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Everything posted by astar

  1. Rotosound Swing Bass RS6665LD After playing flats and half wounds for years, by far the happiest I've been with strings in years. Bright highs but not too, Deep lows but not too, etc... Can't say there's any objective comparisson between other steels, but I really enjoy the smooth feel and big and clear sound.
  2. All ready briefed lbquota, once more my appologies. The bass has been sold
  3. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm looking [color=#282828]for [s]£750,-[/s] [/color][color=#282828]£650,-[/color] Dear Basschatters, A lovely fretless Musician is for sale...[color=#444444]It’s the old school version with non-coated neck, like the one Sting used in the Police period. This comes with it’s original case. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#444444]She is in [/color]a beautiful condition, has just some verry minor dents and scratches.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]She comes with the original case... A superb playing bass with low action. Known for her tonal options and the electronics deliver these with verve. I've had a fair share of basses (bought from BC-ers) sent from the UK to the Netherlands, so it will be no problem to return the favor and post.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Specs Body: Ash and Mahogany Neck Maple & Walnut, 5 ply thru body Machine heads: Velve Tune B Scale: 34" Pickups: Super 4 Controls: 1 Master Volume 1 Master Tone 1 Boost & Cut (Gain) 3 Band EQ-B Toggle PU selector Toggle EQ Bypass (active/passive) Bridge Accu-Cast B Controle Knobs: Sure Grip Hardware: Chrome Finish: DS (Dark Stain)[/font][/size]
  4. astar


  5. astar


    I have a neighbour that has some rather old ferrets, but I'm not sure thats what you mean
  6. astar


    Hatzee! No questions or anything somehow related too a form off interest
  7. If you got to do it do it right ... Hi For sale this beautiful 1975 Fender jazz Bass in Mocha Brown. Has been professionally defretted during the eighties, lovely seamless filling and epoxy coating. The Maple/Rosewood neck is a dream, very fast and the weight of the bass is great even for the stage warriors. In contradiction to some, the remainder(pick-up, pots, wiring, soldering, etc.) of the bass is all-original. No pick-up covers, comes with a (non-original) case, Recently fitted with a fresh set of thomastik's. Looking for: £ 1200,- and (int.) shipping included....Open too Offers. Cheers
  8. anybody have clue how to reach Ash?
  9. Last year I fell in love with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31852"]The '73 P[/url] after rearranging my budget I bought it. It's a stunner, I love the looks and feels but didn't like the quarterpounders P and J it came with. It also had the well known problem of the pick-ups influence (for the worst) on each other: - Low output - Loss of lows - Overall a thin weak sound First stop getting the best pickups soundwise and thanks to you guys I picked up the Wizards. Received the set, installed them and loved the sound of the P-pu and the Jazz stand alone. All together it had the same problem. Got in contact with Andy and I'll spare you the details but it seemed to be a hard job to fix this problem, worldwide mind you! Some time after that, I started thinking about filling and refinishing the J-routing I received a message from Andy with the best news in weeks. They created a set-up with the lowest possible influence, I could try this prototype, if I'd like...I like! He sent me a set and it's just great. Perfect P sound, a great Jazz(bridge)sound and a lovely blended tone. The best of both comes together in a full rich sound, just a bit less boomy as a single P enriched with a great Jazz (bridge) tone. I love it and if you're having the same problem, this is a great set that solves it and as said before Andy is a great guy to work with. Just let him know what it is you need and he'll hook you up. [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass"]Check 'em out[/url] Best wishes Aljan
  10. How about [url="http://www.allparts.com/store/pickup-covers-rings-parts-pickup-parts-pu-6944-023,Product.asp"]http://www.allparts.com/store/pickup-cover...023,Product.asp[/url]
  11. Indeed it is/was dear sir and an amazing bass it is, some refreshment of the soldering and bridge adjustment the whole lot and just a few small things left. The pickup however is something too think about. Indeed it's close to the bridge, that however adds to the referred tightness and snarl, teh way I want/like it. @bassman2790: Thats not the problem there is a real loss of volume and tone, I've received one more tip I'm going to give a go. I'll post whatever the outcome is
  12. So no one has ever had too tackle this one?
  13. I've tried swapping the leads, no luck there And It is and was wired the way it's shown on the Seymour D site.
  14. Hi Folks, I couldn't find a lot of actual help regarding my problem, so a new thread it is. I bought the '73 with an added J, frome Neil. It came with Seymour Duncan Quaterpounders (P and J) but thats not my sound. I bought a set of Wizard P(the 84) and J(the Thumper) pickups. The problem, I'm getting less volume and tone, as soon as I roll in the J-pickup. Everything is wirred perfectly and according too Andy it's not the difference in output. That story sticks 'cause the SD set does the same thing, eventhough the J has more "output" We've tried the options he could think off. The stats.: Old Seymour (quater pounder) set up: Jazz +/- 14 K P +/- 12 K New Wizard set up: Jazz +/- 10 k P +/- 14 k Anyone had the same problem and what in the world could the solution be? Who can help? Cheers
  15. Does anyone know how too get in touch with Neil ´cause I can´t seem too get through and trust me I´m not that anoying Best wishes Aljan
  16. Pm'ed again
  17. No reaction on my PM so maybe this works... PM'ed
  18. Yep I know the feeling, was allready sold too some other lucky B
  19. I'm on a steak-out for a old p-bass with a P-J setup, I spotted a late seventies with such a configuration. I'm thinking of replacing the added volume-controle for a 3-way selector switch so I can either use both PU's or single out the P or the J pick-up, but... Is this a hard thing too do and what switch do I need? Will this cause the hum mentioned earlier and how to fix it? If needed, how can I adjust output? I appreciate all the help I can get, but please in layman terms for I'm not much of a technician. Greetz Aljan
  20. It could make some girl verry happy
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