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Hot Tub

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Everything posted by Hot Tub

  1. [i]“I used to try all different kinds of bass playing, but you’re good at one thing. You find your level and settle into that and you’re happy with that. I used to try and learn slap bass, just to be a more all-round player. You drive yourself nuts, but eventually you stick to what you’re good at.”[/i] - Geezer Butler I've "played" bass on and off since I was 16, and it's always been a source of enjoyment and frustration in equal measure. Enjoyment because it can sound really awesome, and frustration because there's so much I can't do. I've never been happy or satisfied with my playing because I always think there's something more; I've always got to push for that something extra which remains elusively just beyond my grasp. Non-satisfaction with one's own abilities is a truly terrible thing. It leads to endless self-doubt, an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, and a constant questioning of "Why can't I do what [[i]insert hero's name here[/i]] can do?" This is something I've struggled with in all aspects of life, be it bass playing, motorcycling, astronomy/astrophysics, mathematics, photography, etc., and it has either caused or been a major contributory factor to several lengthy bouts of serious depression. Suffice to say I'm lucky to still be here. Then I read the above quote from Geezer Butler in Bass Guitar Magazine, Rock Special, Issue 34, and it was like a light went on. Why try to be like someone else? Why set goals which are never going to be achievable? Why set oneself up for failure and disappointment at every opportunity? In the context of bass guitar, yes I'm always trying to learn, and I hope that I can continue to learn something every day. But I no longer try to play like someone else. Now I try to play like me. All of a sudden - and I mean that I noticed a big difference in just a couple of days! - my playing is steadier, notes come easier, fills are more relaxed and "obvious", and I can lock it down like a... erm... locked down thing. On top of all that, my confidence is growing; slowly, but it's definitely there. I've never ever played with other musicians, but I can see in the next few months perhaps getting in touch with some local folks and making some noise. Just to see what it feels like. And all because of Geezer Butler. If it's good enough for him, one of the icons of my musical history, then sure as hell it's good enough for me!
  2. If your mobile phone's close by that can cause some interference coming through. Also, FWIW, depending on the weather I sometimes hear very faint American amateur radio.
  3. +1 for Ultimate Guitar. Been using them a lot lately.
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='159516' date='Mar 18 2008, 01:34 PM'][/quote] +1 I bought one of these a couple of years back for telescope stuff (equatorial head, counterweights - all in about 70lbs), and it's rock solid. I even stand on it when the 'scope is close to vertical and I'm 17st. It's a tough little bggr, and the wheels and retractable handle mean it's a hoot to move around.
  5. I got my '69 model on hire purchase back in September. Mind you, I'd had her on "try before you buy" for about five years. Unfortunately I don't think the payments will ever end. She's short scale with a fantastic top, incredibly rounded bottom end, and all the neck dive you could handle. And she comes with a number of accessories. Frequently. (And if she sees this, I'm dead!)
  6. Many thanks to all who organised this event! It was great to put some names to some faces, to hear so many talented musicians, to slobber uncontrolably over some top notch gear and instruments. Top afternoon out and will definitely be at the next one!
  7. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='163975' date='Mar 26 2008, 06:45 PM']That's pretty much my aim on [b][i]fretted[/i][/b] basses... [/quote] LOL! +1
  8. As a rule, I don't like the look/shape of Fenders generally, but that matt black beastie really cooks my noodle! It's gorgeous! Isn't the finish a bggr to keep clean though?
  9. Toying with the idea of "aquiring" an electro acoustic 4-string. Just sommat that can sit in a corner of the living room as a "pick-up-&-play" thingy. Needs to be cheap n' cheerful. Any thoughts anyone...? Ta!
  10. Oh dear.... This is what happens when someone makes bass guitars out of spandex. [sub]Quite like the purple one though.... [/sub]
  11. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='164423' date='Mar 27 2008, 12:38 PM']Hi all, I recently finished arranging the theme tune to the Simpsons as a solo bass piece.[/quote] You sir, have way too much time on your hands! Nevertheless, amazing and very enjoyable! Your arrangement of "Nothing Else Matters" is beautiful. Keep up the good work!
