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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. Funky looking - could be cool if it's working.
  2. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1433952597' post='2795400'] The tone that you thought you'd get from the bass is blocked. I've had a few late 70's Ibanez guitars over the years, and they had a "tone block". It was basically a lump of metal in a cavity under the bridge in the hope that it would help/enhance the sustain/tone from the guitar. Does it work? Dunno is the honest answer. [/quote] [quote name='BruceBass3901' timestamp='1433953296' post='2795415'] I think I am right in saying that the idea is to attach the bridge to a section of the instrument which is made from a different material, usually to increase sustain or change the tone (supposedly). Alembic did this quite a lot by having a brass 'tone block' under the bridge, others have used Ash, Alder or Mahogany. [/quote] I think it's the same name, but a different idea. See my post with the link to the floyd rose website and granite blocks for bridges! [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1433952675' post='2795403'] [url="http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/firecreekCustom/media/DSCN1124_zps0fbf60fd.jpg.html"][/url] You mean the piece of maple between the neck and body? what does it do..... makes it look pretty........ [/quote] That does look pretty. It also could (depending on the construction) save a lot of wood by allowing flatter neck blanks! [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1433952444' post='2795397'] Proverbial can of worms! Wood doesn't affect the tone Oh yes it does. Oh no it doesn't Oh yes it does Oh no...... [/quote] And that's before the discussions about "psycho-acuostics" and "human hearing ability" come into it. What is clear is even if concrete proof that wood and tone, or wood species and tone aren't linked - people will still argue about it. If it was proven the other way (that wood & tone are linked or that wood species and tone are linked) I'd like to think I could accept it . . . but we'll have to wait for that day to come. It's still up for discussion. True or False!
  3. Well as it has the word "tone" in it it's probably marketing. Could be some truth to it but I'd take what the maker says with a pinch of salt. Or a 25kg bag. Now a tone control (potentiometer with a capacitor or the like) is more reasonable & demonstrable. EDIT: after a quick search I came up with two things - a wooden instrument: And a bunch of aftermarket parts I find rather hard to take seriously: [url="http://www.floydrose.com/catalog/upgrades/sustain-blocks/stone-tone-sustain-block"]http://www.floydrose.com/catalog/upgrades/sustain-blocks/stone-tone-sustain-block[/url] I did find this [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2015/03/21/gear-review-accuracy-basses-matisse-deluxe-5-string/"]http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2015/03/21/gear-review-accuracy-basses-matisse-deluxe-5-string/[/url] Which is more in line with the question posed in the first post. I don't doubt an acoustic instrument can be influenced by choice of wood (especially when it comes to the soundboard, bracing etc.). Hard to see how species of wood can do much, given the variability within each tree and between regions (two "sibling" trees on different sides of a hill can grow very differently depending on wind, moisture, soil, sunlight and other living things). From my understanding of how most neck joints work - in order to provide decent sustain for the stings it must be fairly rigid. If the bass body wood is very soft or flexible - a "tone" block of a more solid wood may provide a much better body+neck joint. For solid body instruments the focus should be (IMO) on durability, ergonomics, and stability. "Tone" is so subjective anyway - a good feeling bass with no dead spots and great electronics will rock no matter what it's made out of.
  4. My 2c is the 5 string BEADG setup comes into it's own with alternate keys and tunings - although it's often less convenient in playing, not having to drop tune for one song - stuff like that is an excellent ability to have. Better than having to play the notes one octave up when they would sound much . . . well "bassier" lower down! Like I said, my 2c. or 2p - although 2p is worth a fair bit more than 2c (US cents or euro).
  5. Did a quick search for "setup guide" and came up with this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/257340-fretbuzz-help-required/page__st__30__p__2733571__hl__setup%20guide__fromsearch__1#entry2733571"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/257340-fretbuzz-help-required/page__st__30__p__2733571__hl__setup%20guide__fromsearch__1#entry2733571[/url] see post #11 by Twincam for the guide (or the quoted version above).
  6. OK. That's pretty special - almost unique. Museum piece anyone?
  7. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OPc7MRm4Y8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OPc7MRm4Y8[/url] Very nice . . .
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1433677920' post='2792993'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alembic-Mark-King-Standard-Bass-/251978644965?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aab18fde5"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3aab18fde5[/url] Bit of a bargain at £2100?? [/quote] At that price - I'd say so. There's still an hour left...
  9. With all active & passive electronics I like to have a wiggle of each connection to ensure a solid joint - usually when diagnosing issues. Might not find a problem but always worth a test. I'd also measure the voltage of the "new" battery. A small fraction of unused batteries are defective or partially discharged in my experience (I think I've found one that was dead out of the box). Oh - check for trim pots on the EQ/preamp. Sadly without knowledge of the preamp or indeed the pickups in question I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of assistance. Hopefully more constructive advice will follow soon. FWIW there may be a simple way to introduce a passive switching option - depends on the control layout. I'd always like it as an option in case of emergencies!
