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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429014496' post='2747004'] Phwooarr!! You missed out there, then! [/quote] I had a rather terrifying woman come on to me on Sat!!!!! (First time ever for a woman at a gig, happens with men in about 50% of gigs!!), I pointed out my lovely husband and had the reply "well you don't need to bring him on a date" I was 50% flattered, 50% terrified. Although was mildly amused at the shouts of "Sexy Bass Lady" as I was loading the van.
  2. Radio 4 or 5 unless I'm worried about staying awake, in which case it's window down and singing along to something (hubby has installed a weird MP3 thing in the van, so could be Stones, or Beatles, or Queen or Crowded House, or.....!!!)
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428836217' post='2744967'] Ooh, that's tempting - I've already got the outfit. [/quote] Photos or it doesn't count
  4. I fainted at a gig once! I had a kidney infection and felt terrible and I was midway through a complex oboe passage and just keeled over!
  5. Here are some of mine (I'm an accident waiting to happen ) Last summer -outdoor festival - slipped carrying my cab off the stage as I stepped onto the grass, badly pulled a muscle in the back of my thigh and struggled to walk for days February - lost my grip when lowering a lighting rig, it fell sharply onto my elbow and I chipped the bone and damaged 4 muscle groups around the elbow and I'm still having physio 2 months on!! Yesterday - slammed a fire door shut catching my index finger on my right hand. It's was just about OK for the gig, but I did favour my middle finger in a rather Jamerson hook style for the evening!! (Today it's looking a little swollen but feels OK)
  6. I just say "Thankyou, I'm glad you've enjoyed" I'm another that doesn't take compliments too well!! You can always tell when it's a general punter or a muso punter... The muso punters always mention the fretless!
  7. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1428832503' post='2744901'] You know the rule, pictures or it never happened! [/quote] You can see a pic of me from last nights gig in my black tshirt if you like! [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1428832912' post='2744910'] This had led me to wonder how Guy Pratt's tits measured up... [/quote] This made me proper laugh!!
  8. "You sound just like Roger Waters but you have better tits" a rather drunk fellow in tonight's gig in Pontypool
  9. +1 to getting a teacher and joining a band for progression. Had lessons with a fabulous teacher and joined a band in 2 months!! Ok, I was completely rubbish and when we first met I focused entirely on root notes, but that band got me playing better faster than I ever would have done on my own!
  10. This is good advice! A simple "no thanks" is better than keeping someone hanging on. Although to my shame, I did get interested in some cabs on here about two/three years ago, told the guy I wanted them and then couldn't get the cash together meaning I'd messed him about for 2 days. I still feel guilty about that!
  11. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1427824233' post='2734747'] Agree with Mr Icastle A couple of months down the line and those tracks that seem difficult/too fast etc. will be a breeze. Rise to the challenge bass sister [/quote] +1 to this. Best thing I did was join a band that wanted to play Iron maiden previously, got me out of my comfort zone a treat! [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1427825525' post='2734774'] yeah cheat, nobody will know, there's some bass lines I cheated on for years, then learnt the 'proper' bass line eventually, did anybody notice? did they f*** [/quote] Also this!! As long as you put in any iconic runs, you can tend to get away with anything. As for you mentioning singing, do what I do, just say you can't sing!!! I know I can't sing and play bass! My voice is actually terrible though!!
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1427715108' post='2733283'] Surely no-one will object to you playing seated, given the circumstances? [/quote] This!
  13. Milty once sent me a bouquet of flowers as I'd been going through a tough time! and Chaypup sent me a t-shirt when I said how cool the design was. This place (and the people that make it what it is) rocks!!
  14. I think it's a rubbish entry and deserving of "nil points", that said, we could put in the greatest composition the world had ever heard and we still wouldn't win as the rest if Europe hate us! I suppose you can't blame them really, and we do pay a large sum every year to keep Eurovision going, hence our "buy" straight to the finals.
  15. Hope it goes well tonight x
  16. Glad it went well Discreet Your singer has a unique dress sense! You are looking marvellous stylish in the back
  17. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1424641991' post='2698729'] I took 5 years off during the birth of our child [/quote] Blinking heck.... That was a long labour
  18. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1424723045' post='2699709'] Enough change for a pint of best and a packet of pork scratchings? [/quote] Maybe a half and a bag of crisps [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1424723274' post='2699715'] Do you ever play in East Anglia? [/quote] We haven't yet
  19. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1424701547' post='2699305'] I started off playing piano - my mother was a piano teacher and she pushed me as far as grade 7. But funnily enough, I always preferred pieces with groovy left hand stuff, like Bach or Schubert Impromptus. Then I heard "Hit me with your rhythm stick", which got me into the idea of bass guitar. Then we got a school band together as a pet project for our RE teacher (me on keys) - a mate had just started playing bass in his own band and he let me have a go on the Worst Bass In The World Ever (i.e. a Hofner violin bass with rubber strings), and I was hooked. And bizarrely, my mate had borrowed That Bass from his brother - our very own Lurksalot! I'll bet he's still got it... [/quote] Brilliant story!
  20. £18!!!! You were robbed, you can see us and get change from a tenner
  21. Great to hear that there have been some brilliant gigs this weekend.
  22. Not me, but hubby went from South Wales to Australia for Crowded House "Farewell to the world" tour in 1996. He's even on the DVD extras being interviewed on Australian TV about how far he'd travelled
  23. I'm free on March 28th, I'll be there
  24. I loved Duran Duran and aged around 8 I said I was either going to marry John Taylor or learn the bass. No prizes for guessing which of those I ended up with
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