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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Lovely story I think it sounds like you've put in a decent amount of work to dep
  2. Frigging hell this is hard!!!! It's also rather obsessive, I haven't got anything else done all day!!! And I promised hubby I'd make some cheese pasties... That ain't gonna happen now! And I have freaked out two of my three cats with a sound I am sampling for my track!
  3. OK, I'm giving this a start!! Although in saying that I did that in December and never made a finished track! I have a chord sequence for the verse.... Have a concept for a middle 8.... Now need a chorus and the bravery (foolishness) to sing/talk! And then let the proper composing and programming commence!!
  4. That's looking and sounding great!! I love that you have the lasers and the circular screen with animations on!! If you don't mind me asking (as someone from a smaller scale Floyd tribute band) where did you get the animations from, and how much did it cost you to get set up with the circular screen, projection and animations? We are just looking into the lasers now! Gutted that it stopped though, as was getting all ready to hear the rest of "Shine on your Crazy Diamond"
  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1370291059' post='2098795'] HA ha. Nice one! Howl girl howl! Owwwwwhhhoooooo! [/quote] I've just finished my second (and last!) Damn you Lord Sausage. I now have a (very alcoholic) new favourite drink
  6. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1370198437' post='2097508'] Flaming Drambuie! When i did JCSS years ago thats what all the band had after every show. Lethal. Also if you bang a shot of Tia Maria in it's called a werewolf. That has some bite! [/quote] Guess what I'm drinking?!? Yeah I know it's a Monday but f*ck it! Tia Maria was on special in Tesco today, I already had a bottle of Drambuie! I feel like howling Damn it's tasty!
  7. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1370284047' post='2098643'] a 20 year old slut with no gag reflex and a daddy complex. [/quote] PMSL
  8. I may have a go.... I'm waiting for inspiration to strike.... I won't get thrown off Basschat for having a go and doing terribly will I? It's a gorgeous picture, but open to so many possibilities that my mind can't take it
  9. Wow!!! That's one impressive collection of instruments you have Welcome!
  10. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1370219482' post='2097805'] Is the new picture up yet? [/quote] Not yet!!! And it's the 3rd now! Charic, sort it out hey
  11. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1370198437' post='2097508'] Flaming Drambuie! When i did JCSS years ago thats what all the band had after every show. Lethal. Also if you bang a shot of Tia Maria in it's called a werewolf. That has some bite! [/quote] OMG I love Tia Maria too..... Is it a full moon soon?.... I feel the need for a werewolf
  12. I'm not a fan of Whisky either.... But Drambuie is a different story
  13. My brand new fretless arrived with some chips in the lacquer through the postal system.... Not the shops fault, not my fault, just bad luck! I've decided it instantly has "character" Ultimately instruments are for playing IMHO, so if they have a scuff here and there, so be it! Ultmately it's the sound that is king!
  14. No contest as far as I'm concerned..... The Ibanez every time...... There again I am a bit biased
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370122080' post='2096782'] A good suck on a tin of condensed milk and a bunk-up. [/quote] LOL, sounds perfect Condensed milk on some strong coffee is bloody gorgeous.
  16. Welcome
  17. Hello and welcome
  18. I should have never sold my Oboe when I was in Uni. I should have followed my heart and done Music A level rather than do subjects that I thought would allow me a career.
  19. Bumpage for Mr Ace!
  20. Hiya and welcome to Basschat from another South Wales bassist!! If you decide you want to go down the route of having lessons, you are very lucky in that us South Wales folk have arguably the best teacher in the universe in Cardiff (Roath). If you pop into the teaching session you'll find his post and details there, Jon Caulfield. He is AMAZING!! A few of us on here have lessons with him, and he is sh*t hot and a really nice guy. What he can't do on a bass isn't worth knowing!
  21. Just go to BBC Iplayer and it's Tuesdays episode!
  22. Glad it went well Nige
  23. Good God, my eyes can never unsee that!! Judging by those photos maybe I should consider the violin as sexy
  24. Go on post it now Charic, it's June tomorrow and I want to think
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370028957' post='2095844'] Guitars are far sexier than basses IMO. [/quote] Ah you clueless boy!
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