  10. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1433612294' post='2792548'] . . . maybe with a matching headstock? [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/lull_m5_zpspdkftcgw.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Excuse me while I go have a lie down. . . that's gorgeous.
  11. I love it. It's nice and jazzy (not like the bass . . . like the often eccentric musical genre!). Reminds me of a racecar. I don't love the weight 11lbs is borderline boat anchor in my book. Too heavy for a 4 . . . especially at that price.
  12. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1433622760' post='2792644'] 25 years playing. Not heavy handed. Hundreds of gigs played in everything from jazz to metal to classical orchestra and musical theatre. Band member at the local educational trust. But by all means keep trying to find a reason why I'm wrong and you are right. [/quote] Sounds like a lot of experience . . . My, rather inexperienced 2 cents is (for what it's worth): It doesn't matter how legendary or well liked the instrument is. Fodera, Sadowsky, Alembic, Musicman, G&L, and Wal are all known for some pretty good electronics (putting it mildly). If however the player is finding the sound unsatisfactory for whatever reason - a pickup switch is a logical step in finding a great sound or sounds. The way I view it if the instrument plays just right - another off the shelf instrument or a custom instrument may not be a desirable alternative. From playing MM instruments briefly (never owned a real one or played someone elses for an extended period) they all had a tendency to sound focused and growly - no matter how they were played (in my hands anyway). Not a bad sound - but you shouldn't settle for a basic sound that doesn't agree with you as a player - part of the reason so much aftermarket electronics are out there - made for MM and many other bass formats (active and passive).
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1433622203' post='2792638'] It's funny. Out of everyone, those who most seem to undervalue the electric bass are... other bloody 'musicians'. Yet it's the punters who seemingly know no better who react well to the bass, even if they don't understand what it is - it's fundamental to a song and gets them moving. My 2p. [/quote] +1 See this thread for research links and discussion that seems to support the instinctive bias towards bass & groove: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/263499-science-suggests-bassists-are-far-more-important-than-most-people-realize/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/263499-science-suggests-bassists-are-far-more-important-than-most-people-realize/[/url]
  14. I always miss bass if it's not there. I'm OK with traditional music or music without bass - but if the keys trys to cover the bass role . . . I'm not sticking around.
  15. Wow. Had another look at the pics. Wish I didn't. So many things are wrong in those pictures.
  16. Things are progressing nicely - While many of us here appreciate the time it takes to photograph and answer questions about this intriguing project - Sound clips would be amazing. Even just playing the open strings with a couple of pickup switches - or pick vs finger playing would be brilliant. If you don't get around to it that's fine too - but it would be an excellent way to round off the project (from our standpoint). From your perspective - it's having a 12 string that rocks!
  17. I know of the Ibanez Fretted/Fretless bass - the Ashula: Didn't know wal had it the other way (frets for part of the way along the board, as opposed to part of the way across the board, like the Ashula above! Closest thing I can find is the classic Hellborg:
  18. [quote name='Shedua511' timestamp='1433243996' post='2789238'] Since nobody has done so yet, I'd like to chime in with the answer to the question: the correct amount is zero. [/quote] We don't need any signature instruments - stock models of similar build and electronics will do just fine! [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1433451610' post='2791257'] Just one. Mine. [/quote] Best answer yet! It may be fairly close to a stock jazz but the details on the fender AC sig are what set it apart. Great colour.
  19. Pretty cool. Unfortunately due to the accuracy needed to play in tune consistently - It's not a very simple switch from fretted 6: Someone with a lot of practice: (see pete's comment) or [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjEGtUXGWa0"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjEGtUXGWa0[/url] Vs a fretted player trying fretless: [url="https://youtu.be/ewCZ-TWdx40?t=74"]https://youtu.be/ewCZ-TWdx40?t=74[/url]
  20. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1433432734' post='2791049'] I upgraded an Ibanez 6er with three DC40's and a custom switching system. It sounded brilliant. I'm just trying to track down some video clips with it in. [/quote] Cool sounding - very rich and deep. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1433448666' post='2791235'] Just installed it. Very nice! I need to set the pickup height but for tonight I'm happy it's in and working. Sounds deeper than the stock pedal, less of the metallic clank - sounds more like a bass! [/quote] Awesome. I suppose it's no surprise - given the stock ray will tend to have that focused biting tone - the EMG is more neutral (from what I've heard).
  21. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1433424425' post='2790967'] Surely 8 would be enough, and more comfortable? [/quote] For most - absolutely. The advantage of a 12 string is it can be strung as an 8 or a 12 though...
  22. That's quite the bass for the money! New these run about £800 / €1100 so this is super for something light, flexible, and in good condition. If I were in the market for a new bass - Well GLWTS.
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