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Everything posted by Ashwood1985

  1. Ha! yeah the link would have helped!! I know they're heavy but if that means they're bargains I say bring on the hand trollies!!
  2. Hi guys, I'm not in the market for a 410 right now but if I was I would be over this like a rash!!!! Mega bargain and not easy to find now. Apparently sounds somewhere between the XLT and XST
  3. If this is a: British and b: in full working order c: still available.. I'll av it!
  4. Ha! Jokes - Ziggy is a Sei Predator!!! [size=4] [/size]
  5. [quote name='gstirrat' timestamp='1363916238' post='2019643'] if this were facebook, i'd like that previous comment. Too bad it's not. . . [/quote] Umm ok :-/ must remind myself too keep all communications dry and very, very business like. After all BC is of course a strictly fun-free zone! Anyway, I'm sure I do t need to offer the seller good luck with the sale. These things are mini tone factories!
  6. He didn't - to be fair to the guy he said it was sold on the 17th of October - two weeks after the topic went up. He just didn't update the first post or title which is where I suspect the mess comes from!
  7. OP also said this :-/ ..... [quote name='ashplaybass' timestamp='1350463944' post='1839093'] Just fyi, this amp has now been SOLD for full asking price. Sorry if you lost out and good luck with the Eden hunt! [/quote] I've got one but y'all can't have it! :-P
  8. [quote name='gstirrat' timestamp='1363819972' post='2018310'] but can i tempt you with my cat? He's very friendly. [/quote] Ha! Just saw this - poor little fella! I can imagine him being passed around in trades - the BCat!!
  9. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1363878051' post='2018798'] don't think of it as an "effect", just a "larger, nicer and smoooother sound device"!! [/quote] I second this - it's a great tone/dynamics tool for live or the studio!
  10. Hi Ghost, Thanks for the response mate. When you say loss in low end: I assume we are talking sub energy? Have you (or anyone else) got much to say about how the Aguilar and genz's reproduction of a low B? Maybe a markbass is the way to go. I've just felt in the past they are a maybe little too clean.
  11. Just got an isp Decimator back in my life after stupidly selling the last one. Highly reccomend! No tone issues and, if set at te right threshold you will NEVER notic the gate's action: you would forget the pedals there if it wasn't a sexy all chrome box on your board! Can get them second hand for as little as £60
  12. Just had a headphone jam with a big delay on the SMMH a te MB clamped down hard. Absolutely loved pushing it too hard with my G and C strings to make the tube break up. Awesome!!!
  13. Howdy y'all, So I've recently been using a WT550 head with a 112xlt and have just picked up a 210xlt to run with it or as seperates. I absolutely low the tone of the 550 but the weight means that if i'm not in the car (london gigs) its too heavy along with my 112. So I was considering my options (ir when i have he cash) on a super light head that I can chuck in the gig bag, whack the 112 on a hand truck and jump on the underground! Any opinions/experience/insight into using the tonehammer heads (350/500) or GB shuttle with Eden cabs? Any other particular suggestions for pairing with my golden boxes of mojo? Key priority is weight, solid tone and very usable EQ (not so fussed about heavily driven tone etc as I have pedals :-P) I should probably also mention that I play a passive jazz, passive P and an active mayones 6er. So with the tonal variety of these basses I'm thinking that a head too inherently bright and modern or dark and vintage will not fit with all 3 basses.... I find the WT550 to have a very usable tone for all 3 as a reference point. If only it was 15lbs lighter! :-/ Cheers, Ash
  14. I'd like this please - ill drop you a pm!
  15. Weekend price drop for the straight sale!!!
  16. Chord now SOLD jackhammer is still available however!!
  17. You won't be sorry discreet!!
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1363217056' post='2010134'] I was about to get rid of my Small Stone until I tried it in my Xotic X-Blender, now it's a keeper! Just on the lookout for a smaller blend pedal now. [/quote] Similar experience here but with a PH1r! I also enjoyed having the oc2 on sub octaves only, then phased so the original notes remain unmodulated. Blenders really open up options huh!!?
  19. Not that I can afford one right now but does anyone have any idea if/who distributes these?
  20. He sansamp heavily EQs the sound as a standard and gives a very mid-cut SVT style tone that you can't dial out with the EQ. The VT1 wil leave the essential EQ characteristics of he instrument intact but will add tube warmth and break-up distortion if the gain is turned up. So it depends what you're looking for. I found that I missed my mids way too much when using the sansamp and it masked the tone of my basses to much sighs VT1 was the one for me in the end. That way I hear my basses and my Eden rig but with some nice extra tube driven tones if I want
  21. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1363194110' post='2009577'] Hmm, Too big for me. I already have a Pedaltrain 1 for plenty o' pedal needs! .....Want a mini or nano for a 4 pedal only option... [/quote] I will let the fella who I was gonna trade with for his nano know and I suppose he'll get in touch if he's up for a sale.
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