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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Gutted I couldn't go, would have loved to have heard Yolanda Charles live Hope everyone had fun
  2. Im 39 and do about 5 hours.... I'd like to do more, but at the moment the rest of my life is getting in the way.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361821660' post='1991544'] It's apparently OK to say ARSE. [/quote] That's good to know So anyone who blocks GAS is an ARSE! LOL!
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361821450' post='1991536'] YES, IT'S BECAUSE IT HAS [b][size=5]'W A N K'[/size][/b] IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!! [/quote] Blimey I wonder how many other normal words have swear words in them, better not talk about a trip to S C U N T H O R P E or watching A R S E N A L football Anyhow, as you were....!!
  5. Why is S W A N K Y a swear word? Is it because it has W A N K in the middle of it?
  6. My HUSBAND is very tolerant of my kit.... Although he was surprised when I bought a rather sw***y Phil Jones Bass amp and cabs He's the one who buys shoes!! He calls boxes from Clarks his "little boxes of happiness" I don't think gender matters, but respect does. OH and I pay our way equally with the bills, but what we have left we can spend on what we want. If you think bass kit is expensive, you should see how much his camera kit costs!!!!
  7. I've always thought a good band name would be "Brilliant band performing"..... You can imagine the posters
  8. Good news Shell
  9. Decided this was the best place to post my tale. Whilst I can't play right now (see me shaken up thread in Off Topic) i am feeling good as a bassist. I had to miss band practice of Weds due to the accident. First time I've missed a practice. Yesterday I had a texts from ALL my band mates telling me how flat it all sounded without me, and how they all really missed the bass. Proud moment and proves the line "Bass - always heard, never noticed" as its only when I wasn't there that they realised the difference I make
  10. Hello from Neath You should come to the Cardiff event. All the details are in the events section
  11. Can you bring your acoustic again please Gary?
  12. I'll be there and will let Mr Ace know
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360238912' post='1967126'] HAHA! One of my sister's uni friends has a young boy. And i can't remember exactly why, but she was really stressed and panicking over something, and the little lad came running up to her and said "Mummy, it's alright, the most important thing to remember is... always put your trousers on before your shoes". [/quote] That is sooooo sweet Just come off the phone to my 2 year old nephew. My sister had taken him to the park this morning. I asked him "how was the park sweetheart" he replied "Cold and Windy" he will go far that one
  14. Well despite the lack of "Thmgs that kids say" this thread has had me in stitches for so early in the morning (Not that I am mocking your dreadful relationship Discreet... You are such a lovely bloke... And well you are obviously a tosser for messing yourself around!) Anyhow.... I came on this thread with a purpose. A work friend told me a hilarious story yesterday, she had her Grandaughter (3) overnight on Saturday so her son and daughter in law could have a few drinks at the rugby... On the Sunday, she took her to her friends house for Sunday dinner before taking her home to her parents. The conversation went something like this..... "So what do you like doing?" friends friend to Grandaughter "I like looking after my chickens, I love them" Grandaughter Panicked look from friends friend to my friend... Whispers "Oh no, I've made a chicken dinner for lunch" Grandaughter... Whispers back "It's OK I like eating them too"
  15. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1360006182' post='1963479'] I made the mistake of holding my Markbass rig for a newbie for over a month, you live and learn! As above tho, each 'actual' transaction I've made on here has been very straightforward and I've really enjoyed meeting the buyer/seller (usually in the good old motorway services!). They have all been top blokes! [/quote] Ahem Lemoncello my dear friend.... I'm not a bloke..... But I had great fun playing what was your fretless tonight I've made a few trouble free purchases! I also had issues with one guy. And I'm ashamed to say I did agree to buy something and had to back out, but I did back out quickly (due to being given some free gear from a friend instead) I would say, as a rule, this is a great place to "do business" but there are always exceptions.
  16. My nephew is learning that bass is better than guitar. I played him some bass (hes 2) then my hubby played a bit of guitar. "Auntie Deb, yours sounds best"
  17. Don't think I have developed my art enough to have developed a style.... But these album titles kind of sum up my journey as a bassist to date: Megadeath - So far, so good, so what Common - one day it'll all make sense
  18. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1359721275' post='1959290'] We became known as the Dennis Norden Orchestra coz it was generally 'alright on the night'. [/quote] Love it
  19. I'll come whenever, but not much one for rugby I'm afraid
  20. I'd love to play classical piano. Now when younger I was a rather accomplished Oboeist Got to tour China and everything However, I always dreamed of being a bassist...... And now I am (albeit a bad one )
  21. Bump
  22. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1359546479' post='1956307'] The Wales v England 6 Nations match is on the 16th [/quote] YIKES!!!! Best avoid that date then.... that leaves the only Sat in March as the 9th! Gelfin........!!!!!!!
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359543635' post='1956265'] Maybe get a gig (any gig!) for your original band regardless? There's nothing like a common purpose and having something to work towards. If you have a deadline it's surprising how just much work you can get done. I'd use the word 'motivation', but I'm not in middle-management. Or an arse. [/quote] You are not an arse my dear friend! We need stronger vocals though.... I'm going to try and butter up our singer that left I swear if he came back we could be gigging in about 6 weeks!!
  24. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1359543166' post='1956255'] Start singing/screaming, plug your bass into an overdrive for the chorus, and you and your drummer can take off as a rocking two-piece!? [/quote] Shame I can't sing!! This has been an interesting lesson though, as has shown me what I really love about my original band.... nice people, no egos, just a desire to sound good together!
  25. Funny enough, I've just come off the phone from the lead guitarist! I said that we had decided they weren't for us, and he basically said they were planning on looking for another bassist and drummer that was "nearer their skills so they could gig sooner".... LOL!!! It has in equal parts cracked me up (with their own delusions of talent) and pissed me off that he was such a patronising bastard!!! Gosh, my drummer has been playing semi-professionally for 40 years, he's played the Cavern club, he has another band where they do corporate gigs playing £800-£1000 a pop! The man is awesome, and set up our band for some fun, as his corporate band had become too serious with the big bucks and he wanted to get back to doing easy going, fun pub gigs. I'd text my drummer, he has had me in tears laughing, saying how he's now determined to get our old band on the road before they get their band on the road. He said he's come across some egos in 40 years of playing, but that this is the first time he's seen such a wide difference between talent and ego! LOL! I love my drummer I do!
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