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Everything posted by TomWIC

  1. Just an update to this thread everyone, I bit the bullet and went out and bought one. I've set it up exactly how I planned; my wireless receiver is first in my chain, then into Input 2 at the back of the Korg, then to my pedals, then to my amp. Works brilliantly, the mute button on the tuner works as it should, no degradation in quality or loss of tone, and I've got the cool light show going on behind me. Very happy with it.
  2. I've had this sitting in a drawer for a couple of years after replacing it with a Boss TU3 and could do with the pennies for it so here it is. Sorry, no photos right now but will take some as soon as I get home from work. I'll be honest - it's not the best tuner in the world. If you're using it on bass, it'll tune standard EADG without any hassle, but it gets fussy and finds it hard to track anything below that so if you're dropping down to D or lower, this isn't the tuner for you. As far as I'm aware, the same goes for guitar too but I could be wrong. Don't have the original packaging but it'll be securely packaged for postage, or collection from Southend and I'll knock a fiver off the price. Otherwise, £15 posted. Cheers.
  3. ToolOfIgnorance (Bazza) bought a wah pedal off me today in a hassle free, quick affair. Great communication, fast payment, and all round friendly bloke to deal with!
  4. "One of a kind". Bloody good reason for that.
  5. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1398183009' post='2431314'] Another rack fan here. Got mine a few months ago. 8u rack on castors with Hartke LH500, 2u drawer, power distribution strip with lights. Korg Pitchblack pro incoming. Want to get a rack compressor too. Yes it's weighty, but the castors make it an easy push. Two leads to plug in and it's already to make noise [/quote] May I ask what model rack you're using and where you got it from please?
  6. Now sold.
  7. Sold pending payment.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1407415016' post='2520254'] I've been looking at using a rack track in a similar way but occasionally I'll need to get at the controls on one of the units in there so I was wondering if there were some quick release rack bolts available that would allow me to slide the tray out without needing a screwdriver to unbolt it. [/quote] I've managed to find this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/skb_vs1_velcroshelf.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/skb_vs1_velcroshelf.htm[/url] - it's pricey but looks like it'll do the job for us both. Like you, I may occasionally need the pedals accessible enough to tweak them a bit.
  9. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1407401437' post='2520070'] Our guitarist has a 2U rack drawer in the bottom of his rack with a few pedals in. [/quote] Is it an open backed drawer? The only ones I've seen so far have a closed back which is leading me to think a 2U rack tray might be more suitable for me.
  10. Morning everyone I'm seriously downsizing my pedalboard to the point where I won't have enough pedals to really justify keeping the board itself. I already have my amp and wireless in a 4U rack (with 1U spare for a rack tuner soon), but wanted advice on the best rack upgrade that would also allow me to mount 3-4 pedals there too. The pedals will pretty much be always on and rarely, if ever adjusted, so as long as there's enough room to stick my hand in to switch them on, that'll be adequete. There would need to ample room for a power supply for them too, and enough room to keep all the cables tidy etc. Any recommendations?
  11. [quote name='Mcgiver69' timestamp='1407239204' post='2518605'] Lackluster power from the amp? dude I'm running the 450 version of your amp through a BFM 2x10 cab and can play against 2 very loud guitar players and a loud drummer without pushing the amp. Maybe you should look into changing your cabs. I'm using a BFM Omni 10 cab which is designed for sound projection. I couldn't be happier with my setup, I'm even looking into getting one of those new Peavey MiniMax as a backup amp and maybe another Omni 10 if I can find one. [/quote] I remember being advised a while ago that using a 210 with roughly half the power handling of the 410 may be causing the issue, thank for reminding me to look at the cabs. I'll take the 210 out of the equation next Monday and see how we do then.
