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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. Should add that Karl Brazil was on drums, he was awesome. I'd seen him before with Take That!!
  2. Well, last night was the opening night of the Swansea Jazz festival. A legend came from LA to his first ever visit in Wales to astound us with his talent. I'm not into Jazz music as a rule, but the chance of seeing Jimmy Haslip live, on my doorstep, was one I couldn't miss. I have to say I spent most of his performance in a state of wonder at his talent!! People were cheering bass solos He's a left handed player, and was playing a 6 string and like other left handlers of his generation he was playing with the B string at the bottom and the C string at the top! What astounded me most was his plucking hand, it glided the strings with an ease I have rarely had the pleasure to witness, and his speed was literally breathtaking! I got the chance to shake his hand after the gig. I'm hoping some of the magic may have rubbed off I swear about 10 mins into the gig I thought to myself that I'd never be a fraction as good as he is and maybe I should just quit there and then!! Then I thought, I don't want to be a superstar, I just enjoy being me, so watch, learn and enjoy!! I can see me doing a few fretboard exercises today They are in London somewhere tonight, I don't know where, but if you do get the chance to see "Jeff Lorber's fusion" I recommend it for Jimmy.
  3. My local music shop has been upgrading their website. I had a nose around and this is what is written in their Bass Guitar section. "We all play bass at Neath Music and we love bass guitars. We accept that there are other instruments out there, and we even allow guitarists into the shop if they behave themselves but as far as we’re concerned, bass is where it’s at." I loved it and thought you guys would too!!
  4. Great news!
  5. Wunjos will defrett an SR300. They did mine. Plays like a dream and well within your budget.
  6. A Stagg EUB you say, Marc! Shame I'm skint I'll probably bring my barefaced SuperTwin, my Markbass amp, my Ibanez SR1000 and my defretted SR300.
  7. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1398969567' post='2439611'] Nice looking bass. What is it ?? [/quote] Sorry for the very delayed response Tony! It's an Ibanez SR1000
  8. Reading this got me thinking about some things that have touched my life: The first being that some strong Muslims believe that stringed instruments are too sexual and that music containing them are evil. The second - thinking back to my devout Christian Mum (God rest her soul) that was devastated as I stopped playing the oboe as she felt I had a musical gift from God. The third, seeing a friend of my Dad who has been a bassist in a Christian band for twenty years and is delighted that the bass is giving me as much joy as it's given him. Religion wise, I can't help. However, I do believe that when you have a talent you should not be rash to dismiss it.
  9. I agree to record it! You'll need time to reflect. I also agree with getting down to your favourite 2 and having a second "creative" audition. Also, I have previously attended an audition where I'VE recorded it and gone away to listen to decide if I want to join THEM!
  10. Sounds great fun! The only time I've been in a pit was as an Oboeist!! Best one, was Fiddler on the Roof which needed a Cor Anglais (like a bass Oboe I suppose), I didn't own one and only got to borrow one for the actual gigs! lol! So first time I played one was about an hour before the actual show!!! Ah those were the days!!
  11. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1401905100' post='2468184'] My guitar to T shirt ratio is 4.5:1 [/quote] I have more bass related tshirts than I have basses...... Reckon I probably have about 10 or 12 bass related t shirts on only 4 basses!! [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401893796' post='2467966'] Why can't I get jobs like that?? [/quote] You are a bad man, Mark
  12. I should be there! Although have a gig the night before so depends how knackered I am I daren't not come and bring my barefaced cab though
  13. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1401608182' post='2465099'] Pics please! Mines purple with a sort of lace up bodice. Works well with black leggings and ankle boots. Also destined to be my 'gigging dress', lol [/quote] Here you go Shell! Several of me in the dress, and an extra one of the whole band that I think is really cool [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/f5ae55d641f7f2477569872a0b5dc88e_zpsea174be8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/653f7b6374fdb33a7eb169a6970f6450_zps16119ce7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/91855ce61c2d20ebba333755d10b9f8b_zps587315ec.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/2699f726b23968b653f188bdec2c5ad2_zps8f8d28dc.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Glad it's not just me!! Just been listening to the recordings, and when you hear the punters cheer it's all worthwhile.
  15. I never touch alcohol when I play either, so it's not that with me either. I really try not to gig on a school night! Have a good wedding gig tonight, hope you manage work tomorrow.
  16. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1401631316' post='2465331'] Could be the comedown from the adrenaline high. Or something. [/quote] That is a very good suggestion!
  17. Was wondering if it was just me. The day after a gig I am always completely exhausted. I tend to spend the day (assuming weekend gig) sprawled out on the sofa watching TV and knitting!! I am usually a very busy person, so it always amazes me on my post gig days when I don't have the energy to rush around like my usual busy manner!! I am usually an early to bed, early to rise person, so I wonder if it's as much the late night as it is me putting my all into a performance! I also have ridiculously strange vivid dreams after gigs (last night I was playing with my band in a holiday camp for aliens?!? WTF?!?)
  18. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1401605022' post='2465087'] Glad the gig went well Debs. Funnily enough I wore a dress for the first time at our last Open Mic. I felt really good, so am going to repeat the exercise. Gotta be the right sort of dress though, or I'll end up looking like Mrs Merton on Bass.! [/quote] Mine was a black dress with big white bursts of like a star light on them, it did look fairly rock and roll (even though OH hated it!), I have now renamed it "my gigging dress". It was actually quite loose and relaxing! Our guitarist, bless him, said I looked really hot.... Seeing a woman in a dress holding and playing a great big bass
  19. Just in from playing Caerphilly Workingmens Hall.... A gorgeous old theatre opposite the castle. Venue hadn't advertised as much as promised so it was a disappointing crowd, but they were enthusiastic and we went down well. One guy had flown down from Scotland to see us, as is a huge Floyd fan and likes to see as many tribute bands as he can!! He said he thought we were one of the best which was flattering! He was besotted with Steph, one of our backing singers, but then she does do a blinder on Great Gig in the Sky One minor tech hitch on Wish You Were Here, when no sound came out of the guitar during my guitar solo!!! No idea why, we'd sound checked it and it was working perfectly then! Had a brilliant time though. You just can't beat the buzz of playing to an appreciative audience!! Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!! Just finished a hot chocolate and climbed into bed.... I'm so rock and roll me.
  20. End of the month is good for me Only weekend I can't make is the first weekend.
  21. I love being in a tribute band
  22. Love it!!! And you are all sporting some pretty impressive hair A lovely good rocking track!
  23. Loved it!!! I love both the Spice girls and Slap bass, so hearing that has brightened an already bright Sat morning Loved what you did with the middle 8 I'm happy not to get those 5 mins of my life back, as they were well spent minutes
  24. That's proper living the dream Bigredx!!
  25. Just home from playing the Main stage at the Cinderford music festival. Sounds very grand, but was sadly lacking!! Tent in a football pitch and very drunk but happy punters. We were meant to go on for our 45 min set at 6.50, we ended up doing a 35 min set at 8.40!! Played 3 wrong notes and am now beating myself up as I will not tolerate a single mistake in my playing. Crowd seemed to love us, were shouting out Pink Floyd song titles (and was songs we were doing which was a bonus!) and they cheered for an encore which we sadly couldn't do. Now back home in my bed in South Wales
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