  12. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='164282' date='Mar 27 2008, 08:46 AM']??? what exactly is it???[/quote] Apparently it's some sort of bridge addition/modification for holding one's... erm... ball ends. <fnurk>
  13. [quote name='Perry' post='164248' date='Mar 27 2008, 07:34 AM']Yours must be an alarm clock - you posted that at 07.23! :brow:[/quote] LOL! Had to take bike in for a service today, so had to be up and about early. Don't usually do single figures!
  14. What do you have, or want, which is utterly useless? For me it has to be a custom ball-end holder. Just for the entertainment value!
  15. I've owned -- thinks -- 7 basses over the years, the most recent of which is my Cort Artisan B5 which I got a couple of months back. It's the only 5-string I've ever played and I love it. It's perfectly balanced, beautifully finished, has a gorgeous thumpy woody tone, loads of scope from the EQ, the neck is quick and easy, and the fretwork is damn near perfect. Also, I was amazed at how easy it was to adapt to a 5-string after only ever playing 4's. Within a few days it felt natural and instinctive, and I really "gelled" with the instrument very quickly. [attachment=6889:babies.JPG]
  16. In no particular order: Geddy Lee Roger Glover Jimmy Bain John Paul Jones John McCoy "Best" I guess is a subjective term. These are the guys that I liked and admired and who possibly influenced me the most.
  17. Cheers dude! PM'd.
  18. Anyone got bass tab or bass notation for Silent Lucidity? Had a look on t'interweb thing, but can't find owt. Many thanks!
  19. The Adam Nitti stuff looks really good! Thanks for that guys!
  20. Is there a "proper" way to mute the strings that aren't being played? I play fretted 4 and 5-strings, and there's always just that little bit of background ringing. It's only slightly - but noticably - worse on the 5. Thanks for any advice!
  21. Oh dear, here goes.... Male, 43, been "playing" since I was 16. Originally inspired by John McCoy who, when I was 16, I thought had the most amazing, thumping, roadworks sound. He was 20-stone of sheer entertainment! I started playing with a pick, but quickly moved to fingerstyle as I found I could play a helluva lot quicker that way. Never been able to do the slap/pop thing. Currently got a 4-string and a 5-string and love 'em both. Never gigged or even jammed. I just play along with tracks - anything from Pink Floyd, Rush, Queensryche, to AC/DC, Deep Purple, Bryan Adams, blues, and loads in between. Used to just play along with vinyl records with the bass on the stereo turned down. Now I use Adobe Audition to filter out the bass part leaving everything else mostly untouched. I plop the modified tracks into a cheapo MP3 player and that goes through a little mixing desk with my bass so I can play along. I try to improvise a bit too (in the case of Rush I improvise quite a lot - usually improvising root notes!). Currently teaching myself to read notation; it's a slow painful process, but I'm getting there!
  22. Many thanks for good advice, muchly appreciated! Cheers folks!
  23. OK, I understand Ohm's Law from a mathematical perspective. What I don't know is what it means from the "viewpoint" of the output stage of a power amp. Here's the problem. I have a 100w amp which is designed to "talk" to a 4ohm load, and the 115 cab I'm using is 4ohms. Perfect. But I have the chance of getting a 410 cab on the cheap, and it's 8ohms. If I connect them in series, I'll get 12ohms which (I think) will be pretty quiet, but if I put them in parallel I'll have 2.7ohms. What damage - if any - will this do to my amp?
  24. Keep it as it is, at least for a while. The original tone and feel of an instrument is something that can never be recovered once it's gone. Play it as is, get used to it as is, and give it some long hard thought before you do anything to it, because it'll never be the same again.
  25. Thanks folks! I'll take this on board!
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