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Everything posted by TomWIC

  1. Honestly, I have no idea, I don't have a 2+2 to try them with.
  2. Due to my stupidness when ordering, I ended up with two custom sets of strings from Newtone that I can't use or return; instead of measuring string length (ball to nut) I gave scale length so both sets are too short to be used on my 34" jazz basses. Both sets have been opened, the 130 set have been cut for 4 in a row, the 150 set didn't even get unwound. Bit of a long shot trying to sell them on due to how heavy gauge they are, but might as well try. Set 1: 048, 064, 086, 130 (tapered). Set 2: 054, 076, 100, 150 (tapered). Both sets are hex-wound, Nickel Plated Steel and from the Diamond Bass range. £15 each, or both sets for £25.
  3. Have a spare one of these now as the cheapest way for me to get hold of a tour case for this board was just to buy another whole set. So the board is brand new, still in its plastic wrapping (only taken out to inspect and photograph). The soft case has been used by me (sparingly) for the last year or so but is still in perfect condition, all zips working fine and no damage anywhere. Shoulder strap included of course. Collection in Southend or nearby Essex preferred, but I do have the box the tour case came in if you want postage at cost. These are ~£80 new so big saving for a brand new board and slightly used case
  4. Don’t tease like that if you’re not going to share the link 🙄😂
  5. I've been craving a Vintage Pro for ages now, if this was UK (and perhaps the ebony model) I'd have snapped it up. GWLTS!
  6. I’m in a metal band, that’s all I play 😂 Two new sets ordered, Neil was understanding and gave me a little discount for the reorder so it didn’t sting as much.
  7. Looks like a much better idea, and better on the wallet too! Cheers ☺️
  8. I’m after a toolbox style hard case with compartments that I can use for essential accessories at rehearsal and gigs, picks, spare cables, batteries, chargers, etc. Basically I’m sick of rummaging through a duffle bag whenever I need anything, which is impossible to keep organised. I’m leaning toward grabbing one of these makeup/vanity cases from Argos that look pretty decent and up to the job. Before I order one, does anyone have recommendations for anything similar and/or better around the similar price point? And if anyone has had the same idea, please let me know so I know I’m not being crazy 😂 https://www.argos.co.uk/product/4385659?clickSR=slp:term:compartment case:25:1041:2
  9. I know, it’s me again, but I’m excited for first rehearsals in a year so I’m going mad and checking over all my gear. My Shure PSM200 receiver is occasionally clipping/cutting out, I’m sure it’s not the limiter or the earphones, rather a dodgy signal. The antenna is a wee bit bent and feels slightly loose, so I’m wondering if this could be the cause? I’ve attached a photo for reference. I’ve always struggled storing this in a way of protecting the antenna, so if anyone has any tips on this that’d be great.
  10. So, yep, my fault. I gave the scale length and not the string length on the custom set configurator. I feel like a right lemon.
  11. If only a short scale could handle my drop C and drop A# tunings 😂 I’ll have to get the tape measure out and then write a grovelling email to Newtone if it’s a mistake on my part. Wish I had noticed before I restrung the whole bass 😅
  12. See, that’s what I thought but I’ve got exactly the same issue if I try to string through the bridge 😢
  13. Okay, so, rehearsals start again next week and I’ve ordered new strings from Newtone. Was just finishing up on the Sire V7 today, then I realised this absolute clanger. Have I been an absolute tw*t and ordered the wrong scale length? 😭
  14. Turns out the cheapest way to get a tour case for a Pedaltrain Classic Jr is to just buy one with the pedalboard in it 🤦‍♂️ At least I can move one of them on soon!

    1. Taylor Bitch-blues

      Taylor Bitch-blues

      Well,  that's one way round it,  I take it you've done the maths on buying and selling then ?

    2. TomWIC


      Yeah, I should be able to make half of what I paid back on selling the new board with my soft case. 

    3. JapanAxe


      I did the reverse with a PT2 a few years ago - got sick of the hard case bashing my shins, bought a new one, kept the soft case and moved on the new board with the hard case.

  15. Oh my Christ, that is stunning. Credit card would hate me though 😅
  16. Anyone doing string recycling these days? Feel bad just chucking the old ones in the bin.

    1. SpondonBassed


      Basschat has a Recycling section for this.

      Lots of folk do it.  I am currently enjoying a set of Ernie Ball Slinkys courtesy of @Dov65.  It's a great way to try before you buy.  Just make sure your post says what tuner configuration they are cut for, eg; four in line, two over two, three over two, two over three etc.

  17. 20/04/21 Price Drop: £20 Before lockdown, my G30 wireless system started cutting out constantly in the rehearsal room, I’ve tried it on different channels and at home so I’m fairly certain it’s not because of interference. There is apparently a firmware update available, however you need an XD75 receiver to be able to update it which I haven’t got nor was prepared to invest in. I’ve replaced the G30 with a G70 now so this is redundant, and I thought it better to try and sell it for spares/repairs rather than just throwing it away. The Good Comes with original box and paperwork. Both the receiver and transmitter power on and connect to each other and work on all channels. The Bad Original power supply not included. Belt clip on the transmitter fell off years ago, a common issue with these units. Battery compartment door is loose, I held it down with elastic bands. Again, a common issue. The Ugly The aforementioned constant cutting out. So, if anyone fancies taking a punt on a cheap G30 set and try and get it working again, this is your lucky (or unlucky) day. Collection from Southend or I’ll post to your door, I imagine postage would be roughly £10 or less.
  18. Would it be preposterous to try and sell a semi-working Line6 G30 wireless system for repair/spares/parts? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TomWIC


      Cheers @SpondonBassed - full disclosure would be a given of course!

    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      When you say semi-working, is it the transmitter that works, or the receiver? And how can you tell? 😂

    4. TomWIC


      @Happy Jack technically both work, just not very well 😂 I’ve posted a sale thread if you fancy more details.

  19. Strings Direct do the sort scale set, albeit out of stock at the moment though - could be worth contacting them and see whether they'd be able to get other sets in. https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/strings-c1/string-sets-c865/bass-guitar-c34/ghs-4-string-short-scale-balanced-nickel-bass-strings-medium-44-106-p13411
  20. Bought a Line 6 G70 system off Paul, great comms, fast post and well packaged. Cheers mate
  21. I just bought a pair of studio monitors from Dave. Great comms, friendly, and even managed to get them couriered to me next day in all this COVID-19 madness. 100% positive experience, cheers Dave.
  22. Self isolation demoing is tempting me towards these very much right now. If these are still here on Thursday I might have to snap them up.
  23. Been many years since I posted my board, after going down to a barebone basics board. It’s still pretty much that...but a bit of an indulgent one. Line6 G30 -> Korg Pitchblack Pro Custom -> Darkglass Hyper Luminal -> Darkglass B7K -> Darkglass Alpha Omega -> ISP Decimator Only had the one rehearsal with the Hyper Luminal so far so still kind of getting to grips with it, but I liked what I got out of it from the settings in the photo.
  24. Also, the only difference between the old and new latch is the angle of the spring - perhaps this was the problem? I forced it back a bit with the screwdriver and doesn’t seem to be moving now.
  25. Thanks everyone. So, I took a chance with a screwdriver and a bit of brute force and managed to pop the latch up. Now that I've done that, whatever had made it stuck before isn't a problem now. The latch fully opens and closes again (albeit with a bit of stiffness as it's been like that for a few years, I was told) and the key locks and unlocks fine. And now I've got a spare latch if it ever breaks again
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