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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. I love a happy ending
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1368313651' post='2075687'] Yay! Great pics, Nige. Fat sweaty bass players rule! [/quote] They do indeed Fab pics Nige xx
  3. Hello and welcome
  4. A nice cup of tea would be great Welcome and well done on seeing the light and leaving those weird 6 string things!
  5. This thread is worthless without pictures
  6. Thanks guys, looks good
  7. Probably a stupid question, but I'd rather make a tit of myself here than in the music shop!! I use a Boss GT10B and need to use 2 basses (my Ibanez and my fretless). I'd like to feed both basses through the pedal. the pedal board only has one input. Can you get an adapter or something so that both signals go through the pedal board? If not, my amp allows 2 feeds, so I'd play my fretless without any effects (I only wanted to add a tiny amount of reverb so not the end of the world if I can't) but I do prefer the sound of the fretless with the effect on it. Thanks
  8. Talent is an interesting concept! I have one younger sister..... I have always been the creative one (music, acting, cooking etc) whilst she has been the intelligent thinking one. Also she has amazing talents when it comes to being a Mum, she is awesome and I don't know where she gets her patience, strength and energy from. So I look at my sister and think she is amazing and is a proper grown up.... Where as I am still an overgrown teenager mucking about!!
  9. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1368237064' post='2074860'] Glad you enjoyed yourself Debs,I hope Phil did too (ooo look at me ,sounds like I know you both ) Seriously though you both deserve some "me time" and what can be better than having a blast on the bass! Thinking of you Ray [/quote] We both had a lot of fun, Ray. You are right, just what we needed. Although I have just been woken up by the kitten and have one heck of a hangover, so have a can of Pepsi and have taken two tablets and have come back to bed warning myself of the dangers of drinking too much!!! Very very rare I get pissed nowadays!!
  10. Tonight was my penultimate gig with Not a Jukebox and the night I was formally telling the band I was leaving having joined Ultimate Floyd. Following advice, I decided to tell the band after the set.... We were doing one set, another band the second set as it was a charity gig. So, I went on stage and had a blast Really enjoyed myself, knowing this was the second to last time I would play the material. Also had hubby and 2 friends of ours supporting me. Hubby's friend (who recently bought a bass after being inspired by me!) went to the loo at one point, and apparently all you could hear on the loo was my bass and it rocked! LOL! The band were very understanding when I said I was leaving and understood why. I have one last gig with them a week Sunday and then I leave. After breaking the news I got completely bladdered whilst the other band was on.... Ray, the bassist in the other band, was sh*t hot and watching him I learned a lot OH has now put me to bed!!!!! It was sad telling the band I was leaving, yet I know I'm doing the right thing for my playing..... Even the drummer in the other band said I was making the right move!!! It means I can focus on Ultmate Floyd (follow us on twitter and Facebook see my sig ) yet enjoy my swan song in just over a week!!
  11. I have to say my very simple Ibanez SR300 is a cheap and cheerful bass..... However, it performs!! I have tried some very expensive basses, and 95% of them I find I prefer my bargain Ibanez! Equally, if I had a bass worth in the thousands, I'd be terrified to take it out of the house and gig with it!!
  12. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1368176510' post='2074017'] I would as I like the drummer but the trouble is he is best mates with the guitard and although they say the rest of us have a say, we haven't at the moment. They've picked the set list and band name without any input from me. Maybe I'll shoot off with the keyboards and singer and form a blues band :-) [/quote] The other option is still an option
  13. I feel your pain, I will always opt for a fret 5 E string A over the open string if I can help it. However, I have some songs where you really need to play open strings for the groove to work (Floyd - Wish you were here, is a classic example). The more you play open strings the easier it becomes! Good luck
  14. Bloody brilliant Dave! *starts writing jingles for south american commercials in the hope I can get a free holiday too*
  15. Hiya Robin, When it comes to kit, there is always someone on here who will have a difference of opinion!! No etiquette broken Welcome to the forum, and this particular lady certainly prefers the 4 strings
  16. I love the Latin vibe going on! Really enjoyed that
  17. I've been asked out at gigs..... Much to hubby's disgust!! I'm quite sure had I been in the same pub without a bass I wouldn't have!
  18. Hope it goes well..... Or maybe I don't.... As you are lined up to fill my shoes in my old band I don't know how I feel about it all Anyhow, whatever happens it will be an interesting experience Can't wait to hear the story once it's happened
  19. I'd have loved to have gone but sadly I have my own gig
  20. [quote name='douggie' timestamp='1367960759' post='2071750'] BTW the middle breakdown section with the harmonics is no octave but chorus and delay.... [/quote] Fab thanks, I thought that bit wasn't sounding right
  21. Blimey!!!!!!!!! I suppose that because there are SOOOOOOOOOOO many lovely bass players (many who frequent this very forum) that there needs to be one seriously evil f***er to balance things out. Hope he never gets to play a bass again and rots in prison!
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367945131' post='2071395'] I can quite understand it if you're in a tribute band or a particularly serious covers/function band. There is a certain satisfaction in nailing 'that' sound for [insert song name here], even though the band in question inevitably don't sound exactly like their recordings live - with a few notable exceptions! If we didn't have the 'anorak/geek' mindset we wouldn't be on a bass forum in the first place, would we? Would we..? [size=4] [/size] [/quote] ^ This I have recently joined a Pink Floyd tribute band..... I wanted to get my sound for Sorrow right.... I could tell there was an octave pedal and knew there was compression, but being able to get confirmation of what was used directly from the person who's sound I was trying to copy was AWESOME beyond words!
  23. Video looks like awesome fun and I love the track You should feel very very proud
  24. Great news, I'm sure you'll be fine Not bass to bass gigging, but I had a break from 1992 to 2013 where I didn't gig! A whole 21 years! OK in 1992 I was a classical oboeist and in 2013 I was a bassist, but those fears and nerves are the same regardless of instrument!! Feels great to be back performing again for me, and I'm sure it will be for you too.
  25. I would never do anything controversial to knobs! Always think it best to keep twiddling them and keep them working, and not risk breaking them!
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