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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Is the church available on the 16th Gelfin? Sounds like that could be a "suits all date"
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359541195' post='1956211'] Seriously though, there's a lot of it about! You did the right thing. [/quote] I know, I mean, its all about having fun.... and when you can tell you won't have fun, don't do it.... simple! I hope we can resolve something with the old band. Uncle psychosis - you have given me hope! in saying that, when Peter (drummer) said to the others that we were looking at another band and were thinking of ditching our current band, I think it gave some of them the kick up the arse they needed, as they seemed rather unhappy that our little group would be over
  3. Well last night was the band try out with a new band for me and my drummer. We had both got quite excited by it, with no good reason!! We had been given 7 songs.... I had learned the basslines in detail for 4, the other 3 I had worked a rough bassline around the chords.... nothing spectacular but enough to support the song. They ended up throwing another 7 songs at us, 3 of which I had never heard! I fumbled around by watching the guitarists chords and playing mostly root notes to start until I got a feel for where the song was going then I embellished. My poor drummer friend, they didn't really acknowledge him AT ALL... he may just as well have been a drum machine. I found this incredibly rude (and if I'm honest it upset me a bit) The keyboard player (who is also a bassist), was supportive, showing me a few basslines by playing my bass - and in fairness he was sh*t hot! exponentially better than me, but I was picking up what he was showing me quickly and getting the hang of it for a song (they were aware that I am very much still learning my craft). The singer had moments of loveliness, but the rest of the time was aloof. The lead guitarist really thought that he was significantly better than he actually was. In fairness, the whole operation was sloppy, it seemed it was one talent (the keyboard player) and some friends with egos bigger than their ability. The stinger was at the end of the night when the lead guitarist said "you are the second bassist we have seen, we are seeing another one and will let you know if you have been successful by the end of the week. we will also confirm about drums as we are seeing some other people". There was no thought to question if WE had enjoyed working with THEM... his arrogance had assumed we would want to join!!!!! Needless to say, my drummer friend and I have decided to pass!! We chatted together afterwards to plan our next steps.... we just need a better singer and we could be good to go with our original band. And at least whilst we have had some illness problems there isn't an ego amongst us, and we do all enjoy getting together and playing. I also finally admitted to the drummer how long I'd been a bassist.... he said that over time he has guessed that I hadn't been playing that long when I started as he has seen a massive improvement in my playing which shows someone who has been eagerly learning!! He was shocked to discover it was only 2 months when I joined and only 8 months now! LOL!
  4. I'm selling my Laney amp and cabs. They are well used with the kind of scuffs you would expect from being loved and used, but they are in great condition. I know Laney isn't the "sexiest" brand, but the sound quality and performance is great. The only reason I am selling is due to getting something smaller and lighter at a bargain price That said they are all easy to carry, even for me, and I'm a girl Here's the spec on the amp: Product Description Laney RBH800 Amp Head 300 Watt Bass Dimensions:14"D x 20"W x 8"H Output: 300 Watts RMS Amp Head Features: Active & Passive Inputs, Gain, Compressor, Variable ENHANCE, Bass, Parametric Lo-mid, Parametric Hi-mid, Treble, Presence, Limiter, Volume, DI, FX Loop, Speaker Out, Tuner Out Collection only from South Wales. £275 ono
  5. I have purposely avoided the classifieds on the grounds I had everything I needed. However...... I have never been totally happy with my Laney amp and cabs.... Yes they do the job I need them too, but they have never excited me...... Then I hear that someone may be selling my dream amp and cabs...... If they do, I'm buying.... Because I'm a gasaholic and I am weak!
