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Hot Tub

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Everything posted by Hot Tub

  1. If it's any help, I'm doing exactly the same at the moment. My setup is really simple: Bass -> tuner -> Sony minidisc recorder (1) -> Tascam MPBT1 (2) -> headphones or amp (1) This captures my bass and nothing else. (2) This plays the MP3 that I'm playing along with, and allows me to hear my bass at the same time. There's probably easier/cheaper ways of doing it, but since I use the Tascam [u][b]all [/b][/u]the time it was worth the investment, and the recorder is borrowed from a friend.
  2. Think I just had a trouser accident. Very, very, nice.
  3. I've used Strings Direct in the past, and found them to be very good. But IMO [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/index.htm"]StringBusters[/url] are even better. And possibly cheaper too. Haven't researched even a representative sample, but I just bought a 5-set of Elite Stadiums, 45-130 from StringBusters for £19.80 delivered. Strings Direct want £24.95
  4. I have recently put a minidisc recorder between my bass and the Tascam trainer thingy. So, I play along with a track, pop the solo bass recording into Audition, and listen to it, sort of "zooming in" on particular elements. Talk about being under a microscope??? Bum notes, dead notes, missed notes, fret farts..... the list goes on. But it highlights areas of my "technique" that need work and has been an absolute godsend. Already finding that I'm playing much more "precisely", and cleaner, than I was even a couple of weeks ago.
  5. +1 for the [url="http://www.herculesstands.co.uk/dyn_prod.php?p=GS414B&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=adwords&gclid=CN-HioKgmacCFUkhfAodQHNYcw"]Hercules Stand[/url]! Mine's had daily use since I got it a couple of years back, still in perfect condition and rock solid.
  6. It was time for new strings on the 5er, so removed the old Roto's (god, what a state they were in!), and then decided everything needed a bit of a clean. Made another fret mask from an empty plastic lemonade bottle, got the Brillo Pads out and gave everything a good scrub. Cleaned up the body and lemon-oiled the fretboard with the Dunlop 65 cleaning kit, then popped on the set of DR Sunbeams which have been lying around unopened for almost a year. Now I can't decide if it looks better than it sounds, or sounds better than it looks! Just one minor problem; I can't get the G to intonate properly. Action across the strings is just the way I like it (as low as possible with no/very minimal fret buz), and the other strings are spot on perfect, but the G is a TINY bit flat at the 12th fret, and the saddle is as far forward as it can go. Probably not an issue on a day to day basis, but I'm a stickler for detail/obsessive muppet, and just can't get it right! Anyhoo, pretty pleased with a good morning's tinkering.
  7. Behringer gear is frequently slated on here, but over the years I've used various bits of Behringer kit and never had a problem. Anyhoo, the only item I have left is their BDI21 amp modelling DI box, which I've always said is a fantastic bit of kit. Until last night, when it packed up. It had been crackling a bit for a few weeks, so now my immediate thought was that I'd best get on here, fess up, and see if someone can sell me a SansAmp! Along with a large slice of humble pie and quite a few "I told you so"s! Well..... no. Turns out the standard jack cable from the DI box to my amp has given up the ghost. Tried two other cables and no problems at all; solid, clean signal, no noise. Perfect! I just don't seem to have much luck with cables. The best instrument lead I have was made for me by Mark at Bass Direct; damn near everything else has packed up at some point. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I try to avoid standing on cables, and I coil them up loosely rather than "fold" them. Maybe I'm just jinxed!
  8. I really want one of [url="http://www.merryfair.com/merryfair/default_print.asp?id=48"]these.[/url] Compact, tough, stable but allows movement, easy to store, and probably better for posture. Can I find a UK distributor? Can I bllx!
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1129320' date='Feb 16 2011, 10:19 AM']I think there is an argument that some players (not all by any means) are trying to 'buy' talent and, rather than working on legitimate, tried and tested methods of musical learning, try and adress their shortcomings by buying gear. I heard even Guy Pratt talking about a bass with a 'fast neck'. I don't care how fast the neck is, if a player has no musical knolwedge and lacks core competences like time etc, a 'fast neck' ain't going to solve the problem. I make no secret of the fact that most of the talk on here about gear is irrelevant nonsense - there is a thread on here about the best material to make a nut out of (walnut, obviously). What possible difference can that make to anything? I get that you get more sustain from this or that material but how many times a night do you hit a note that sustains long enough for that to matter? In fact, you are as likely to NOT want it to sustain. I think its all smoke and mirrors. I can't tell the difference in sound between a Jazz and a Precision or a Ken Smith or a Fodera. I [i]can[/i] tell the difference between a Dorian minor and a Phrygian minor. [i]That[/i] matters. But an ebony vs plastic nut? As important as the colour of your lead, methinks.[/quote] Definitely, definitely, definitely +1 In fact, + lots of 1s! Having gone through this myself over the last 2-3 years (thankfully I pretty much broke even financially), I can say hand on heart that it's the musician that matters. It might be lovely having that warm valve sound, but buried under the rest of the band? Who's gonna notice? Or care?