  12. I've been reather disheartened about bass playing recently. I'm running a Peavey Tour 700 with Ashdown ABM 410 and 210 cabs, so fairly midrange there, nothing special. Coupled with a couple of Epiphone Thunderbirds and an LTD 5-string, once again, fairly midrange to low range depending on your tastes. In order to get a better tone out of my setup, I've been using a Sansamp Programmable BDDI for the speaker emulation aspect of things and I've gone through various overdrives, mainly the Boss ODB3 and Ibanez PD7. Recently took a plunge on a Darkglass B3K on here and was disappointed to find the pedal that's commonly regarded as one of the best overdrives out there, sounded like absolute crap with my setup. So last night, studio time with the band rolled around. I had recently restrung my Thunderbird (the Classic IV with Gibson USA pickups) with D'Addario nickel rounds (120, 90, 67, 50) for CGCF tuning and they sounded flat and lifeless after just a few plays. I've had good experiences with stainless steel strings in the past for that punchy, aggressive tone I'm looking for so bought a set of heavy gauge Jim Dunlops (120, 100, 80, 60) and whacked them on before heading to the studio. I got in, got set up, and decided to ignore my usual pedal switch on routine and just ran straight into the amp for a while. Little bit of EQ'ing and muted the bridge pickup on my Thunderbird. Already a lot better than I had experienced previously. Went to turn on my Sansamp, stopped, and decided to just put the B3K on instead. Blend up full, level up to about 3 o'clock to boost the lacklustre power of the amp, drive to about 8 o'clock. Wow. All of a sudden, I had a better tone with just one single pedal then in the past with my entire board. Sat well in the mix, you could hear the bite the harder I played with the pick, it sounded brilliant. I was intending to downsize my pedalboard, but it looks like I'll be downsizing even more than I initially thought! Modulation effects that are fun to play around with but never used in a band situation and likely never will; time to go. The Boss and Ibanez overdrives that are okay but never quite worked for me; time to go. The Sansamp that I used to swear by and never, ever switched it off; didn't need it at all. The only thing I wasn't happy about was the excessive boom from the low notes. Perhaps a good setup on my bass will help, or perhaps one of those Gamma pads I've read so much about, or maybe just a little bit more work on the EQ'ing of the amp. But overall, it's back to basics again, and just a single, great overdrive pedal on my board. I'm a very happy bassist again!
  13. Downsizing my board at the moment, and I only ever used this for one song a few years ago and as such, it's time for it to go to a better home. Not much to say about it, comes with original box and papers, reasonable condition, a few scuffs from it living on my board for a while. Velcro already on the bottom for quick attachment to your board. Collection from Southend or postage for whatever Royal Mail charge me for the privilege. £50.
  14. Bought Will's Darkglass B3K is a hassle free deal. Recommended, cheers.
  15. Can anyone help me out with the Pitchblack Pro please? Looking to order one tomorrow for my rack with the intention of downsizing my pedalboard and I'm not 100% sure how to wire it up. At the moment my signal chain is as follows: Bass -> Rack Wireless -> Pedal Tuner -> Effects -> Amp Should I be able to do the following? Bass -> Rack Wireless -> connected to input 2 at the back of the Korg with a small patch cable then output to -> Effects -> Amp? Works in theory but Input 2 at the back is supposedly line level whereas Input 1 at the front is instrument level. I want all cabling to be done round the back if possible, would using a line level input cause me problems?
  16. If the gent selling the B3K hasn't got back to me by Friday (payday) and this is still available, I'll have it off you then.
  17. Don't tease, I'm torn between one of these and a Darkglass B3K this month. I really shouldn't do both!
  18. I'd love one of the cabs; how much are you looking for? Only problem I foresee is collection, my car has blown up and we're a far old distance away
  19. [quote name='BigBassBob' timestamp='1388076275' post='2318329'] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BigBassBob/media/2013-12-26143313.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BigBassBob/media/2013-12-26143237.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] What are you using for the lighting underneath the board?
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1388164772' post='2319044'] Still early days but it seems to be a great bit of kit and very easy to use. I've got it plugged in to the Tuner Out socket on the back of my amp in to the input socket on the back of the Tuner. It seems to work fine [/quote] Ah, there's an input on the back - lovely stuff. My rack wireless is the first part of my chain out to my pedal tuner, so I'd to think I could go from the back of my wireless into the back of the Korg and then out the back of that to my board, keeping the front of the rack cable free?
  21. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1388155349' post='2318946'] I was fortunate enough to be given one of the new Korg rack tuners, so have racked it up with my GB Shuttlemax 12. Here they both are on top of my Bergantino CN212. It's a great setup, but the jury's out as to whether it's better (to my ears) than my old GB Shuttle 6.0 and a pair of Aguilar DB112's I had a few years ago. [/quote] I love the looks of the PitchBlack Pro. How's it working out for you? Definitely want to add one to my rack, even if I am a little unsure about how to connect it up to my signal chain!
  22. Is there any real difference between the Finnish and USA versions Dan?
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