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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. So yesterday, band practice and a mixed day really. Firstly, our lead guitarist who has has an absence due to cancer was back I'd really missed him! However, our dep lead guitarist is staying to share the playing and also do some lead and backing vocals. This means we now have THREE guitarists.... Needless to say my amp was louder than usual last night One song we play starts with me and two guitars. I count us in (being rhythm too ) and off we go. Although the rhythm guitarist kept speeding up. I do have to say I lost the plot last night, asked him if he had a train to catch and told him to lock into MY beat or there would be trouble!! The singer was also having an "off day" as well, we several duff notes and a whole section of the song that WAS NOT sung with the correct notes (I will say being kind ) That said, as an overall 3 hour practice, we were sounding pretty good I just hope the Christmas break doesn't set us back.
  2. I was brought up on Quo.... One of my earliest memories is sitting on the sofa with the big headphones on listening to "Rocking all over the world" I must have been about 3 or 4. My sister is named Caroline after the song. My Dad was a HUGE quo fan
  3. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1354349447' post='1885009'] We played a great set, invented another new song on the fly (love it when we do that!) and the dancefloor was packed with hot girls getting sweaty and loving the music - I love gigging! [/quote] No broken strings this time Chay I wa seeing a theme developing, first you, then the guitarist.... Didn't the drummer break a drumstick or something
  4. Quite a few people in the office know but I don't bang on about it. Usually comes up when people ask "doing anything tonight" and I often answer "bass lesson" or "band practice".
  5. Yey Mr F Glad you had fun
  6. I'm going to be brutally honest here.... I don't like the new classifieds AT ALL!! I much prefer the old market place. As for charging to use the forum, I am a member of several forums (and actually host one myself) and I have never paid to be a member (or charged to that matter). If you charged to be a member of basschat, then I think you would lose a lot of people, myself included. However, in this modern world of online selling I think it would be acceptable to pay a listing fee when selling an item. However, if it was a one-off annual charge of £20 I certainly wouldn't use it. However, a listing fee of £1 or £2 I would.
  7. It's awful, but I'm not good enough to be in my own band on bass.... I'll play the triangle and hand the reins of the bass to John Taylor and learn what I can Drums - Ringo Starr Guitar - Eric Clapton (as long as he promises to NEVER sing! I think he's a fab guitarist, but can't sing for toffee) Vocals - Kylie - as I think she would be fun to work with. Keyboards - Not in my band, but I would like Paulo Nuttinis brass section!
  8. I'm sure I've seen that house on Come Dine with me
  9. I've voted for the same person again. Such a shame though, and I hope that people will re-vote.
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1354011800' post='1880689'] Arthur!? Are you really Arthur Jackson? BC is honoured, I'm sure. Get well soon! best, bert [/quote] Brilliant
  11. Do we have to buy tickets in advance Gaz, or can we just just up on the night?
  12. I think there are three things you really need to be sure are compatable before choosing: 1. Playing ability 2. Personality 3. Commitment I say this from rather awful recent experience in my band in finding a new guitarist.... Number 1 was a brilliant player, but he was a w***er! Number 2 was a great player, was a top bloke, but didn't turn up on time to rehearsals and was flaky about gigs. Number 3 turned up on time, was lovely, but couldn't play for toffee (when a guitarist who claims to have been playing for 20 years can't handle a simple 12 bar blues...... ALARM BELLS!). We are now on guitarist 4, so far so good Good luck with getting your band together.
  13. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1353940450' post='1879963'] Just for comparison. The musicians on the Titanic had to remember over 150 songs (not reading sheet music) and were expected to perform any one of them on request from the audience [/quote] Blimey, if I'd been in that band I would have been glad of the iceberg! As for classical musicians, speaking as a former classical oboeist in an orchestra, I can say that whilst you knew the music by heart, I would still follow the music, as could follow the conductor better when I did. It was a safety net I suppose. Now, I remember my bands set list, but agree, sometimes I need to write the first note or two incase I'm having a thick 5 minutes!! As for tips.... Practice practice practice until it becomes second nature and your muscle memory knows where it's going.
  14. I listened and voted yesterday and there is A LOT of talent on display and very hard to choose a personal winner. I think it's going to be a close run competition
  15. Blinking heck!!!! What talent!!! There were 4 for me that really stood out, and such a tough call to choose.
  16. How's about this? http://www.playawayguitars.com/play_away_guitars_shop.php?itemID=1389
  17. I'm currently learning Alannah Myles - Black Velvet.... And am grateful I have a 5 string The original starts on a D# so on a 4 string the recommendation is to drop tune ALL strings by a semitone!!!!! On my 5 string.... Not an issue It's a curious song...... As about 70% of it it banging out loud root notes.... The other 30% is challenging little flurries, lots of 8th notes.... We are trying it in next weeks band practice, so I have the weekend to either nail the hard bits or dumb it down!!
  18. I believe I have the magic 3 for my needs.... A 4 string, a 5 string and a fretless. I didn't think I needed the 5 string until I got it... Now I am using it for several songs in our set, although I have never needed to go below the low D but to me having the 5 gives a quicker change than drop tuning and gives me a spare bass just in case. Your decision mate, but I know I'd keep both!!
  19. Just got in from my band practice.... First time with our full new line up. It was great to be playing as a band again, and the new people have fitted in well (new singer and new guitarist) On the downside.... The rhythm guitarist needs to actually keep to rhythm... I could have crowned him in Mamma Mia when he was going off on his own time signature..... The lead guitarist slaughtered the solo from another brick in the wall tonight... Which always causes me pain!! Me and the drummer were tight again. The singer is great. However, for me personally... Today was the first time my 5 string had an outing which was cool.... And also after playing "Dear Prudence" the new guitarist said to me "I was worried that a girl would be able to hold down a bassline, but in fairness to you girl, you are sh*t hot, that's the best I've heard that played" All the more flattering as I have only been playing for 6 months..... Although none of my band mates know this I'm going to say after our first gig
  20. [quote name='melodybass' timestamp='1353425583' post='1874808'] Hello SpaceChick & may I just say, top marks for being a Bloobird in Neath, that can't be easy surely! [/quote] Nah it's not! Although there are a few of us!
  21. Hello from down the road in Neath you just missed a really cool bass bash in cardiff, but there will be one in the new year. BTW....... BLUEEEEEEEBIRDSSSSSS!
  22. I am also feeling increasingly optimistic about my band... Following a few changes, we now have a great new singer. She and I are getting on like a house on fire. We had a band meet up last night, then the singer and I came back to mine as we needed to work out a few key changes for some of our set (having previously had a male singer). Working together, we very quickly worked out the new keys, and even better for me as a newbie bassist, I was able to transpose the basslines instantly for us to work them through, which has boosted my confidence no end . Ok they weren't basslines that were going to set the world alight but "Need your love so bad" by Fleetwood Mac is a busy bassline.
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