  10. A couple of mates who are in a busy pub covers band have this, or a similar, discussion on an all too frequent basis, and it always comes back to the same conclusion: In general, any covers band has got to play what the punters want. And the punters love the standards (Mustang Sally, Sweet Child, Sweet Home, etc.) [u][b]My personal opinion[/b][/u] is that if you play a few of these standards, and play them well, then the audience will remember you. They won't remember your set, and possibly not your name, until they see the flyers up for your next gig and think,"That's the band that was here last month; they were f-ing brilliant when they did Sweet Child O Mine! I'm gonna come back and see 'em again, and bring me mates!" Putting something a bit different into the set is all well and good, and you may all play outstandingly well, but if the punters don't get it, and you don't get a repeat booking, what's the point?
  11. Three basses: Cort Artisan B5, Vintage V940B, Shine electro-acoustic. All get used, but mostly the Cort. Not in a band, but doing some on/off studio work.
  12. [quote name='Cyrene' post='1127979' date='Feb 15 2011, 09:05 AM']Ta. I'm feeling out a local open-mic night tomorrow with a friend who's a sh*t hot guitarist; he also lacks confidence! If it looks do-able, i'll be there the following week to vomit all over the stage. I've recorded a few clips playing (from an ipod) and sound ok but find that all a bit depressing. Once i've got through one tune ok, it'll be easier. Interesting to see how many other on here are in a similar position. We all need to come out![/quote] <derail> Mate - See the link in my sig! </derail>
  13. First Bass Owned: Anonymous P copy in sunburst. It was actually lovely. 'Go To' Bass: Cort Artisan B5 'Your' Bass: As above. I don't have enough disposable income to have a choice!
  14. Many thanks for the feedback folks! Much appreciated. Will have a play around with the tone.
  15. Great song! Liked the video too. A lot! Nice one.
  16. If this works, there'll be an mp3 file attached. It's about minute long and it's just a really simple little noodle along to a basic drum loop. Could I ask you kind people to let me know what you think? It's quick & dirty, so yes, the playing is pretty terrible! But what I'd really like to know is what is the sound like? How's the bass tone? Is the bass too high/low, is the drum track too high/low? It's my Cort Artisan B5 with everything flat, through an MP-BT1 (for the drum track), then into a Sony minidisc recorder. No effects, just plain signal. Thank you!
  17. I use [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=needle+file+set&hl=en&cid=3402117344572030026&ei=eXRRTayvOI_6-QaUlvD8Aw&sa=title&ved=0CC4Q8wIwCTgA#p"]these.[/url] Dirt cheap and with a bit of care, do an excellent job.
  18. A mate is popping round tonight with a minidisc recorder for me to have a play with. I think it's something like [url="http://www.avland.co.uk/sony/mzn520/mzn520silverlrg.jpg"]THIS[/url]. Anyone used one of these to either record your "pure" signal, or a mixed signal? Are there any tips/tricks worth knowing?
  19. +1 Had mine for a couple of years now, gets used every day, no issues!
  20. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1111694' date='Feb 1 2011, 10:03 PM']Bad: No bass boost/cut on the track playback (I use this a lot) Not internally rechargeable.[/quote] Yeah, I had a read through the owner's manual after posting, and it seems they've missed the point a bit. I wouldn't mind using it with a mains power supply, but the whole point of the "Bass Trainer" is the ability to boost/enhance the bass to learn it, then cut it out when required. Think I'll be hanging on to mine for a while yet. [quote name='lapolpora' post='1111710' date='Feb 1 2011, 10:12 PM']Howabout re-importing your music at a lower mp3 bandwidth? Or have you done that already?[/quote] Planning on doing that tomorrow. Should free up a decent amount of space. I'll have a play around first and see what the different resolutions sound like.
  21. Just had a look at the GB10. Looks like a good upgrade. Will have a think, but may sell my MP-BT1 to (partly) fund a GB10......
  22. I probably know the answer to this, but is there any way to expand the memory on these bass trainers? Mine is full but I've got another dozen or so songs that I want to add, and there'll be tons more as time goes on....
  23. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1110624' date='Feb 1 2011, 08:36 AM']I'd look at a Tascam bass trainer or a pandora - so much better than the bare bass... I'd be inclined to buy a camera case for it, or even just wrap it in cling film![/quote] +1 More expensive by some margin, but both have tons of built in effects, I think the Pandora has a drum machine function too. Either would be well worth the money!
  24. I tend to remember patterns, rather than whole songs. When I've got the first pattern going, it's (usually) fairly obvious where the next pattern is going to be... Dunno if that makes any sense at all, but I hope it might be helpful in some small way.
  25. [quote name='toneknob' post='1109279' date='Jan 31 2011, 12:02 PM'] [/quote] I hate Glee.
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