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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. That sounds a fab idea Gelfin. Lets find out some dates and we can see which suits. I know this week is out for me though, but soon would be good
  2. That looks good Looked on the website and it is the first Thursday... Sods law I can't make this week, but one for August potentially
  3. Love it what I love most is being a married girl I don't have a wife, so I can buy new basses whenever, as it doesn't ask about husbands
  4. The first video inspires me in a way that makes me think I can study bass until the day I die and I still won't be able to achieve everything it is capable of, so I will always have something to strive towards. However, the second video is what made me want to be a bassist, to lay down some hearty low grooves
  5. Well I've played with the likes of David Gilmore, Brian May, Robbie Williams, Sir Paul McCartney, and many many more...... They've been on my CD player and I've been sat in my living room on my bass I hate that kind of false credibility... Just let your music do the talking... In my experience the people who boast about who they have played with are usually overcompensating for a lack of skill.... Its those that have the stories to tell but generally choose not to that intrigue me most
  6. Thelma, I was thinking the same, Cardiff a bit far midweek, but local OK. Bye for now, Louise
  7. Thanks for the replies guys
  8. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340897970' post='1711260'] There are plenty of open mic nights in Swansea Debs if you fancy going for a look. Can check with a friend for you which are worth checking out? Think these are geared more towards singers but who knows? [/quote] Sounds good Deb, was going to see if you fancied the Cardiff ones too
  9. Had a look in the gig section but nothing is jumping out at me as being suitable. Anyone know of any jamming nights/open mike nights in South Wales (anywhere from Swansea to Cardiff). Also if any basschatters are playing in South Wales, may be nice to get out and about and see some of your bands Ta
  10. If you can't, do what I do and make your own bassline or adapt it. The majority of punters won't realise the difference (that said my punters are my cats and chickens! Lol!)
  11. I have been drooling over your site Too expensive for me, but welcome to the forum
  12. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1340649183' post='1707621'] I really want to go now! [/quote] Of course you do! It was an awesome gig! Hope your wife is understanding and will let you go.
  13. Ah, thanks Deb! Ah Ian Cattell you are amazing
  14. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340623118' post='1707044'] Introducing Debs to Marcus Miller was another high spot. [/quote] Guess what I'm listening to now He's awesome
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1340635692' post='1707364'] I might get to see them play the Great gig in the sky. [/quote] They are in the concert hall in Perth on Friday go on, treat yourself, you know you want to
  16. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340623118' post='1707044'] I used a single piece of sellotape under my G string . Needless to say we did laugh just more than a bit . Cheers for a fantastic day and night. [/quote] I did wonder if you'd share the Sellotape story I'm still laughing about it now. Back atcha Matey, fabulous day and night
  17. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1340623363' post='1707057'] No, Don't worry, I did mean to call out to Shelley in a deliberately over-dramatic way. I think what you girls started is awesome and should be continued! Shelley regularly travels to the west of London, so we could copy you girls and go to a gig as well. Not to mention that all of us could meet up at some point! [/quote] Ah I see.... Yep, I strongly recommend a road trip... Hope you and Shelley get to have one
  18. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1340618138' post='1706923'] Was hoping for something a little more risque. Nice story though. [/quote] I nearly got arrested Not risqué enough for you
  19. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1340620277' post='1706977'] YAY!! Jealous. Seashell!!! Where are you? We need another meetup-cum-adventure and make this a long-running thread of awesomeness *goes off to check out the websites of West London venues for cool gigs* [/quote] Bluejay, you have me confused, I'm Space Chick, not Seashell and live in South Wales, so websites need to be very far west of London!
  20. ..... So, Deb Williams and myself arranged a "mini meet" yesterday for a coffee and a chat about basses. We'd never met each other before, but we're local to each other, and thought it would be nice to meet. So, at 2pm we meet at a Costa Coffee, have a chat, talk basses, talk music... Then Deb said how she was gutted she hadn't seen Brit Floyd on their tour... I said I'd seen them in Cardiff and they were awesome. Deb said that they were in Shrewsbury that night. We hatched a plan! We checked on the website... Tickets were available. So within an hour of meeting we were planning a 225 mile round trip road trip there and then. Deb drove to mine, we took my car, and (much to my OHs surprise) to Shrewsbury we went. The gig was amazing. I do love Ian Cattell on bass though! He had three basses he played in the show, a precision bass, a 5 string and a rather lovely 4 string fretless Deb has taken photos We had a great time, although the ride home was a little eventful, first I took a wrong turn, and the satnav redirected us down a single track road which was barely more than a dirt track... Then I got stopped by the police for speeding... Then we had to play 'avoid the sheep' whilst driving over the Brecon beacons in the fog! We laughed all day and had a fab time. Just call us the new forum "Thelma and Louise". I certainly didn't think when I got up yesterday morning that I would be going on a 2 and a half hour drive each way with a person I'd never met before, to see a fabulous band and spend hours talking basses!!! No doubt Deb will share her stories later, but we thought you guys would appreciate our first "mini meet".... Whoever said that bassists were impulsive people weren't wrong
  21. OMG I love that bloke who took the G flat and made it sound right a lesson I will remember!
  22. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340445013' post='1704467'] And you call yourself obsessed! You need some more practice at this clearly [/quote] I'm beginner obsessed.... Showing clear signs if obsession but still with SO much to learn
  23. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1340434804' post='1704356'] Well? What bass was it? Finish? Fretboard wood? Backline if he was using it and pedalbaord if you could see it? Don't leave us hanging for details [/quote] Not sure what bass it was, but it was a shiny cherry wood bass with a rosewood fretboard. There was definitely a pedalboard but I was in the front row but on the other side of the stage.... They were also at the back of the stage. Really cool looking guy though, must have been in his 60s and was really enjoying himself
  24. We went to see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in Cardiff tonight. They had a band on stage..... I spent the night watching the bassist and his lovely 5 string bass!
  25. Welcome
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