  6. Don't know if anyone is interested but thought I'd provide an update 1. The originals band - when we spoke, it became apparent that we were looking for different things musically. They were hoping to be able to jack in their jobs and tour, get signed etc (to be honest, I think whilst their music is good they are a bit delusional as who signs alternative rock bands in their 30s to an extent where they can quit their day jobs!) 2. The covers band I mentioned in my first post..... Turns out they are just getting off the ground, and whilst they sound nice people, I have a fear it may be out of the frying pan and into the fire! So I have spoken to a few more people 1. A covers band looking to be ready to do the summer season at holiday camps locally (joys of living by the coast).... OMG!!!! This bloke was a complete and utter control freak!!! I phoned him during a lunch break in work, told him I had 10 mins to have an initial chat. 30 mins later, he was still telling me what his expectations were of me and how much commitment he expected.... So far it was just him and he was looking for the rest of HIS band.... No sh*t Sherlock!!..... Try making it a team pursuit!! I emailed him to withdraw my interest 2. A covers band, 3 piece, decided they wanted to try new things musically. They'd been using dep drummers, and the bassist had decided he wanted to return to keyboards, so they were looking for a bassist and a drummer. So far I've had 3 telephone conversations with the lead guitarist, emails of sets have been exchanged and it is sounding positive. Even more positive is that my drummer wants to come too I'm a little apprehensive, as apparently the keys is sh*t hot on the bass, and I'm still very much in the early stages of developing my craft. However, what I do know is that my drummer and I are tight. Also they are looking at input into the set, so I'm hoping I can wangle in a few tracks from the old band. We have a rehearsal with them a week today As for my old band, drummer and I have decided we are going to tell them that we are putting the band on hold until after the rhythm guitarist is recovered from his operation. At that time (probably a good 6 months time at least) we will see if people still want to get together. If they do, we are hoping (if things go well next week) that we will be gigging with the new band and rehearsing less, so we could do both. If they have all lost interest then that's cool too. I'm hoping this is a good sign, and I am delighted that me and my drummer are going together as we do have such a rapport and work well together
  7. The man is a hero of mine..... And he's from Cardiff Never met him, but I know people who have and they all sing his praises as a really top guy. He oozes talent from every pore, he is a legend!
  8. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1358796732' post='1945251'] I stopped drinking at home as well. I found that even one would make me less dexterous and more forgetful so I stopped drinking for a couple of weeks (very unusual for me!). So bass playing is good for your health after all! [/quote] +1 to this. If alcohol has passed my lips, my bass does not get picked up...... Different matter once I've put it down though
  9. Music is a safe kind of high - Jimi Hendrix
  10. I currently have 4 bands interested in me Good to have options
  11. Drummer has said he's not interested in the covers band, but is very supportive of me trialling other options, we've had a bit of a heart to heart and he sees why I want to move on an understands it. He's a good man. I think I will see both the originals and the covers and see where it leads me. I think that the time has come to part company with my current band though
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1357821995' post='1928899'] Stop worrying about music and book your next annual medical ... quickly! [/quote] ha ha!! No, I'm a picture of health, but then I am a minimum of 20 years younger than my bandmates
  13. My concern with staying in the existing band and joining the new one is time. If my old band are still looking at getting together a night a week, and I'll also need to give the same time (plus gigging time) to the originals, I think I'll be on a sticky wicket with Mr SpaceChick!! He's happy for me to be out a night in the week and gigging on weekends, but if it started to interfere with our homelife I think he would get upset!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357816163' post='1928756'] No, and I think it's weird. [/quote] me too, surely he's an old bassist for a reason, so none of his business
  15. Oh Guys. It is with a heavy heart that I type this post. I have been with my classic rock band since July.... we are yet to gig due to 1. Singer quitiing, 2. Guitarist getting cancer 3. Rhythm guitarist leaving then coming back. 4. New singer starting then leaving 5. Dep guitarist becoming new singer and struggling with keys. Now, we have found out that our rhythm guitarist needs a quadruple bypass, and the dep guiatrist doesn't think he's up to the job of singing. Whilst I care greatly about all the band members and have soooo much fun with them, I am becoming increasingly disillusioned that we are taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back ALL THE TIME. we have had to cancel 3 gigs, which reputationally is a disaster too. I think it is time for me to move on, and the drummer (who I get on with realy well) is starting to feel the same. I have been looking out for a while. I have 3 initial potential options at the moment: 1. Sit tight with my current band but know its going to be a minimum of 6 months before we will gig, and need to find a new singer too... so frustrating upheaval again and to be honest, I don't know if it will ever happen. 2. Pursue an originals band that have shown an interest in me (however, I am nervous as I think they are way ahead of me on skills and are heavier rock than I'd normally play. That said, they are supportive of me developing my own basslines which would be a fun new challenge) 3. Join another covers band.... there is one that is looking for a bassist AND a drummer... they do play some similar stuff to us although some stuff they play I know our drummer won't be too keen on (I have told the drummer about them, so could go with or without him) Part of me feels like a great big evil person for potentially leaving a band with a cancer survivor and a heart patient, but equally I just want to gig!!!! Any words of wisdom you can give this girl who just wants to play music? I really am at a crossroads, and really don't know which path to take. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you've got to the end
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1357815084' post='1928733'] If you have to ask, it's because you don't know. *taps nose* [/quote] Good god, I hate being out of the loop
  17. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1357737645' post='1927475'] THIS IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIM [/quote] Who is Tim, and why is he a wasted on this thread?
