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Everything posted by Ashwood1985

  1. Luke tha Gas Powered Machine! Keep focused man! She'll understand A wedding's for a day but a preamp can be for live
  2. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1352568310' post='1864753'] I commissioned this bass:) [/quote] I must say sir that you are a man of refined taste
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1352596358' post='1865110'] So- that post just cost me (and is about to give alan) the £200 that I have possibly spare as soon as I work out it def is spare this time! [/quote] lol!
  4. Just got back tonight from a gig with it. Man it sounds killer. The way it 'snapped' back at me what I dug in on the D and G strings in a solo sung! And anyone that's go any idea that this bass is only good for high mid freq 'modern' tones is wrong. I had fat, warm, rounded and bottom heavy drone notes for days under the acoustic guitar's arpeggios in the more ballady tunes.
  5. Hi Guys, It's in the current 'Bass Player' which I believe is very big state side seeing as it's the only export to here. This is the cover: [attachment=123484:photo 1 (8).JPG] and the 'New Gear' 2 page spread, on pages 30 and 31 is the AGC EQ02: [attachment=123483:photo 2 (7).JPG] Correction to my earlier post - just realised it's not the same one thats in the Harlot (EQ01). Great promotion for stateside if the readership is anything like what I imagine.
  6. Loadsa bass for 175! That bridge looks as chunky as a bad ass!
  7. Price drop until Monday!
  8. Hey luke, Thanks man Yeah the Pre is pretty unusual for sure. Loads of voices. Alan is a talented man for sure. Btw anyone seen the product highlight of his preamp in the current US Bass Player magasine? I just noticed it tonight while perusing it!
  9. Cool man Enjoy!!
  10. One of me muckin about with the pre to show some tonal variety. The pre can do a lot more than this but it's a good taster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzxjDSPAdpA Again sorry it's sloppy
  11. Went from 4 to 5 to 4 to 5 to 4!! In my last stint with 5 i felt I was getting lazy having two whole octaves of a scale under my left hand so decided to go mainly back to 4 again and as a result my playing has opened up some more as I've been forced to find new fretboard ergonomics. Not waving the flag for 4s (in fact I'll be looking for a 5 to have to hand at some point) but my main point I suppose is that sometimes a change can be a good thing - shake things up a bit. It aint marriage - you can jump around, keep things fresh if you want and not feel guilty
  12. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1352474021' post='1863560'] My concern with a Stingray was that I would struggle to find a place sonically for it with the kind of music I play but so far it's not proved to be an issue. Already done a bit of recording with it this morning, sounds great. [/quote] What kind(s) of music is that dude? I ask as I'm now 5less after trading my streamer so will, at some point, be looking for a good 5 string to keep ready for when 'needed' and the SR5 is something that I loved when trying in a store but I'm not 100% sure about their use across different genres: I would want to be able to get a warm, round fat tone when desired from my 5 (no 'edge').
  13. Here's the link btw http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191245-fsft-sansamp-programmable-bddi-deluxe-for-dha-vt1-andor-cash/
  14. Hi peaps, so when I was considering the trade on this for my old streamer, I hunted for some youtube vids for tone but could only find some crazy fast tapping with the treble cranked right up so I thought I'd post a quick couple of vids that display some good honest tone samples of the bass. For those that don't know the preamp is a filter based one with a filter per pickup complete with resonance peak control and a thrid stacked pot with a high end boost with freq control. This allows for custom scoops if you know what I mean. I was planning to do some direct recordings but this is just through the iphone mic in the room but you'll get the idea for now. Both pickups balanced equally/filters on both pickups almost completely open (just a TINY bit of top end dampened) and no frequency boosts from the resonance controls and no high boost. Also it is running directly into the a powered extension cab - so no EQ / other preamp - nothing. So this is very much the basic sound of the bass before fiddling with the pre. (sorry about the sloppy playin - just bashed it out for the sack of tone reference on a whim) play in HD if you got the speed [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO4M-bl5FP4[/media] I will post a second one following this with some tonal varieties. Hope this is helpful for anyone interested in the harlot or indeed Alan's great preamps. Ash
  15. Okay, Well I've got my Sansamp prgrammable bddi deluxe up for sale wit a trade hunt for a DHA VT1 but this looks interesting also. Would you be interested in a trade plus some cash my way? Either way: How does this sound with bass? I can't find anything on youtube - all skinny string stuff
  16. Hi Phil, This still around?
  17. A fair price either way still. Mines in great nik aside from a few small dings and I would never let it go for that kind of money. A jazz of the same quality with a different name on the head would flog for many times over.
  18. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1352340287' post='1862011'] edit - just noticed the grounding strip to the back pup is missing. [/quote] Alarm bells if you ask me. At the least that it's been tampered with way too much and at worst it's a fugazi. The neck sure seems kosher but the body's either been severely manhandled or it ain't it! :-/
  19. I took the neck off the bass and removed all hardware so I could do a clean job as I didn't like the idea of leaving finish in the joins with the body etc or damaging the finish on the body by accident. Plus it helped with maniurverability as I could lay the neck flat down on a dense thin layer of foam and work the finish off without the body getting in the way. I also used low tack masking tape on the fretboard to stop wood from the sanding filling the grain. Just used plain old pure raw linseed oil. Apparently the boiled stuff will do exactly the same job but just add a slightly darker tint to the wood. Shiny or Matt? Well I guess he answer would be Matt although there's not much of a 'finish' as one might expect. Rather the wood just feels less raw but still feels like good honest wood!
  20. Still up? What kind of thing you looking for man?
  21. Sterling effort guys! wow my tupence: + very attractive, clean, clear information, forced price stating a very good thing etc, very interesting new features especially the powerful search filters! - as has been said - a little apprehensive about the 'questions' tab being in place of the normal communications from the standard forum format. Maybe if his could be opened up in a new window to show the posts full screen and can participate there? If I wouldn't be a big fan of it remaining in a small box with scrolling.
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