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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. I have a 2 10 and a 1 15, so I can use one or both. I favour my 2 10 as its smaller and easier to carry. The scene around here wants 2 x 45 min sets, but I suppose it varies where you play. All that said, we haven't done a proper gig yet Keep getting scuppered by band member serious illness! (Cancer then another needing a heart bypass) Edit, just notice you are Cardiff, so yeah 2 45min sets is standard.
  2. I only picked up a bass 7 months ago after an early mid life crisis aged 38. Everyone on here is pretty barking mad and bass obsessed so you'll find yourself in good (if not leading you astray) company I had a 21 year break from music... I was a classical oboeist, at quite a high standard.. But gave it up when I found boys. Thanks to my now supportive husband and a love of low notes, I have taken up the bass. I'm even in a classic rock band now (where I am the youngest member by 20 years, so you have loads of gigging time ahead of you!) Welcome to the wonderful world of Basschat!
  3. Gutted for you.... But also pleased that your are looking for the positives... Good to know you can still play on your terms.
  4. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1357406882' post='1922263'] Right, but that doesn't mean you don't know any theory. Everyone, [i]everyone[/i] knows some theory. See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A13_QGMtlRE [/quote] That is soooooo cool
  5. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1357168896' post='1918733'] Well................... I was very much in that camp too. Having grown up in the 80s (double bass and bass guitar) all the boys were slapping but I couldn't do it (trying to resist typing "they said it was because I was a girl"). I gave up on the idea of slapping (although always imagined I could) until I got my first Warwick (Thumb). The brilliance of YouTube had me discover a girl / lady / female giving a "slap" lesson and hey presto, some very sore fingers later, a copy of the ledgendary "Slap It" book and many, many, many hours later I can proudly call myself a slapper! I'm no expert but I can freak the kids in school out and one of the "80s boys" who tried to teach me many moons ago is now thoroughly impressed. LOL! [/quote] Hats off to you! I am a dreadful slapper (set another one up for you Mark sweetie ) although my teacher is awesome and is helping me. One of my 2013 goals is to get my slap bass skills improved One of my friends is a music teacher in Ammanford and a friend in work, his wife is on maternity leave from music teaching in a Swansea comp.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357322663' post='1921110'] If you enjoy what you're doing and can stir up some kind of emotion in those who are listening to it, then you are a musician. There are certain players who would be uncomfortable about not being able to read the dots, but I'm not one of them. Neither is Pino Palladino. See what I did, there? Crikey! [/quote] Comparing yourself to a modern great there my dear friend Having had a classical upbringing (was a oboeist in my younger days) I had theory drummed into me. I think this approach can make people very 'clinical' about their playing and they can lose passion and flare. Nowadays, I put the music first.... Don't get me wrong, I like having an understanding and appreciation of theory and I am exploring this again in my lessons. However, being a bassist is all about the groove. And to me, nothing gives me a greater thrill than to play with other musicians, to have a locked in connection with the drummer and to appreciate your part in the greater whole. Am I a musician, who knows..... Do I have a good memory, unquestionably.... But ultimately, what does it all matter as long as the music is king!
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357245001' post='1919871'] oh, but they are £20 a set, and £18 a set for regular pro-steels! not sure i feel like experimenting with that kind of dosh! [/quote] Bargain The La Belle flats for my 5 string are setting me back £45 and I'm on a waiting list! I have the La Belle flats on my p bass and they are gorgeous strings to play.
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357244586' post='1919858'] oh, you! you're just telling me that because i told you to. Would they suit a jazz or ray better? i think jazz, but unsure... [/quote] That's a tough one!! I have flats on my fretless P bass, and am trying an experiment of flats on my 5 string Jazz bass. Never tried half rounds, so a mystery to me. But I think you need to get these experiments out of your system.
