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Everything posted by Ashwood1985

  1. Is it REALLY bitchy and bad if we have a competition on who can find the most ridiculous reviews???
  2. Crazy times my friends. Everyone's an expert!
  3. Sold an MEC2 preamp to Mark. Immediate payment and nay bother. Diamond Geezer
  4. Hi Mark, The Comp still around??
  5. CHeers Lenny, This thing's solid
  6. [quote name='LLOYDWT' timestamp='1348521739' post='1814840'] I'll have to be content with the musicmen I already have. [/quote] lol it's a hard life huh!
  7. [quote name='Mick Kahn't' timestamp='1348531989' post='1814989'] [size=5][sup]If someone VAT registered sells something new then they charge VAT at 20% - and the customer pays it. If a shops buys something in, then sells it on (at a profit) there is a VAT element - but the VAT element they have to pay to HMRC is only the percentage (20%) on the profit they make - not the final selling price. Just as they only pay that on the mark up on the NEW item as well ... If some gear is s/hand, there is still an element of VTA in the sale - it is NOT a VAT-free sale (if the shop is registered). There would be little point a music shop with a fairly healthy turnover (under the threshold) not being registered for VAT as they would be unable to claim back the VAT they are charged whgen they buy the equipment in. [/sup][/size] [/quote] ...[i]word...[/i]
  8. What the hell man...?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONFWTAZ1ulY Not that this really qualifies for a review. In fact I dont know what it is meant to be! any given meter will act in it's own way and we aint hearin much here either. Anyhoo made me laugh! Anyone got one to trump it??
  9. Eyyyyyyyyy Nice one Mick! Enjoy your NewBassDay!!!!
  10. Cool What's the year matey? And is it wenge or ovankol neck?
  11. My God! 7000 views and no sale! Someone buy this thing for crying out loud before I sell a kidney for it!
  12. Hi Charlie and welcome The forum rules state that you must publicly include a price within any sales posts to avoid any bidding activity. Lovely looking thumb btw! Good luck with the sale mate
  13. Bumpings!
  14. Hi Gilian, Love the bass watch the frequency of bumpage as a minimum of 24 hours (or maybe 36 now) is set between them. It'll clarify in the forum rules. Good luck with the sale
  15. Sorry scrap that he's changed his mind.
  16. Hi mate, I'll take the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Martin Koch [/font][/color]
  17. But..... but...... but....... ummmm....... All the little metal boxes are just so darn FUN And making your rig is like Woolworths pick and mix - you dunno your bag is gonna be different from the boy's one next to you!
  18. My guitar player is interested in your acoustic imaging thingy! I'll call him today to double confirm and then he should take it via me
  19. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1348334276' post='1812509'] Your welcome to plug my rack compressor in at some point if you like, just bring a coupl eo fextra leads with you .... [/quote] Thank you mate! Although I am looking for a pedal. Reason being is that I have one or two rack comps including my beloved TLAs but I just simply dont want to lug round an extra flight case for gigs so I'm after a good comp to sit in the board so I don't have to consider resorting to the knob on my amp :-/ Really keen to try a Mark Bass and Joe Meek floorQ in my rig as I am having trouble finding them to demo in stores!
  20. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1348337834' post='1812586'] I could bring my Rothwell Love Squeeze if you like? [/quote] Hmmm, this hasn't come to my attention before now. Seems very transparent, would be worth a tinker if its not too much trouble, as I am trying to work out whether I want a very transparant sounding comp for my chain or a more coloured one capable of a good ol thwump What I want to try on the other side of the coin is a MB Compressore and a JM FloorQ. Anyone happen to be bringing one of these along??
  21. Lookin at the list: is no one bringing any juicy compressor pedals!? I'm doing my homework and would lurrve to try some out on my rig
  22. Hey, What is the size? plus I'm assuming there's no power leads involved in the case?
  23. Bimbady Bumpady
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