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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Fair play I thought it was great Love the rocky horror-esque sound and your military look.
  2. My local shop (Neath Music) are really cool. Went in there on Thursday to get an iPhone interface lead thing.... And was greated with... "Hiya Deb, still no news on the flats for your 5 string, but shouldn't be long now" Now that's service for you! Also, a few guys there are bassists!!
  3. Great bassline It is fairly easy to learn... The main riff is really easy.... The fast moving roots and octaves caused me more of a problem when I was learning it. Fab track!
  4. Welcome aboard! Being a bassist is awesome (I've been one since May and I LOVE it )
  5. As it is Christmas Day I shall let those comments pass (yes, the volume was turned up *rolls eyes*)
  6. I have a Mazda 2 and playing "car tetris" I can fit my 210 cab, my 115 cab, my amp, 2 basses and a few stands in. That said, OH and I bought a Peugeot Partner van earlier in the year, and this has made life sooooo much easier.... I can load all my bass equipment in and still have a ridiculous amount of room spare! So we share the Mazda and the van now
  7. Sparkling Shiraz and the Wombles album here Madam Chorlett kicks arse on the bass
  8. Well Skol I thought it bleeding rocked!!!! Love your talent!
  9. My effects pedal has a fretless setting.... Never used it, I just play my fretless
  10. You can call me Debs Promised hubby I'll watch a film with him now, and about to have a Baileys, so I'll check this all out tomorrow! Thanks guys x
  11. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1356276271' post='1908660'] From my use of the GT10b I don't think that's how it works, the USB is for transferring patches, and updates, and possibly midi control via USB, but I don't expect if sends a bass signal by USB [/quote] My bass teacher uses his GT10b to send his bass signal to his Mac, so I know it does do this. Thanks Mark, I'll look into that
  12. I have a PC, a GT10B pedal and a bass! Loaded the drivers on the PC. Set the pedal settings as per the manuals instructions for USB input, opened up Audacity, input showing as Boss GT10b, Pressed record, played bass....... Nothing!! I really wanted to record... Hubby who is very IT literate can't work it out, I haven't a clue! However, my bass/vocal only attempt for the December Composition Competition is now in tatters as no means to record! Not a happy camper!
  13. It made me grin from ear to ear.... That was cool!
  14. OMG Steve, your track had me laughing out loud. I LOVE it
  15. Bless you all No excuses for me now! Thanks guys
  16. I know I can link my bass up to the PC through my pedal, I'm sure we have a microphone of some description here. My issue is other instruments (drums, keys etc).
  17. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1356045064' post='1906302'] Right then, here's my effort, make of it what you will. See the description on the Soundcloud page for the idea etc. A cheery little ditty to get us all in the Christmas spirit I am available for children's parties [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/so-peaceful"]https://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/so-peaceful[/url] [/quote] Love it One day I'll get enough kit to enter I have so many ideas for this, but sadly not the means to record
  18. Did anyone here it on Chris Evans this morning? It was the Tinseltastic Golden Oldie. The bassline rocked!!! I'm guessing is Jamerson, but what an awesome line Really made me smile on my drive to work.
  19. I'm so pleased it went well Shell well done you
  20. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1355591171' post='1900331'] Sounds good - can you point me in the direction of a Dear Prudence tab online? [/quote] Here you go! http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/b/beatles/dear_prudence_ver2_btab.htm I've made some adaptations for the band, as we start the track just bass and vocals, so I start on the A string D, then C, then b flat then B, but once the other instruments come in, I go up to the 7th fret on the G string.
  21. Been learning the Bruno Mars bassline... You know the one that sounds like the police. Also been working on some more classical sounding bass, using Christmas Carols and playing up the dusty end of the fretboards using chords and harmonies. So it's been good, although with stuff I'm needing to practice and learn for the band too my fingers are getting rather blistered at the moment!! No pain, no gain hey
  22. Oh this is a toughy...... I think with the band, the one I enjoy the most is Dear Prudence, closely followed by Another Brick in the wall.
  23. It's difficult to play well I think getting all the dead notes sounding right.
  24. John Taylor made me discover a love of basslines.... but my final "push" from crossing the line between loving listening to bass to actually playing one was Ian Cattell, bassist from Brit Floyd. We went to a gig, was in the first row and I watched him intently all night, thinking 'I want to do that'. In the car on the way home I asked hubby "Would you mind if I learned to play bass guitar", he said "Go for it" and I did
  25. That's sad I love listening to his music.
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