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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. This is the Set List we have for our early 2015 gigs for Welsh Floyd. Set One Shine on you crazy diamonds Learning to Fly High Hopes Take it Back Coming Back to Life hey You Wish you were here Another Brick in the Wall Parts one and two Set Two The whole of Dark side of the Moon Encores Comfortably Numb Run Like Hell I love it to bits I do!! We've been working on our light show over Christmas too!
  2. The Waitresses has always been my favourite Christmas song...... Now I know why!!! I don't think I've ever been so conscious of the bassline before
  3. Jon rocks!!I used to travel from Neath to Cardiff for lessons with him.
  4. Well I've just listened on the Iplayer now and I loved it Got really chuffed when our lovely community got a mention. Also when Lawrence for Wunjos was talking I was thinking "I bought a bass from you"
  5. [quote name='Bass Culture' timestamp='1414256382' post='2587630'] RIP Jack. If it wasn't for 'Badge' I don't think I'd ever have wanted to play bass. A great loss. [/quote] Badge is one of my favourite basslines. Gutted RIP to a lovely man and a tremendous musician.
  6. Great to see my lovely low end friends today!! I'll bring my gear next time
  7. I'll be coming without equipment as I have my niece and nephew overnight on Friday, so I won't fit them, their stuff and any bass stuff for the journey back to Cardiff on Saturday. For those that don't know me, I'll be the frazzled and dazed one in the corner after 24hrs with a 19 month old and a four year old! For those that do know me, I'll be looking more frazzled and dazed than usual after my Auntie duties
  8. Have heard horror stories about some Swansea teachers. I think Jon's suggestion about longer lessons less frequently is a good one. I used to often have a double lesson once a month
  9. I always knew I was a lazy meathead.... Good to have it confirmed
  10. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1410857147' post='2553816'] I'd recommend Jon Caulfield in Cardiff. Jon is on here [/quote] +1 he's well worth the trip up the M4.
  11. 5% marvellous!! That means there will be plenty of potential buyers for my kit when I need to pack it all in and use the funds to pay my nursing home fees. I can just see the conversations with the carers now. "I used to be a bass player in several rocks bands you know" "Of course you did old dear, now take your meds and get into bed" (turns to another staff member) "she's really losing her marbles now"
  12. I'm in one band.... Like others have said, with work, family, life commitments I couldn't commit to more than that. I feel pretty busy most of the time..... Hats off to those of you in five bands, but with a full time job, a husband, a nephew and niece, pets, allotment, cycling etc etc etc, I reckon I'd keel over in a week if I added any more commitments!
  13. I LOVE it! Fabulous work
  14. My goddaughter and Godson bought me a rather lovely Radley sports bag..... I use it for my leads instead!
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1410206822' post='2547183'] We played at small Nottingham festival Medfest on Saturday. When we arrived, I was disappointed to see a sparse turnout, with a smattering of people passively sitting watching the great Mike Rutherford Band pumping out some blues crowd-pleasers. A couple of reggae acts followed and then us as the final act. Thankfully a group of friends/fans came along and we got a great atmosphere going, with people dancing and kids with too much candy floss in their systems dancing and running like mad things. My six year old daughter, Maya, had been promised last year that she could sing with the band on her favourite song 'Lollipop' so we decided that this would be the gig. It was lovely having her on stage, and she did brilliantly - she was chuffed to bits and is really proud, especially as she was very nervous beforehand. [/quote] What a lovely thing for Maya
  16. We get together about once every 10 days. We agree in advance what we will focus on. I also record all the rehearsals on a zoom so we can see where we need to work.
  17. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1409688262' post='2542314'] Careful when taking recommendations from Andrew (B5) - normally ends up costing me money when I listen to his recommendations...must say at I've bought some great music though (check out Drizabone and Lettuce) [/quote] No more recommendations until I get some more "spare" cash
  18. Harmonics to slapping like that just shouldn't be allowed!!! Gosh I watch these skills and it makes me want to cry.... 1. As it's so awesome 2. Because I'll never be anywhere near that good!!
  19. Have checked those out!!! Blimey, they are funky!! You are now both my official music recommenders, I have loved everything you have suggested (and have downloaded a few albums with a £25 lottery win I had on Saturday!)
  20. Thanks Guys, I'll check those out
  21. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1409675308' post='2542132'] [url="http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=35;t=001861;p=0"]This tale[/url] might be an urban myth/hoax, but I challenge all you gentlemen to read it without whimpering/crossing your legs/cradling your jewels. [/quote] Read that out to hubby is actually screamed and covered his ears [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1409676129' post='2542151'] [size=4](... [i]and SC: you can lock with me any time, sweetie[/i]... )[/size] [/quote] Hey, how you doin' Thanks Doug
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1409594196' post='2541306'] It's a small village in Gloucestershire. Just down the road from Frisby-in-the-Nude. [/quote] That's just left of itch-in-the-boob isn't it?
  23. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1409583786' post='2541155'] I think your drummer needs to get his tackled checked over. I've never heard of bollock cramp. Your duty as bass player does NOT extend to offering this service [/quote] Phew!! [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1409584652' post='2541175'] I can lock this thread, you know.... [/quote] Spoil sport
  24. Didn't have time to post this yesterday, but yesterday was certainly a first for me!! So, our drummer plays to a click track (important for all the Floyd sound effects), he's an amazing drummer and a pleasure to play with. Yesterday, we were running through Brain Damage, and all of a sudden his drumming became more erratic. I thought we'd probably lost our way against the click and he was trying to get back on track, so did my absolute best to try and lock back in, which threw off our keys and guitarist. We limped through to the end of the track and the drummer got up, started screaming and running around the rehearsal hall grabbing his crotch. In amongst his cries he said "Debs, why on earth did you follow me?" I replied "It's my job to lock in with you, I thought you were trying to get us back on track against the click track". His reply to me was "Your timing was all spot on, I just had cramp in my bollocks" I shouldn't laugh.... But.... However, I think I went up in his estimations slightly for desperately trying to lock in with him, despite his obvious temporary issues!!
  25. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1409310378' post='2538515'] I took it up 'cos it only had four strings so it had to easier, right? [/quote] Yeah and a lot of basslines are repetitive so easier to learn than those pesky guitar solos
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