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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. As I interpret it, neck dive is about how you wear the bass - where the center of gravity lies: between the strap buttons - or outside them. If the center of gravity is too close to the neck strap button - It feel neck heavy - the bass can either be held at a steep angle, or supported with the fretting hand... Things like moving strap buttons, using grippy straps, and using lighter tuners can definitely make a bass that feels neck heavy balance better. If I have my trivia right, the widely available punisher and axe basses are different to the ones used by Mr. Simmons - both where the strap buttons are, what is wired to the output jack, and the strap button fixings (a strap is built into the costume, with eyelets instead of strap buttons that clip into the costume). I'm not really a KISS fan - but it's hard not to take an interest in such a high profile player.
  2. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1419953582' post='2644281'] Looks great, I do agree though, like Warwick it's hard to justify that sort of price for a production line built instrument. It's funny I've not had GAS for a 5 string Ibanez since I was about 17, but I'm lusting after an ATK 805e at the moment [/quote] WOW... That's a gorgeous bass... And they seem to be available: [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ATK805EWNF/"]http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ATK805EWNF/[/url] I'm gonna have to have a look in the piggy bank. In any case - as has been mentioned - the handmade vs. machine made is a silly argument IMO - to spec is to spec. Final finishing, QC, and packaging will always have human oversight when it comes to quality instruments. It can't be left to chance.
  3. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1419463845' post='2640342'] Lane Hog Tail Gater Or my perennial suggestion (not in any way transport connected) Post Burrito Depression - courtesy of Tony Levin's list of potential names. [/quote] I lost it at "Post Burrito Depression"
  4. Looks very KISS . . . if that's your thing. It's probably the real deal (one of the high end axes from an unknown source, with a one off paint job). The ad says: "[font="Verdana"][size="5"][b]GUARANTEED TO INCREASE IN VALUE[/b][/size][/font]" wow that's big when copied & pasted! in any case if you pay 10k it's definitely not guaranteed to increase in value. Could be worth a lot, but only bid if you have the disposable income. I wouldn't consider it an investment, even if it had been played by Mr. Simmons... YMMV of course!
  5. Looks lovely... But if it were me, and I had that budget - I'd get a custom made instrument to my specs.
  6. This is unique - very fine work, from what I can see - but not really my cup of tea. Hope it goes to a new player that it suits better - and the seller gets a decent price. From my perspective $30K is more than I would invest in a single instrument - ever (unless it was a historic piece and I had a lot more disposable income!).
  7. Straight for everything but the instrument out - I'll use a right angle if it'll fit. A tough cable will generally be tough. IME the neutrik ends are a lot tougher than most instrument jacks.
  8. [quote name='John Schoen' timestamp='1419748826' post='2642353'] I have a Modern Player Telecaster bass, no complaints about fit and finish. A very good bass. People are often prone to think that all Chinese products are of inferior quality, they seem to forget that all iPhones are made in China too. [/quote] +1 - I had a telebass - my only issue was the output jack (minor issue - kept gradually coming loose) and the weight. Chinese products are no different to any others - good, medium, and bad quality are around if you look for it... the question of how business is done in different parts of the world: both workers conditions and business practices are a pretty different question - which I know less about. I'd be mindful of how the used prices will hold in the future - Non US fenders will always underperform (often undeservedly so).
  9. If possible - I'd switch out the foam, but keep it as intact as possible, and with the bass. Just for the sake of having it. Kinda like having the original receipt. As it is - a non-original plate - it'll barely change the value of it it most people's eyes. As long as the pickup(s), neck, body, finish, tuners, electrics, and extras like covers, strap buttons, and thumb rests are original - it's a very genuine example. As long as the neck, body, finish and pickup is original - even if rewound, and the neck has been refretted - it's still a fairly original bass. Oh and a bass with period correct replacements (real, not copies) is, in my view - the real deal. Doesn't need to have lived on the same bass for 30+ years for it to be the real deal.
  10. Interesting stuff. I think a simple sliding pickup may be more appropriate to my experience level at the minute . . . but I think a "detent" at particular points could be arranged. Depends on the specific tensioning method used to keep the pickup stationary between adjustments. Upon the original post / thread point: The empty position, with any MM style pickup, should be in the ballpark for a P type tone. The nicest thing about a P tone, in my view, is that it can mean widely different things to different people. If you play with a MM style humbucker, or almost any other pickup in the "P zone" you should be on the right track. IMHO if a Jazz can do it with the neck pickup (and get close enough with EQ) then your chances are pretty nice!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419244989' post='2637859'] How about making it a sliding pickup, a la Gibson Grabber? [/quote] I've a similar Cort - That I've already defretted . . . And am thinking of making a second body with a sliding pickup - partly to avoid messing the current body, but also because I want to try making a neck in the new year. . . so we'll have to see. Got to figure out tools and jigs - both for making the parts, [s]but[/s] and assembling the sliding rig. From what I've seen some of the early Dan Armstrong designs are pretty straightforward to base mine on...
  12. Really gorgeous colour... If I were in the market for a 6er... and I sold most of my basses... GLWTS.
  13. Interesting vid - not so sure they're correct on some of the info - but they know how to make gun instruments.
  14. If it's just for cosmetic reasons - I wouldn't try it myself... If I were to do it - I'd leave a short run (say 2 - 4 inches / 10 cm ish) of regular plastic insulated wire - solder to that, shrink wrap the splice / join... That way I get a nice cloth wire in the control cavity [u]without[/u] desoldering / adding solder and heat directly to a pickup - which I'd never touch for fear of needing to rewind the pickup!
