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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. You've got a deal Deb, I'm sure with our non stop chatter whenever we get together, I'll be singing and playing in no time
  2. Well today I have been trying these techniques, I can now talk and hold a conversation with most of my baselines, and have managed to sing with a few songs, my tuning sometimes goes a bit out on my vocals but I've certainly moved on a bit. There are some songs I think I will NEVER be able to sing and play bass too, but there are some that I think I may. I shall keep practicing I've got a little bit of time, we've needed to put back our first gig as our lead guitarist has been on the NHS waiting list for an operation, and he received the letter today saying he needs to go in on Tuesday!!!! He will probably be out of action for about 2 months. So we've had to pull of of the charity gig we were meant to be part of in two weeks.
  3. Yep, I've noticed I need to tune more frequently too
  4. My OH uses a glass one, our guitarist in the band uses a brass one. To be honest, I think the glass one gives a softer tone, the brass one sounds brassier and harsher in my mind. depends on the sound you are going for.
  5. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1344952551' post='1771563'] To be honest [i]most[/i] guitar players I know make good bass players. If they can't find a dedicated bassist, why not? [/quote] You haven't met my husband.... When I took up bass, he thought he would be able to play it easily.... He soon got bored when he realised you can't twiddle your way around and hope for the best Now he looks at me with a new found musical respect, as I need to know MORE about musical theory and what makes baselines tick, whilst he still does his little twiddles on his 6 string high pitched whiny thing he calls a guitar
  6. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1345031138' post='1772527'] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Lszt2HPK8&feature=relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Lszt2HPK8&feature=relmfu[/url] [/quote] Thanks Fat Rich, That is awesome (only just been able to play it... I couldn't play it when I was in work) that will really help me
  7. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1345030535' post='1772504'] Practise , Ms Chick , practise. The fact that you thought your voice sounded good should lift your confidence. If you have even basic pitching skills and a halfway decent timbre to your voice the rest of it is just mechanics. Practise improves mechanics. [/quote] I wouldn't say my voice sounded good.... just about in tune and acceptable maybe but then I'd never want to be a lead singer anyway Ms Chick promises to practice.... my hubby will tell me if I sound pants anyhow.... he's always brutally honest
  8. Thanks guys, I think I will keep trying then. There are some songs with easy root note basslines that I can just about do. I really don't want to dumb down some of my complex basslines though, as that is my main love, I am a bassist first and foremost!
  9. Our lead singer wants me to do backing vocals, thinking a female voice will really add something to our "sound". Also, as fabulous and lovely as our lead guitarist is, he's been trying and in some songs he is just as flat as a pancake. Well last night I gave it a whirl...... and I just can't do it!!!! I the singing was OK, my basslines were pants and vice versa. I just can't play and sing at the same time... nope... no way Jose! Should I keep trying? or should I just give up now?
  10. Oh Seashell, I am so proud of you As we started our band journey around the same time, it makes me feel really happy to know you are getting on so well
  11. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1344983493' post='1772130'] Front row seat please! [/quote] It's only down the road from you in the Farmers We are going to be doing one set and another band is doing the other set.... All for charity
  12. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1344940365' post='1771311'] Mr Ace did tell me......... Got more bottle than me...how's it going? [/quote] It's going great Been at practice tonight, just got in. I LOVE it, it's sooooooooo much fun We may have a gig really soon
  13. I have also recently joined a band (6 weeks and counting!). We had to get rid of a rhythm guitard with ideas above his station and an attitude problem We had a new rhythm guy start last week, who like the rest of us just wants to play music and have fun. I think the most important thing about a band is to have people who can get along with no ego's getting in the way, if you can achieve this, then you are on to a winner
  14. I'm in my band practice every Tuesday or I would have popped across... for a listen!
  15. I played guitar when I was a lot younger, and have always kept an acoustic guitar around. However, I can honestly say that I haven't picked it up at all since becoming a bassist.
  16. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1344531998' post='1766130'] I play it on the 10th fret (G) and play the 12th and 13th fret on the D string also to give it that bluesey feel but im not strumming a chord... Didn't explain that very well did i .... [/quote] Makes sense, shall give it a go
  17. Just seen this thread... we play this in my band.... I wrote my own bassline and it doesn't go beyond the 7th fret.... oops If anyone has tabbed it (I know swear word but the only way I'll see positioning if you are using the 10th fret!) I'd love to have a copy of the tab
  18. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1344429231' post='1764282'] No, i humbly submit my Dean Metalman Flying V - you can pin the git up against the wall by the throat with the headstock tHEN insert it in the rear passage.. [/quote] Hopefully I shall never see the evil waste of space ever again
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1344424178' post='1764186'] Where's iCastle? He's a tragic Wombles fan. [/quote] You be nice to iCastle!!! There is nowt wrong with being a Wombles fan Discreet
  20. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1344424522' post='1764195'] We can catch up on our road trip on Saturday! [/quote] we can indeed xx
  21. No perhaps about it..... the Wombles ROCK!
  22. We are going to be getting into the studio to record 3 original tracks soon. One is a very "dark" song, and this one is best suited to root notes and I ONLY play root notes The next is a twelve bar blues, so the usual blues embellishments I play The final one if the tricky one, its a lively track which has some nice twiddly guitar solos..... I am really struggling to get a bass line to do it justice. In fact, my mission this weekend is to lock myself away (after Brecon) until I have nailed a bassline. So I think it very much depends on the song as to what is best. If you think root notes sound best, don't fear the simplicity
  23. I have to say I really enjoyed that... Wanted to know what had sent the girl to that dark place The song really reminded me of the kind of dark American tracks that featured in programmes like Buffy and Charmed... I liked it. One comment..... Tell ya drummer to put a shirt on
  24. What a difference a week makes Tonight we had a new rhythm guitarist, a really nice guy, and we were back to our fun little band
  25. When is it on? Might be a nice one to go too
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