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1357745364' post='1927691'] Between stomach and crotch. If there is a medical name for such a place, it escapes me. The height is determined by wrist position basically. Neither my left nor right hand should be at any awkward angles... [/quote] ^ This However, I am need to be able to go slightly higher when I do my slap bass (Currently learning, playing very badly!)
  19. Hiya Mel, I got the opportunity to try LOADS of basses at the Cardiff bass bash, some lovely intruments too. What it did make me realise is that I made the right choice with my Ibanez initially, it does have a slimmer neck, so ideal for smaller hands. I also have my fretless P bass, I do notice my left hand aches quicker when I play it which I put down to the slightly wider neck. Also, I don't think I would have been able to have played a 5 string other than my Ibanez, so Ibanez all the way for me. That said, if money was no object, I'd look at a custom made bass.... my bass teacher has artritis problems after years of whizzing around 6 strings and he had the most amazing bass made for him. The neck is an inch shorter (but still standard 24 frets) and it has a slimline neck. It is a stunning instrument to play. For short scale advice I know that Deb W has a shortscale fretless. If you are thinking of a new bass, I'd get down to a shop with a lot or go to a bass bash to get to try some new kit. I personally view my basses as being an extension of me when I am playing them, so it is really important to have something that feels right.
  20. I don't think many improvements could be made on the day, I thought it was fabulous last time and the venue was perfect. As for growing attendance, I think the sooner we can get a date in the diary and promote it the better! I for one can't wait for the next one! probably best to avoid the first weekend in March as thats the London Bass show (not that I can go, as my sisters baby is due that weekend and I'm having my nephew whilst she's having the baby!)
  21. I LOVE the song, I ADORE the video. Fabulous, just fabulous! Oh and the cat was just such a cutie too
  22. Yep, I had my midlife crisis slightly early and joined the bass party! I have a 300w Laney amp and 2 10 and a 1 15 cab But can appreciate GAS making you want something new
  23. [quote name='mxm' timestamp='1357648219' post='1925861'] Hopefully he take this on tour. [/quote] That's what OH and I said I bet he'd sell out stadiums no problem.
  24. I really liked it, quite liked his chord progressions
  25. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1357595636' post='1925208'] Wot??? Oh, girl, you and I are soooo gonna treat these silly low-enders on Litaize's "Dyptique" at one of the bashes! They're gonna be reformed in a minute, they are. Oh, wait! .... best, bert [/quote] You do make me laugh Bert I've always been a low ender at heart... The happiest I ever was as an Oboeist was when I got to borrow a Cor Anglais when I was working on a production of Fiddler on the Roof Anyhow, yes Great Harry, you must embrace it, and in addition however much kit you think is enough now... Don't think it'll last. I have been through 4 basses (still have 3 a 4 string, a 4 string fretless and a 5 string, sold my beginner bass) and 3 amps (sold my beginner one, still have my decent practice amp and then my 300W amp with cabs for gigging) and well... Dont get me started on effects, strings etc etc
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