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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Having read the whole thread.... What this is all pointing to is Musicianship.... You can talk genres, funk, groove, rock.... But ultimately isn't it all about whether the bassist has the right level of musicianship to serve the song and serve it well. Personally I don't buy into this you can only do one thing or another.... That just means you've "pigeon-holed" yourself as a player or are too scared to step out of your comfort zone. Whilst I am in a soft rock covers band and a heavy rock covers band.... I like to play all music genres to develop me as a holistic bassist.
  2. Thanks guys, I shall continue my quest! I'm not in an immediate hurry..... I have new neighbours and they need to get used to the fact that next door comes with loud low notes
  3. Shell, reading that has made me grin Fab that you are having such an amazing time with your bands! I reckon the song appearing on radio 2 as you got in the car is an omen too 8)
  4. Didn't understand a word of that (oh google!!!) but thanks BassPimp66
  5. Now I have realised I can plug my MP3 player into my amp, and play over the top of it, I've been thinking I need to buy some headphones to plug into my amp so I can keep the noise to myself. My budget is £50 MAXIMUM, and I've heard good reports about Sennheiser, and Argos have the Sennheiser HD419 at £50 at the moment. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9071700.htm My question is, does this seem like a good buy? Over to you bass chatters
  6. Beyond anything else..... I played Iron Maiden at band practice yesterday.... So the 8th and 16th notes have bankrupted me before I've read the rest
  7. Awesome!!!! Hope Mrs Discreet adapts to the improved power That is one amazing bit of kit my lucky friend!
  8. Hey You - Pink Floyd
  9. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1365373378' post='2038828'] Er..no have neither the desire nor the self confidence to teach myself. Instant gratification, yes in the sense that from lesson one I knew this was going to be an interesing, challenging and joyful experience. [/quote] This! When I was 9 I had lessons in school in the recorder, and lessons outside school on Spanish classical guitar, at 12 I had lessons inside and out of school on the Oboe.... At 38 it was completely sensible and logical to have bass lessons!!
  10. Gentle stretches and short spells of playing...... That's what I was told when I injured the muscles in my shoulder following a bike accident. Don't know if tendons are the same. I was two weeks on "light bass duties" until I was back to normal. *Disclaimer - I work in admin in the NHS for a reason.... I ain't no doctor.... Glad you aren't gonna sue*
  11. G'day Bryce and welcome
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1365351022' post='2038359'] How is he now? [/quote] Assigning gender to a bass is an interesting concept I upgraded to an Ibanez and then sold "him" before Christmas
  13. I think £20 is about right. I think these people who "show off" about who they've played with you should be wary of.... Where's the proof? And how many times have they played with them? Gosh anyone could play with someone Famous once.... It's whether they keep getting asked back that's more important. My first bass teacher 'claimed' he'd played with Sir Paul McCartney and Adele. I seriously doubt this as he was pants My wonderful teacher now NEVER shows off about what he's done, although I am quite convinced there would be some fabulous stories!! He is both an awesome player and an incredible teacher, he's just very understated and matter of fact.... He lets his playing and teaching do the talking
  14. I absolutely loved that, very similar type groove to Jamiraqui basslines, which I also adore Thanks for sharing
  15. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1365323177' post='2037910'] I think it's much easier to be able to knock out a bass part than a guitar part in those first few awkward fumblings ( or was that girls....maybe!) and that encourages the fledgling muso to carry on. [/quote] Speaking as a girl, Dr Dave, I can certainly say that in my first few awkward fumblings I was definitely able to knock something out
  16. I can fit 2 basses, amp, 2 cabs, effects board, guitar stands into my Mazda 2..... I can fit 1 passenger in the back seat behind the driver too..... Although in fairness, it is less like "Bass Tetris" if I just shove everything into the back of my hubby's van
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1365267317' post='2037464'] I'd say 'No.... Does yours, sweety ? ' [/quote] Just read this to hubby, he reckons its a fair assumption, so maybe harsh. I thought it was funny! In fairness, the last occurrence took place only yesterday with a British Gas engineer who was servicing our boiler. When I told him I was the bassist, he told me that he'd tried and failed to learn the bass and asked what bassists I liked.... I told him everyone from Steve Harris to Jack Bruce.... Turns out he was a HUGE Iron Maiden fan, and so we spoke about Iron Maiden music... Then Thin Lizzy... And just chatted basslines...... Was a really nice bloke...... But the longest boiler service I've ever had
  18. I'm fed up of people coming to the house (delivery men, boiler engineers etc), seeing the basses and asking "Does your husband play the bass" no he bleeding well doesn't.... I'm the bassist and damn proud of it!
  19. Thanks guys some great suggestions there
  20. We are looking to add to our set for one of my bands. We all went out last night to see a band, and decided that we should all take 5 new song ideas to our next practice. They need to be classic rock, or songs that wouldn't be out of place in that setting and not slow (I think we already have too many slow songs on our set). The songs don't need to have been recorded by a female vocalist, but something that would suit a female voice (she's quite versitile and has a decent range). I have decided I'm going to suggest "The Chain - Fleetwood Mac" and "Rosalie - Thin Lizzy". The first for obvious bass solo reasons, the second as I do it in my other band. But I'm handing the other three over to you guys for inspiration As an aside, the band we saw last night did 2 songs the we currently do in our set. Very very interesting to hear another bassists interpretation of the basslines.... Although 1 I thought he ruined and I had to sit on my hands not to go up and take his bass of him Fair play though, he served most of the songs well and even did lead vocals on one, so hats off to him. I can't sing and play! So guys over to you (oh and don't link to videos, as my iPad doesnt always like them )
  21. Good question If I ignore skill level on my part... I'd love to be able to play Jamiraqui basslines. I know JK is meant to be a bit of a w*nker, but he don't half have some groove in his music..... My skill level is very very far away from that though! Looking at what my skills could manage, Id pitch up at Hyde Park and play for the Stones this summer
  22. Welcome Dave... Or Al... Or Eddie.... Or Whatever! I feel your pain with finding a good strong singer!!
  23. I'll probably get the train with you
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