What a difference!
I bought a Laney ProLinebacker 100w combo from that auction site, and got it for a song. It was a bit tatty, with knobs missing, but everything worked. So, I stripped it all down, cleaned it, repainted the grille, got new knobs and slider tops, and put it all back together with bright zinc plated screws & washers. It looks the mutts nuts. But there's been an annoying buzzing ever since, especially at low E and C at the 3rd fret on the A string. Something wasn't right.
But now it is!!! After much faffing about I discovered that the grille wasn't sitting quite right and was "buzzing" on the bottom of the amp front panel. The reason was that I'd put the grille on with the thing lying flat. All I did to fix it was keep the combo in the upright position and loosen off all the grille screws, allowing the grille to "settle" into it's proper position. Tightened everything up and.... glorious, clear, buzz free sound!
I'm a seriously happy bunny. And just wanted to share this with... erm... everyone... Sorry.