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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1399041537' post='2440371'] Similar experience at gig in an Army Barracks on Tuesday. Very drunk girl walked into our "stage" area, and proceeded to shout in my ear mid-song to ask whether it bothered me that nobody likes us because no one was dancing. [/quote] I've come to the conclusion that mid week gigs are full of people with serious alcohol problems and no life!! I'm sticking to Fri, Sat and Sun gigs from now on!
  2. Little gig in Bridgend last night, as a favour, we treated it like a band rehearsal. Thank goodness I'm on annual leave this week as I can't gig on a school night! LOL! Very very drunk punter decided he would take it upon himself to share "all my bass playing tips from my last 30 years" I thanked him, but said no thanks "You should put some more runs in love" "um, no, I play Pink Floyd basslines authentically" "Are you a Pink Floyd band?" This was after the first set! PMSL! "Well Roger Waters is sh*t, you should play like Entwhistle" "Um, he wasn't in Pink Floyd! I play the tracks authentically" "Well all you are ever going to earn is beer money" And well I couldn't resist the next line in retaliation "well judging by how much you obviously drink I take that as a big compliment" I know, I know I shouldn't have dropped to his level!! Very busy month of gigs, festival in Gloucester on Sunday, seaside gig in a couple of weeks and then a theatre gig! We only tend to gig a month normally!!
  3. I'm sorry but no matter how good her voice, she must be taken into the street and shot!
  4. And a studio video with my fretless http://youtu.be/vFPXI_xaSWM
  5. Thanks Chris. It was a great venue and we've been working hard on our light show
  6. A few pics from our gig on Friday. [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2823-01-20_zps2db1dd97.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2822-58-33_zps67002967.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2822-49-34_zps237f8821.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2822-42-11_zpsd9b0e2ec.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2822-38-19_zps6d527640.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2822-19-15_zpsd041a8e5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2821-48-07_zpse7fd1036.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Ultimate%20Floyd/20140328_Cowbridge/2014-03-2821-28-42_zps9cc0dc13.jpg[/IMG]
  7. I'm just chilling too with a shot of Drambuie having just got in from my gig too. Function room in a gastro pub. Good turnout, not a spare seat and lots standing. The odd wobble during the set but nothing major. Landlord delighted though and upped our fee and wants us back later in the year, so a result I reckon!! He'd already thrown in free food and drink!! I'm liking this landlord We'd tried out some new lighting effects and they worked a treat! Had a load of fun
  8. [quote name='41.2Hz' timestamp='1395937727' post='2408208'] Blatant racism!! [/quote] Agreed! I didn't know whether to raise my disgust with S4C or to continue laughing! For what it's worth, I used to go through the PA but for some unknown reason we started getting dreadful feedback through the stage monitors when it was a bass drum and my bass heavy part (we have an old Peavy system with proper bass bins), so now I just crank up my rig and wear earplugs! The problem with feedback for the singers and keys is now much better. I think it's system age. And Myfanwy and Da need to wind their necks in!
  9. Had a listen and I see what you mean Nige. Can't say I like the music myself, but it would certainly challenge you with something completely different
  10. The audition sounds great Nige. I love your whole attitude over this. You'll breeze it I'm sure!
  11. Fab news But introducing your lass to the dark side is a bit drastic Hope the fun will continue to grow
  12. I honestly can't believe it! Have been a very good ex wife and have told my ex husband and he LOVES her! Haven't listened to her music since we split up 16 years ago!
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1395364428' post='2401739'] Sorry if I sound a bit overemotional saying all this Thanks again xxx [/quote] Knowing you and adoring you as I do Nige, I can say that your post is showing exactly the right level of emotion and honesty. I hope that a worthy band snaps you up and I wish Kit all the luck in the world. She is a rare talent, and it's heartbreaking that she can't take her unique style to the world!
  14. We've had some agents "sniffing" around us with us being a tribute act. And if we perform these gigs for free..... They guarantee...... Um no! If we put the leg work in ourselves on the other hand.....! Don't like agents.... Can you tell
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395347248' post='2401484'] Dave Gilmour! [/quote] Love it Variation on a theme.... Guy Pratt (who has helped me in the past) Or Pino
  16. I agree that joining a band could be the way forward! I joined a band after 2 months of playing.... I was crap, but then so was the band I joined What it did do early on was introduce me to my role, the joy of locking in with a drummer, bridging rhythm and melody. I found I progressed much quicker by playing with like minded people. I quickly outgrew that first band. I'm a distinctly average bassist today, but I do make a good band member and that is where I get my bliss (and major stresses ) as a bassist. I know I'll never be able to play slap like Mark King, fast inventive runs like Jaco or fretless tone like Pino.... But I can serve a song and have fun, so it's all good
  17. I'm another one that takes a flask of coffee I'm trying to think of unusual things and I can't. I take promotional flyers too and a spare tshirt. I always take my lucky performance hat, but I haven't worn it in this band, but it's like a good luck charm!
  18. I haven't the words! Shocked and saddened to read this Nige! Have a blast tonight xx
  19. I like it, very moody and atmospheric. Did you decide not to go for a flute then? Having playing Oboe in a previous life, I have to say I think this piece suits the dynamic of an oboe.
  20. I've been playing with my SuperTwin for a few months now, paired with a Markbass mini mark 800w. Every time I switch on is a joy! I've also got so much head room left, I'm quite sure I could do Wembley Stadium and still be heard What has been said about the "honesty" of hearing your playing is so true. My attention to detail has improved greatly since I've had it, as it's had to!!! To those who are awaiting their cabs, you are in for a treat!!
  21. Playing my Ibanez SR1000 through my boss GT10B with very slight reverb on it.
  22. Playing in the Duke of Wellington, would be great to see some basschatters.
  23. I'm in London that weekend, so I may be able to pop across (without gear though and if I can sweet talk my hubby into leaving him on our weekend away for a few hours!)
  24. If I had the cash it would have been bought, glass boxed and displayed on my bedroom wall!! Please someone buy it, in case I win the lottery and will subsequently need major negotiations with Mr Space Chick!
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