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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1453893938' post='2963848'] I was hoping for a tank [/quote] Well it's built like one, judging by the T-40's reputation!
  2. Interesting - without a donor bass of a similar neck pocket design I don't know. Custom neck as a replacement? could be more expensive than a new bass!
  3. If you'd prefer REALLY tight spacing . . . how's about them early 5 string Yamahas? Looked it up: BB5000 is one of 'em. Then of course, there are 4 - 5 string conversions:
  4. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kay-bass-fretless/262257859366?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3Db65e4f4724fd43eab99281629bc26d4d%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D351636051146"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kay-bass-fretless/262257859366?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3Db65e4f4724fd43eab99281629bc26d4d%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D351636051146[/url] At least they don't want a ridiculous amount for it!
  5. Could be a great practice room cab, or a backup cab, or a second cab for another, similar 115.
  6. That's pricey - even for ex-Jaco gear. Even if it came with the cab/cabs - it's not in the same league as one of his personal instruments.
  7. Priced to sell fairly quickly - even then the body shape will steer most bassists elsewhere - including me!
  8. I think it's pretty hideous - but I'm not a big fan of the tassley jackets either!
  9. I think it's perfect for your GWAR or Spinal Tap inspired act . . . or a fun gift for the connoisseur of cheesy tat in your life. I love it!
  10. It is futuristic - in a 70's or early 80's idea of the future sort of way. Can't say I like the body shape, control knob choice, or colour.
  11. That's an ugly expensive GWAR style guitar! For that kind of dosh I'd expect a little more in the paintjob department.
  12. Good work - I like the idea of screws as cheap but serviceable clamping. As the design uses some stiff and heavy duty ply as it's main panel material - it should work great. It won't be the absolute lightest (I think there are some composites used in planes & F1 that could be significantly lighter with the same stiffness) - but for the job in hand, a 1x12 shouldn't be backbreaking. Just lift with a back as straight as possible - or better yet bring a hand cart!
  13. It looks like it was once used to stir a caustic/acidic mix. Then was used to mix body filler & hardener. Finally it was used to stir paint. I want 0.
  14. Quite - If it was strung up lefty it might kinda work sitting down. As it is, and indeed strung left or right, it's definitely best played standing up!
  15. Looks great. That wood, in that shape & relation (contrasting woods in the pickup covers and the headstock) - under that finish. Beautiful.
  16. The plans look great, and so far things seem very promising. Keep at it, and if you can post loads of pics and details (or as much as you want to). As you know, measure twice, then check everything again - then cut - and you should be grand. Wood if funny stuff so there's never a guarantee it'll work as well as hoped - but given the progress so far I am confident you'll have a pair of very elegant musical tools at the end of all your hard work. Thanks for sharing!
  17. [quote name='carlsim' timestamp='1453294716' post='2958141'] the best thing is the confirmation or whether it is 'Darkness owned' or not looks like it was knocked up on a word document! [/quote] I'd say it's just an email from the gibson custom shop sales/support crew. The guitar is ridiculous - perfect as a gag instrument or for an act like the darkness (who's costume & act were/are over the top if I'm not mistaken). As an actual guitar it looks lame, and given it's an LP style guitar I am OK with the shape but hate the feel and weight. Worth maybe 1/4 of the asking price if it was played by the musician in question. worth 1/10th if it's just a rare gibson. To someone else it could be worth a lot more!
  18. Looks like good attention to detail, with a serious playable bass the result. Not sure about the neck paint - seems a little on the dark side. . .
  19. I'd recommend replacing the headstock part in maple - Shaping it to size. Slot it using a thin saw or router, then use splines to create a much stronger (but slightly uglier) headstock. E.g.[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCL9YAvTo0Q[/media] Actually meant this one: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlfHtHv4ns4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlfHtHv4ns4[/url]
  20. As the strings are old I wouldn't use them as any sort of representative example of a 45 G - Depending on your playing, body chemistry, and the sounds you want you may want to change strings very regularly or very infrequently. Remember with rounds there is a lot of surface area between the wraps for crud to get in and wear out the string. Also you may find a set with a 40 G that sounds more to your liking than a 50G - as the string construction is more important than just the diameter. Some will have a thinner core and will have a tendency to flex and spring more, while others might have the same size core - but if it's round rather than hex shaped it will feel and make the string play and sound quite different. I think there is no substitute for trying a few sets to get the feel for what you like. If you are like me and don't by new sets every week or so - your comparisons will only be as accurate as your memory so you may wish to do some quick recordings to get an idea. Keep in mind if you move to heavier gauge strings the bass will probably need tweaks (slight truss rod tweak, or put up with the minute change in relief, pickup height adjustment for the new string vibration patterns etc.). *Edit - you'll need to fine tune the intonation too. Whenever the neck relief changes the intonation can go off, and changing to a different brand or even a different set of the "same" strings will definitely need the intonation checked - IME changing sting gauges will definitely need at least a subtle tweak of the saddle positions, especially on the G where you want it to intonate well all the way up the fretboard.
  21. No idea! did a quick search and came up with these . . . seems legitimate! [url="http://www.rothkoandfrost.com/guitar-lacquer/"]http://www.rothkoandfrost.com/guitar-lacquer/[/url] Looks like they do both aerosol and bottles for airbrushing. The note "Availability: Only ships to UK and Europe" is encouraging. Probably means it's the real stuff. Which means it's horribly toxic and won't be touched by a lot of air freight carriers without special precautions & such!
  22. Ah - the voice of experience. ^^^^^ You're definitely right about doing 'bursts or other effects - you have one shot to do it perfectly, or you'll be doing some seriously finicky work. Or just lose patience and hide it with a solid colour!
  23. Nice looking neck joint - but it hardly solves the problem that les paul type necks have - based on an acoustic, so access stops when the body starts! At least the cutaway gets within a few frets of the last fret! The copper looks nice but I fail to see the extra value in this instrument - it seems extremely basic compared to a Basslabs or Gus instrument - and it's priced like one of their more custom jobbies! At least with a genuine "custom shop" Gibson there is the possibility of some long term value - here . . . I don't see the logic at all!
  24. I like it. Definitely more of a "hang it on the wall" kind of guitar.
  25. Looks fairly cool - but the stock EMG cover looks very out of place - kind of like a stick of chocolate flake stuck into a delicious pasta dish! I think one of these would be a lot more tasteful and in keeping with the theme of the instrument:
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