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Everything posted by Antiloco

  1. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1360221318' post='1966787'] Just can't give it a rest can you! By the way, on your Yamaha for sale, you state it is the best bass on here. I asked you why. You ignored my question. So one can only assume it is another piece of your arrogant, "I am right, you are mainly inferior to me" attitude. [/quote] Please take your hatred somewhere else, we're trying to have a conversation here.
  2. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360219994' post='1966777'] You're a gem, aren't you! Bobbass4k is of course bang on the money here, this kind of dynamic cannot go on forever and if you're unable to describe Coltrane as 'entertaining' it's most likely because you're being obtuse for the sake of it. Let previous arguments go and enjoy the music, it's far easier than trying to make some kind of protracted two-day long point about why we should or shouldn't be entertained by the music we love. Coltrane's a master. [/quote] Clowns entertain me. Pole dancers entertain some. Even magicians are supposed to entertain people. Coltrane impresses me. You need to learn the real meaning of words...entertainment is shallow and fugitive, to me entertainment has to do with having fun. It has to do with putting up a show. It's doesn't amaze for what it is, it wants to amaze because its interested in something the audience has to give. Entertainment doesn't give love freely, it's conditional. Am I really that wrong?
  3. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360194694' post='1966700'] I was thoroughly entertained. [/quote] That's a pretty shallow statement but hey, whatever makes you happy.
  4. Doddy: I rest my case. The op wanted an easy, practical explanation over what could be played over one chord. I think I was clear enough on my first post.
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1360192697' post='1966662'] It is. But why is it? [/quote] Because he isn't lying, because he, in an honest way developed an own voice to sing to whoever with the capability to appreciate it. In his own words primarily to God. I feel that greatness and feel amazement. Not entertainment. Admiration.
  6. Amazing
  7. Bump for this excellent bass, now it's for sale in Sweden too, no trades.
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1360188240' post='1966545'] The way I read Antiloco's original reply, he was giving advice about playing modes over just one chord (the C Maj), rather than talking about playing the C Maj-based modes over all of the chords in the song. Is this right Antiloco? If so, I think you and Doddy talking about different things (Antiloco talking about playing modes over a single chord, and Doddy talking about playing over the various chords in the song) and are both right :-) [/quote] Thats right mate all I am saying is that all the possible choices over one chord are going to have something in common: They are the same notes whatever the name of the scale or arpeggio you use. It's just a question of emphasis. Jus read my first post. I think it's clear enough.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1360182966' post='1966412'] You've got to be very careful about moving into modal territory though. As Bilbo and myself mentioned,often the harmony isn't diatonic to the key-Blues being a simple example.In these case keeping to the major modes of the home key is not particularly going to work. A lot of songs aren't really suited to modal playing,so just because a piece is in whatever key, doesn't mean that the notes of that scale will work. That's why working on chord tones will be a big advantage and,in many cases,will work better than scalar playing. [/quote] Well it works for Holdsworth, it works for Henderson, it works for Corea and it certainly works for me. You obviously have to listen when you improvise and play over chords. Scales are just note pools, big families to chose notes (members) from. You have to study a lot to know what members will sound best under what circumstances. We dont play theory, we play music. (I know I try). [size=4]The less rules the better. Of course playing chord tones will be safe but is music really about being safe? Hmmmm....[/size]
  10. Hi there mate. Thats not a stupid question at all. I will try to put it as simple as possible because I remember having the same confusion. The scales to use over C major will mostly be scales with notes common to that totality. Any scale with the same notes as a C major (Ionian) will be usable as long as you're not looking for more tension in which case lots of other scales may be used. The more notes you have that doesn't belong to C Ionian the more tense its going to sound. Example: Over C Ionian you could use d Dorian because they are the same notes. You could also use A minor pentatonic or the arpeggio of say F major 7... Just because they all have the same notes as in C Ionian. In the end is just a matter if emphasis. It won't sound the same when you play say B locrian over C major. Not because the notes are different but because your thinking will be different. Please ask away, there's nothing wrong in seeking help. Getting stuck in your development is much worse.
  11. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1360105659' post='1965049'] I think its just the time of year. Post Christmas credit card bill blues sort of thing. Nothing much is moving on here at the mo' [/quote] You're totally right
  12. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1360110280' post='1965132'] Why should anyone respect your views when you've repeatedly called many of the players on this site "clowns" and even "whores"? You don't seem to have any respect for us, why should we give it to you? [/quote] I hope you are joking. When have I said that any member is that? Are you sick?
  13. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360109729' post='1965123'] Oh, I think it's perfectly understandable to dislike something without being jealous of it. And thinking that all criticism is just jealously is nuts. BUT...there are people will love to hate and give them the opportunity to do it behind a computer screen without consequence and they'll take it. And sometimes, the better the poster is than them, the bigger they feel by attacking it. Again, not always -- but sometimes. At any rate, I was clear that wasn't the case here. No one was bashing the OP. There were a few comments regarding the music choice and that got him in a snit. [/quote] Stop it right here and this may well be the last time I post outside the sell buy section. I had NEVER any problem with people not liking what I do. The problem began when people refused to respect my view of art not being entertainment. If you failed to notice that, well that says a lot about your reading comprehension and about your participation in his thread. I totally respect people not liking this kind of music but trying to put skill down by talking about feeling and playing garage style bass is quite offensive in my world.
  14. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360108255' post='1965103'] Looking forward to seeing to hamming it up on the Southbank Show sometime, Melvyn Bragg will be quaking in his boots trying to comprehend your mind of sheer musical genius. Hopefully us poor sods might learn a thing or two! [/quote] And you are?
