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Hot Tub

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Everything posted by Hot Tub

  1. PMSL! That's pretty much what Mrs HT said, but I sort of hoped she was wrong. Futtocks.
  2. Just wondering if anyone covers this in their pub band? I'd love to do it, but not sure if it's a well-enough known song? What do you reckon?
  3. I quite like Def Leppard, but find Bon Jovi annoying. I mean, really, seriously, annoying. Mrs HT is a fan of both bands. I often wear ear plugs.
  4. The problem here is "the music industry", which doesn't make any money from music. It makes its money from videos, advertising, and "reality" tv shows. It's got nothing to do with music. Look at the history of MTV. (For our younger viewers, that's Music TeleVision). If you want the history of MTV, look it up, I'm not going to go into it here. As a general rule, professional musicians don't die of starvation. I'm Facebook friends with a guy (bass player) who has done pretty much everything. Seriously, if you've watched tv over the last 30 years, then you've heard him. File sharing doesn't harm these people at all. File sharing, if it harms anyone, only harms a record company, and only in the very shortest of terms, when people download a "current" song. As for the "artists", well, if they're only going to last for one song or one album, then I'm probably not going to download their "music". I download songs one by one, as I want to learn them. Over the years I've ended up with an amazing library of music. I don't think I've contributed to the demise of any band or business. Musicians survive by playing live. Record companies survive.... unfortunately.
  5. There's several, but "New Born" by Muse is a favourite of mine. People who don't "know" music think it's amazing, but it's actually really easy!
  6. A sensibility of bassists.
  7. Pretty much as the title says really. The time has come to move on from my current band, and I'm looking for an active pub-rock band where I can hit the ground running. I'm happy to rehearse once a week, and ideally play a couple of gigs a month – more if possible. I can get bookings around my local area. I'm looking for something around Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Kenilworth, Bedworth, Nuneaton, etc. I've been gigging regularly for a couple of years, playing for 30+, predominately fingerstyle, although I use a pick on a couple of things. Obviously I have my own transport. I use a Cort Artisan B5 through a Korg Pitchblack, MXR MicroChorus, and SansAmp Bass Driver DI, into a MarkBass CMD103H, and try to be as versatile as possible. If a song needs pumping 1/8[sup]th[/sup] notes, that's what I'll play. If it needs something a bit more intricate, I can do that too. The downside? I can't read music, and I can't slap, but I can usually learn new songs fairly quickly and try to play as close to the original bassline as possible. Equally, I'm not averse to a band putting their own “twist” on a song. Message me here, or pop an email to [color="#000080"][u][email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email][/u][/color] Please put “Bass Player Ad” in the title. The attached file is an alphabetical list of some of the stuff I'm playing at the moment, just to give an idea of the sort of thing I'm looking for.
  8. +1 Got a RS cover ages ago for my little Ashdown practice amp, and it's a quailty cover. I use a big padded Silverstone job for my gigging combo, but that's another story....
  9. I know know from experience that some bands made very slight alterations to the pitch of a song by varying the master tape speed. Madness are famous for it. Maybe it was just to get the precise "feel" that they wanted? Who knows? In these cases, I use something simple (like Audacity) to correct it.
  10. It's a slap-fest. Same as any "Bass-Bash".
  11. Can anyone tell me what bass he's playing in this....? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR0U_0NG-E0
  12. Thank you! Makes more sense!
  13. Here's my lot: [url="http://www.facebook.com/8ballrock"]http://www.facebook.com/8ballrock[/url]
  14. Can anyone tell me what the chords are on this song? Specifically the bits where they sing "I had a dream..." Seems to be F-C-G, but there's a couple of places where I think it's something else. There's a couple of cover versions on YouTube, but they're just playing F-C-G. Have a listen to the original and you'll see what I'm wittering on about. Linky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qN89sZ2P9c Many thanks for any assistance!
  15. Cheers KevB, I'll have a look..... Les, I really hope you get something sorted soon. WTF is it with guitarists...???
  16. Hi everyone, I haven't posted for a while, but been loitering in the background, following various threads. Anyhoo, my band need to replace our lead guitarist. In fact, if I see him at rehearsal tonight there's a good chance he'll end up in Tesco burgers. So, where's a good place to find a decent guitarist? We're just a pub covers band, trying to have a bit of fun, but we're losing more gigs than we're playing because the current guy has too many other commitments (young family + baby on the way). Age, male/female, vocals or not, none of that matters. Just looking for someone who's versatile and fairly reliable. Does anyone know anyone, or know of a suitable forum? Cheers!
  17. All Along The Watchtower (Hendrix), Vertigo (U2), The Bartender And The Thief (Stereophonics), and Hard To Handle (Black Crowes). First four of twenty new songs for my band.
  18. Hi folks! I haven't been around for a while, but everything's all good, and I hope everyone here is happy & healthy? I've put this in "General" for maximum exposure, but mods please feel free to move it if appropriate. I may take it to PM's eventually. OK, here's the thing. I'm in a position where I could be the driving force behind a project involving a few internationally known - but semi-retired - artists. Think "Chickenfoot". I'm talking big names. My involvement won't be musical (much), but rather making the whole thing happen; logistics, finance, production, promotion, etc. The problem is that I have absolutely no experience whatsoever. Has anyone out there in BCLand done anything like this? Where should I start? How do I start? I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but as someone once said, "I want to go to my grave regretting things I did, not things I didn't do." Many thanks!
  19. I play through our setlist at least once a day (it's a 2hr set, constantly changing); I noodle with scales/modes for at least an hour a day; and I playalong with random tracks from my 200+ song repertoire for at least an hour. That's 4hrs minimum. Add to that whatever I'm learning - I have a possible dep gig coming up, so got 13 "new" songs to learn for that - and I'll be playing for 6-8hrs a day. I'm still cr@p. Fingers only. Can't do slappy-poppy stuff, and not comfy with a pick. But I love it.
  20. Hush Don't Stop / The Chain The Man Who Sold The World Sunshine Of Your Love See Emily Play There's plenty more.....
  21. Well, I do a bit for Help For Heroes, both personally and with the band (we've done a couple of "freebies" & there's a bigger project on the go at the moment), so I was thinking it'd be a bit of a giggle. I may try to sort something out next year.... watch this space!
  22. Greetings one and all! Haven't been around for a while, but still chatting with some folks from here on that Facebook. Anyhoo, I've recently noticed that I'm able to play quite a lot of covers, damn near note-perfect. In fact, if I was to play them all one after the other with no breaks (other than the breaks between tracks, obviously), it would be just over 12 hrs of music. So, I've been thinking, could I raise some dosh for a good cause by getting sponsorship to do something like this? A sponsored 12hr bass play-along. Venue isn't a problem, and publicity would be fairly easy..... Daft idea? What do you think....?
  23. I totally love my Cort Artisan B5. I mean seriously. We're "in a relationship". Always thought Corts were widely underrated, but they seem to be getting some love now, which is nice.
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