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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367855498' post='2070267'] 'Using a screwdriver blade is a recipe for a dented knob....' [/quote] Ouch!
  2. Lovely to see this intro thread!! You are one top fella, and thanks to your help yesterday I am now irritating my neighbours with Octave pedals and vicious compression as I work on my Sorrow for my Pink Floyd Tribute band! Will be seeing you In the Flesh (pun intended ) as me and my bassist mate also called Deb will be popping over to Bristol in a few weeks to see your show. Looking forward to it! Thanks again for your help. Debs x
  3. There's me dressed in black.... If it wasn't for my cream bass I'd disappear all together!! This is from last nights gig!! [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/98a460929785f5769dd0b25b1cc847c8_zps04b05fdf.jpg[/IMG] Yep, I know I have zero stage presence! LOL!
  4. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1367426056' post='2065545'] I don't know, I'd like to think it's possible to look vaguely cool while looking miserable. Keep telling yourself you're simply looking "nonchalant..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjMdpetGMLw (Though I have definitely looked "bored" onstage with some other bands in the past!) [/quote] I really enjoyed that... Although you cracked more than a few smiles
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1367579784' post='2067135'] They're all mad. We're all doomed. [/quote] Ever wondered why we are all mad?
  6. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1367422980' post='2065477'] In my head, I'm grooving nicely to the music, and the epitome of cool. Whenever I see a picture of me onstage, I'm a miserable bugger :-( [/quote] ^ This! I look like a right miserable fecker on stage.... To the point I've taken to wearing a hat so it's harder to see my facial expressions
  7. At the open mike night I was at a few weeks ago, we used the house back line. I couldn't hear my bass at all, so stepped infront of the PA speakers so I could hear myself. There was this young down syndrome lad who took great exception to this and kept telling me to step back with the rest of my band. He thought I'd argued with them!! Trying to explain, whilst playing the rather complex Jack Bruce Badge bassline, that I was stood there so I could hear what I was playing and that they were all still my friends was challenging to say the least
  8. Only in Wales Bloody love her, hope she comes to one of my gigs
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367333992' post='2064355'] Ah, c'mon Debs - we can share a room to save money! You might even enjoy it! [/quote] Steps away from the thread... Very... Very... Slowly.... As so not to draw attention to herself. I am very afraid right now Although with all the polishing it'll probably be out of action by center parcs at his age
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367333579' post='2064347'] Shame. This would be a good slogan: [i]Take it up the Arse at Center Parcs![/i] [/quote] And there was me thinking that my friends that had come home with sore arses was due to cycling when they weren't used to it! Now I know the truth... *Note to self - NEVER go to center parcs*
  11. Sorry Telebass but I think you are wanting the Moon on a Stick! I know you have said its your Pie in the Sky ideal. However, whilst I can appreciate the level of detail you have put into the information, I think it would out several people off. If you want to start a successful project, I'd recommend you rein in your expectations and chat to people when they respond to a less intimadating advert. To be honest, I think your equipment demands should be secondary to your primary aim of finding like minded musicians with your commitment and playing aspirations, so I'd focus on that and worry about equipment afterwards. Good luck!
  12. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1367303430' post='2063801'] Go on, join mumsnet and post that, I dare you ;-) [/quote] Double dare you discreet.
  13. Brilliant I wonder if my DH is complaining on some bloke forum somewhere about my playing..... I doubt it I particularly loved the electric in the shed for the saxophonist, don't know why, it just amused me
  14. However, there are some songs where a well placed slide sounds AWESOME like in Pink Floyds High Hopes..... That baby, nailed on my fretless at an audition last week gained me a fabulous gig
  15. There is nothing more frustrating than being happy with your own performance, and your band mates letting you down. I think many of us have experienced that pain! Gosh, my first live performance, even though I was shaking like a leaf I still did a passable job at my bass parts, however the drummer train wrecked it! I have 3 x 1 set charity gigs coming up with that band (first one on Friday) and to say I am apprenhensive is an understatement. Still its all part of life's rich tapestry
  16. Hello and welcome If you can find a good teacher locally it will really help you! I wouldn't worry about wanting to be better, that's their job to get you started and starting lessons early will help you avoid getting into bad habits
  17. Dave, you've obviously seen the light by signing up. Welcome sensible fella
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367179982' post='2062321'] I'm glad you said that so I didn't have to... hang on... [/quote] De ja vue sweetie
  19. Sorry it didn't go well I had an audition on Friday and told them that I would be bringing recording equipment to record us BOTH.... Think that surprised them, but they thought it was a good idea. But in all honestly, scoring you on each song sat there with a pen and paper.... What a bunch of dicks!
  20. Be nice to Nige you meanies!! Although in fairness your hat and gloves suit the bass far more than one of those evil 6 stringed contraptions
  21. I have an acoustic guitar and hubby has a few electrics.... Occasionally I get the urge to give them a whirl.... I always get bored in about 5 minutes flat and realise why I'm a bassist. So I pick up my basses and have fun again
  22. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1367096469' post='2061348'] Deb :-D Having been in my Band for over 6 months with no singer, no gigs and just 2 garage practices, I think I can fit in another :-D [/quote] I reckon you may just be safe
  23. A few brief comments from me, your editing makes you jump around a bit and iron the sheet behind you Fair play though lad, good on you for taking the time to do it, I'm sure your reviews will be helpful to people
  24. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1367095637' post='2061336'] P!nk - Funhouse. Got a cover of it on youtube, and it was a challenge not to dance whilst recording it. That reminds me, i need to record some more covers. Liam [/quote] Sounds cool! Record more.. Then share them
  25. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1367095266' post='2061328'] Oops, that might not work..Mr Ace has me starting on C on the A string :-D [/quote] The start start with the run is on the C on the A string, but then the funkiness starts on the F on the E string! I always feel a bit guilty talking about our lessons with Mr Ace..... Almost feels like we are cheating on our homework
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