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Everything posted by ChrisF

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1373925564' post='2143364'] Hitman for the Dunstable WRVS? [/quote]
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1 373892913' post='2142702'] I stopped picking on you as soon as I spotted 'Weight training' and 'Martial arts' amongst your interests... [/quote] lol....well... it sounds better than flower arranging and knitting
  3. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1373809420' post='2141809'] so it shouldn't make any difference which side the cardboard is, try rubber like a piece of bicycle inner tube as a shim, I found it to give a better sound on other peizos I've fiddled with. [/quote] I got a block of wood and shaved off some slivers, and used that as a shim. Wouldn't rubber deaden the sound ?? ....or am I missing something ???
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1373349266' post='2136407'] I think they're a better sounding pizz string than a slap string. [/quote] Yup..... very true. They pizz very well indeed, but Im having a hard time of it now that Im slapping much more.
  5. Blimey... you must be the only DB player that actually wants to make it quieter. I assume you don't have to play with a drummer that thinks he is Animal from the Muppets
  6. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1373542252' post='2138789'] you can buy me a beer anytime .. [/quote]
  7. Found you guys on youtube...... love it
  8. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1373489707' post='2138305'] yep. 8pm on sat night Tex speed combo , and you?? [/quote] Im just a member of the audience. We are going up Thursday I think. It would be good to put a face to the name...and have a beer or two as well
  9. Just wondered if anyone else on Basschat is going to The Shakedown rock n roll weekend.. either as a punter like me, or as the member of a band. Be good to meet up with other BCers for a beer ..... and to pick your brains (read that as beg for a lesson or two )
  10. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1373472386' post='2138050'] But I am, dear, I am. As anyone who's met me will testify. Funny though, the phone still rings and I had five gigs last Fri/Sat/Sun so I must be doing something right. [i]Help the Aged[/i] [/quote] lol.....
  11. [quote name='MandShef' timestamp='1373467353' post='2137961'] I'm a late voter, but I'd go with the no split vote as well. I go on Talk Bass occasionally, but there's so many sections that I just tend to skim read topic headings and then head direct to 'orchestral techniques' just 'cos that's the style I play. I no doubt miss out on a whole wealth of information by doing that. I feel I learn far more from this forum precisely because there is such a mix of styles and playing techniques discussed on here. [/quote] Very well put. And I agree totally. So can you all stop picking on me now.
  12. Blimey bassace.... I thought I was old, but you must an antique
  13. [quote name='cattytown' timestamp='1373438656' post='2137501'] For me Bill Haley is the definitive rock n roll sound. People like Big Joe Turner I class as R&B, Sonny Burgess/Billy Lee Riley are rockabilly. Paul. [/quote] Yup ....cant disagree with that. Im a rockabilly, but there is a lot of rock n roll that I like too. And Im embarrassed to say that I only discovered people like Big Joe Turner and Bull Moose Jackson fairly recently
  14. I never wanted a split. I just thought that if someone asked a question specific to a style of music/playing then it would be easier if it was in a section marked with the style. Although, as Owencf suggested, maybe if we used the tagging facility it would make things easier....erm... not that I do at the moment
  15. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1373177543' post='2134316'] Hiyo ni msaada mkubwa! [/quote] Is that Martian ?
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373151186' post='2134250'] I have about a years worth of listening already, but I like it, next thing the Spiros will be coming off for a set of weedwackers [/quote] Good man
  17. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1373132615' post='2134061'] . I'm trying to learn how to sustain tied semibreves. [/quote] We are definitely gonna need separate sections if you insist on writing in Swahili
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373132794' post='2134066'] I still like Bill though [/quote] To be fair...if you like him then that's cool. My mum was a massive Elvis fan and my dad was a huge Haley fan.... me and my dad didn't really get on...which is probably why Im an Elvis fan and cant stand Haley. A psychiatrist would have a field day in my head lol
  19. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1373135128' post='2134091'] You can tell if Rockabilly is for you by listening to the Johnny Burnette Trio. If you dig it then your a Cat, if you dont ,your a square , ( you gotta learn the lingo as well as the notes) [/quote] Spot on
  20. [b]Bloodaxe[/b].... Your thinking of Elvis... he brought the music into the mainstream. And a contest between Litte Richard and haley is a hands down win for Little Richard every time [b]BurritoBass [/b]....Ive been listening to Rockabilly for 35 years... and I still love it. We haven't even mentioned the 70s/80s bands. Or the more recent ones...of which, by far my favourite are The Boom Boom Booms.
  21. 196 views.. but only 12 votes... ah apathy, its a British tradition would a separate technique section work ?? "QUESTION: Im having trouble with the triple slap..any ideas?" "ANSWER(S): Have you tried sitting down and using a bow?" or "your bass didn't cost 30 grand so its only firewood anyway" see what I mean
  22. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1373102712' post='2133688'] Eddie Cochran? Buddy Holly? Barbara Pittman? Billy Lee Riley? Little Richard? Wanda Jackson? Gene Vincent? Janis Martin? Bob Luman? Jack Scott? Carl Mann? Johnny Burnette? Larry Williams? Jumpin' Gene Simmons? Ray Smith?.... I'm pretty sure there is loads of great stuff as well as Bill Haley and I didn't even have to mention Elvis! [/quote] Plus....Sonny Burgess, Eddie Bond, Jack Earls, Mac Curtis, Johnny Carroll, Charlie Feathers, Billy Lee Riley..... ah there are thousands. And they are all way better than bill haley ....but then who isn't !?!?! You may have noticed that Im not a fan ..to me, he is very much the "safe-commercial-watered down face" of the music, and there is a huge wealth of artists that are much, much better.
  23. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1373020674' post='2132825'] To be honest, I'd much rather two separate DB sections - one for talk of instruments/equipment, and one for talk of technique/playing. EDIT - I know there's a general technique/theory part of the forum as a whole, but 95% of it is irrelevant to playing upright - I'm not looking for conversations about tabs. [/quote] I like that idea..... it would get my vote
  24. Ive been bouncing around the internet looking at other bass sites (well I dont have a lot else to do at the moment ) And I noticed that one of them had seperate sections for different types of player/music. EG: Jazz, Classical, Rockabilly/Psycho etc. I thought that this was quite a good idea as some questions we may have are specific to the type of music we play. What do you guys think ?? Ive put a poll on because...well Ive just worked out that I can But obviously the ultimate outcome is down to the people who run this site. As I don't how easy/difficult it would be to add music sections.
  25. The Ultras have been posted to ubassman today.
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