  9. Put the half rounds on the jazz bass
  10. Well after my earlier euphoria, I have now come back down to earth with a crashing bump No sooner than our lead guitarist gets back on his feet after cancer, but today our rhythm guitarist finds out he needs a quadruple heart bypass Gutted for him, as he's a lovely guy. Also gutted for the band (and me) as we had some great gigs lined up next month
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1357227367' post='1919398'] Kudos 'n' all that, but why always with the negative angle? Why not forget about two unimportant mistakes and rather tell us exactly how many [i]good[/i] notes you played? So: HOW MANY? best, bert [/quote] Well its a 3 and a half minute song at 100 beats a minute. so roughly 350 beats, roughly 1 note per beat (some quavers but some minims, but mostly crochets) 2 mistakes. so simple maths would say 348 right notes. Bloody hell thats sh*t loads! I rock! (Debs steps away from her boostfulness as nobody likes a smart arse, but appreciates the lovely Bert for making her think and giving her an even bigger confidence boost!)
  12. WOW Bert Well yesterday was pretty good on reflection. Band practice and did rather well at Badge (other band mates hadn't practiced their parts as much as they should). Then, we were about to play another track.... which has a fairly simple but "busy" bassline..... and the guitarists (we have 3) said "We did tell you about the key change didn't we? Its in C now not A"...... Um, no you didn't. So I replied "Well expect the bassline to be crap then whilst I transpose on the hoof".... well I amazed myself, only made 2 mistakes in the whole song, and transposed as I went perfectly other than that. Really boosted my confidence it did!!
  13. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1357078707' post='1917333'] Anything... it's only a bass. Only bass players care about what a bass sounds like. It's all about moving air about [/quote] I know you said it tongue in cheek, but ironically you make a good point! Most punters woulnd't be able to tell the difference between a Jazz, a P bass or the uniqueness of a Ricky! Now, for my opinion, wouldn't be without my Ibanez's... great all rounders at a reasonable price... that coupled with my Boss GT10B and I can get virtually any sound I want.
  14. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1357066876' post='1917096'] Hello there SpaceChick, hope you had a good ride. I hope you weren't too alarmed at that big, bright thing in the sky. Apparently it is called the sun, it is a good thing! Are you electric or acoustic or a hybrid like myself? [/quote] I'm an electric girl me Still a beginner, but play in a classic rock band Where in Wales are you? Big bright thing in the sky was a shocker today
  15. Welcome Juliet
  16. One Welsh bass lady signing on as requested Haven't had my deck chair out today, but have cycled around the Swansea bay coastline in the sunshine Welcome to the forum Bass Lady They are a friendly bunch around here, and more than welcoming to us low note aficionados from the fairer sex
  17. I really like my Ibanez, but I know you are more of a P bass man. If you want a go on my Ibanez, you are more than welcome
  18. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1356965360' post='1915718'] I've got 3, my eye on a fourth and the boy has his first and we're still in the bedroom.... Any cheap vans going in BC Classifieds to carry it all :-( [/quote] Get a van Paul.... You know you want to We don't regret getting our van
  19. I tend to play along to the original tracks, but that sounds a good idea
  20. My view echoes some of the others.... Try a new type of music. Some of the fast paced Motown basslines are beyond my skills, I look forward to achieving them. Maybe try another aspect of bass playing... How is your slap bass or your double tapping for example? I also agree that scoring yourself is a tricky thing to do..... I have a required level of competence to play in a classic rock band, however, my skills aren't good enough for a ska band or a 80s slap pop band. Do you have lessons? Maybe get a few from a local reputable teacher that can give you ideas on how to develop further?
  21. Blimey!! this has amazed me!! I've been playing since May and I currently have 3 (having recently sold a 4th) I mostly play my Ibanez 4 string, but also have an Ibanez 5 string and a fretless P bass. My 5 string also is used in my band, my fretless currently is mostly for fun.
  22. Won't be able to make it this year... My sisters due date for her second baby is the 1st March, and I'm on call to have my nephew.
  23. I had a Lada in the 90s, it would break down constantly. I had to wrap the engine in a blanket over night, as if it was cold or wet it wouldn't start in the morning
  24. Here are a few from the top of my head that I love (and play) Need your love so bad - Fleetwood mac Dear Prudence - The Beatles Love Cats - The Cure Badge - Cream I'm blessed that 3 of the 4 are in out setlist
  25. Nailed "Badge" by Cream.... New track for the bands setlist
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