  15. I asked for this thread o be deleted. I really don't feel like sharing anything with you right now, not after being criticized by people like uncle psychosis and after hearing his band. It gives quite a good picture of the kind of people who likes talking about art as entertainment. Cheers.
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1360105846' post='1965055'] I think its very sad that you think there needs to be a distinction. [/quote] I think it's very sad you're posting here just out of resentment from other threads with nothing constructive to say.
  17. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360105271' post='1965039'] Great playing and that, not my thing at all but I can appreciate that real thought has gone into it and I can definitely appreciate it. Unfortunately I find your ideas concerning what constitutes entertainment and music to be fairly naive, and actually that would be putting it politely, misguided might be a little closer to what I really think. Furthermore you're devaluing the idea that entertainment can be art (which of course it can) and by extension probably alienating yourself from more than a few people on this forum who will pride themselves on being able to entertain whilst maintaining artistic integrity, myself included. You seem to be unable to accept the criticism being offered to you by numerous people. Whilst you might find this kind of criticism irritating, your replies have read as condescending and pretty arrogant. As a musician that chooses to post his music up onto a forum like this, it's perhaps worth learning the humbling lesson that your ego has to be prepared to take a few knocks here and there, regardless of how ignorant or misinformed you suppose said critics to be. You put the video into the public domain, so however unpalatable it may be for you, you will have to accept that people will want to have their say. [/quote] Thanks.
  18. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360103979' post='1965009'] I sense resentment. Be humble. Everyone can use luck. Lots of people work hard and lots of people are talented failures. It's almost as if you're using music as a weapon as opposed to a universal language. [/quote] Well I sense some resentment from some people commenting here too, as if there was something wrong in thinking of music as something deep, beautiful and serious. Don't get stuck in definitions. Music can be whatever you like it to be a weapon, a money-maker and even an art form. It's hard to keep a rigid structure of concepts when everyone thinks they're right about everything and nobody has anything left to learn. So I will play my song while you play yours. Hopefully we'll both achieve fulfillment in what we do. Just don't force me to play your tune.
  19. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1360103812' post='1965007'] And if you are not an entertainer, why did you record/film a piece, post it on Youtube and then post it on here for lots of bass players to watch? If you are not trying to entertain us what are you trying to do? [/quote] I'm not trying to entertain anyone, I'm just showing a pair of basslines and musical pieces I made when I was younger. If it happens to entertain you, well, good for you but don't be bothered if it doesn't because it was never meant to. There's quite a difference between music made for the sake of creation and the one made for entertainment. Don't be mad if not everyone is looking for money or approval. Some of us frankly don't care about money, fame or status and don't use this abstract art form to satisfy our decadent needs. Respect that please. "Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence"- Wikipedia.
  20. [quote name='Ghost Rider' timestamp='1360101007' post='1964948'] Only joking about the wallpaper! I've only seen Dream Theater once & they were great,going back a few years now though. Rush IMO are the Mutts Nuts, Geddy Lee's playing is Great. I know he won't float everyone's boat but hey,that's life... Cheers, Anth. [/quote] We agree on that Ghost Rider! Geddy is probably one of my biggest influences ever. His line on Hemispheres changed my life.
  21. Gustoo and Grangur, thanks for the nice comments. Ghost Rider no...not everything is Ikea over here! yes we were very into DT at that time during the images and words, awake era, they were actually much better I think, but I can't stand it anymore. This tune belongs to the keyboardist mostly: Here is one of mine with another band that I had after that. This newer band was called Mahesh: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQVG2p6JPPQ[/media]
  22. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360099394' post='1964911'] You got a lot to learn bro. Good luck. [/quote] It's not a matter of luck "Bro". Luck is for amateurs and entertainers. The rest of us work.
  23. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1360097050' post='1964867'] Excellent playing - very impressive. My problem is I'm old school and 4 strings are enough on basses, Geddy seems to manage with 4 on the very technical Rush stuff. My question would be that, probably any really good guitarist could possibly pick up a 6 string bass and play the runs you are doing. [/quote] Geddy is great, I love that guy! But you cant do this on a four stringed and its not about skills, its about register, thats all the six stringed bass is about. I normally play four strings anyway because I feel I haven't mastered four strings. The argument you had about the guitarist playing bass...isn't that valid for any bass? I mean a good guitarist could surely play runs on a bass with whatever amount of strings. The bass guitar is a guitar after all. So why not? Luckily for all of us music is so much more than runs. Thanks for the comment!
  24. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1360088432' post='1964694'] Serious prey attracts serious predators. Serious predators are big and slow moving. They will have caught the scent. But they may take some time to rotate their enormous bodies in preparation for the attack charge. [/quote] Haha! You made my day.
  25. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360086739' post='1964661'] You couldn't be more wrong. And that mistake will hinder your musicianship. Art most certainly entertains. Bach's music was written as entertainment and has continued to do so for centuries. Michaelangelo, Miles, Picasso, -- all hugely popular. You'd call them clowns and whores? Art is self growth? I can experience self growth by trying to do as many pushups as possible, but I wouldn't call that art. You also contradicted yourself when you said art is communication. It isn't communication if no one is listening. [/quote] Well I don't know if you're a talker or a player because I haven't heard you play so I really can't take your opinion too seriously. And I will ask nicely to respect my standpoint about art. All those guys you named have amazed their audiences with their skill. Amazement is not entertainment they are not synonyms. And finally there's no contradiction in my view because as you could read: communication begins with yourself. You don't have a clue about how far I've come or how frustrated I am with my musicianship so don't even try to know what pushes me forward or stops me. That's far to arrogant for someone who: 1) just heard something I did when I was 19. 2) hasn't showed his own skills.
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