine has asked me if I can help him find a stand in bass player for his band. The band is The Boom Boom Booms...their website is.... . [url="http://larsyoung1979.wix.com/theboomboomboomsuk"]http://larsyoung1979...boomboomboomsuk[/url] They really are a fantastic band, with their first album already under their belt. ( I wish that I was good enough to play with them.... but Im not.. maybe in 15 or 20 years time.) They gig all the time and are just putting material together for their follow up album. They are based mainly around the London/South East England area. Their current bassist plays with several other bands too..... so he isn't always available for gigs. if anyone is interested let me know and I will pass on your contact details
  14. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1376868630' post='2180282'] You want a tattoo of my wife on your forearm? [/quote] erm.... I dunno....does she look anything like the model in the picture ??
  15. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1376866458' post='2180261'] Does this count as porn? [attachment=141820:porn.jpg] [/quote] That is my next tattoo.. left forearm..... been saving up for bloomin ages
  16. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1376161805' post='2170448'] I have no association to the sellers of these but saw them on "the other site " and thought they looked quite cool if you're in the right sort of band. I want the flame ones but using small LCD screens so the flames actually flicker . [url="http://www.gfx-solutions.com/f_hole_bass_covers"]http://www.gfx-solut...ole_bass_covers[/url] [/quote] oh man they are nice ....that's given me a few ideas...and they don't [i]have[/i] to be F hole shape do they
  17. Looking good so far
  18. How close to the amp are you ?? Just wondering, as due to the shape of our rehearsal room I have to stand about 8 or 10 feet from my amp. I use a cheap ( 30 quid-ish) pick up into a Pro Plat pre amp. I have to play very, very loudly to compete with our drummer and lead guitarist...and I never have any feedback issues.
  19. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1374843628' post='2153966'] well, as long as you're having fun!! [/quote]
  20. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1374794913' post='2153473'] Ooh, just noticed, you're already on there! [/quote] oops ...sorry Daf ... its the morphine...honest
  21. Still looking for those "perfect" strings..... so can I give these a go please Daf ??
  22. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1374588939' post='2150552'] i think my performance may have been compromised by excessive hayfever medication swilled down with excessive alcohol���������� [/quote] lol ..... and to think I missed it..... ah well there's always next year
  23. Hope you had a good one, onehandloose. I didnt make it to Saturday evening as it seems that putting up tents and sleeping on air-beds is a really, really dumb idea 3 months after getting a new hip Next year im taking a caravan
  24. [quote name='timbass' timestamp='1374170523' post='2146123'] Two kinds of music, Good and Bad. Musical apartheid not a good idea. Mix it up baby. [/quote] lol ...... now your opening up a whole new can of worms. especially as you interests includes "tuning up for half an hour and pretending its a tune"...oops I mean jazz
  25. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1374009325' post='2144281'] it gave a nice gutty thump with the Rockabilly strings and Jtone so I was happy. I'll give wood a go just to see, it's good to experiment . [/quote] Indeed it is good to experiment...... I think I will give the rubber a go. I would quite like a gutty thump.
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