  15. Serious Progress . Hope you enjoy the rest of the build - and get a fabulous 12 string monster at the end of it. I'm confident the results will be . . . delightful.
  16. It's sad to hear the customer support was less than you (or I) would be hoping for. A custom instrument should include care and communication during the planning phase - and meticulous attention to detail during the build. Any significant deviation should affect the margin the builder makes - after all it's up to them to deliver the goods agreed on. Letting down a client is not good for reputation. FWIW they do look like fabulous instruments. I hope you manage to sell this for an agreeable amount.
  17. Exquisite. The first 6 string in a long time to make my jaw drop. Were I a richer man, closer to the instrument - I'd be very tempted to ask to try it. If it plays half as well as it looks... It should make somebody very happy. A cool Carl Thompson-esque bass for a fraction of the price. GLWTS.
  18. Congrats in advance Skol, you've really earned a proper pat on the back for that one. Good stuff everybody - some sticky funky fun this month.
  19. Well it's strictly VST and MIDI stuff - But I'm throwing a musical hat in the ring anyway. Worst case scenario I make everyone else look better! Here she is: [url="https://soundcloud.com/plungermoderno/let-it-rip-v3-take-two"]https://soundcloud.com/plungermoderno/let-it-rip-v3-take-two[/url] It's called "Let It Rip" (Or "Let It RIP" if you prefer). Not certain how to change the title in soundcloud... Well . . . Have at it!
  20. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1416360076' post='2609464'] I used leathergraft 4" wide padded leather straps and [i]nothing[/i] else. Fantastic product and I can't recommend them highly enough. [/quote] Sounds interesting . . . The clincher for me in this case is the unpadded suede backed shoulder section of the "Skin-Job Ideal Bass Strap Mk.2" - It's subtle curve keeps the pressure on all the suede - providing a wide and grippy surface - It might work on a lightly padded strap - but then I'm no strap expert. The P bass I'm using it on isn't heavy (my heaviest is a Jazz at a little under 10 lbs) - It just wants to lie closer to horizontal than I like with a slipperier strap. (it has a light ash body, and I like the original, slightly aged tuners!) Had a quick look at the "4" Softy" on the leathergraft site - sounds kinda funny if you ask me - anyway they look like decent straps. I'd have to try one to really form an opinion. In any case I'd imagine the 4" (like the Mk.2 at it's wide section) will help a lot with heavy basses and standing for long periods. It's like the bass weighs half of what it weighs with the previous strap (approx 3" wide, made of a foam) - and that's an nice budget strap - This one is super stable. I guess I got my shoulders & back their christmas present early this year!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416310513' post='2608845'] Very good! Didn't think I'd ever have GAS for a strap... but then, PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!! [/quote] Hey - check out post #304 for beauty shots . . . But I have added a few snaps of my one to my last post (# 328). Now I want one on every bass I pick up. With different colours. And detailing (like studs etc). And lengths (depending on the bass). All in good time! The prototype strap was a good strap IMO (probably great for someone it fitted perfectly). This mk.2 strap is like a hybrid of that design and a more traditional design - a very reasonable compromise given most buyers probably won't get the chance to be measured for a completely custom fit & contour (or try a range of shapes to get the best fit, increasing delivery costs exponentially!). I'll wait for the initial excitement to fade before giving it a review. I already know it'll be quite positive.
  22. Strap arrived - in perfect condition... Top marks on all fronts - as expected. The Mk.2 works a lot better for a smaller framed person (like myself) - Pics to come. Thanks for what may be the Ideal bass strap! (For me at this time). EDIT: A few early pics... This is an extremely comfy strap. It holds the P bass it's on at any angle I place it at. Need to install washers for a more solid strap fix, but as it is it's faily solid (the reinforced ends seem very tough). Will need to do a proper review once I'm used to it a little more. [attachment=176679:P1000516_Small.JPG] [attachment=176680:P1000517_small.JPG] [attachment=176681:P1000514_small.JPG]
  23. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1416179734' post='2607768'] I've been offered a Gibson Grabber in a trade. It's a '77 with the sliding pickup. It's in need of some TLC, a new nut, bridge saddles, a rewire and a good scrub, but other than that it appears it's in decent nick for its age (although I've not yet seen it in the flesh). Can anyone tell me much about them, and if it'll be worthwhile given the work that needs doing? [/quote] I don't think they were common enough to make parts sourcing easy - Some people think they're worth a lot: Definitely on my to try list. If it's priced appropriately it could be well worth it. Be aware some of the parts are custom made for that model (sliding cover and some other parts I think) so if they're missing they may need to be made up at considerable cost.
  24. They're both popular tools with their own set of strengths and weaknesses . . . as designs, but what's a strength or a weakness depends on what you want. There are too many variants and copies made by more than half of electric bass manufacturers to cover them all in a single thread. I can only echo the above posters: Try some, listen to some online (both being played on their own & in a group). You will probably develop a preference. Or you may feel you need both . Consider a PJ pickup model if you can't decide between P or J styles. Also keep your eyes peeled for other options.
  25. Isn't this more down to Potentiometer specs? At least when it comes to where the pot starts having an audible effect & how swiftly it changes - e.g. the capacitor value, the pot value, the pot type (Audio or Linear). As I understand it Fender uses Linear taper pots? - judging by the above experience anyway (half the range sounds the same). For a simple VVT or V/Balance/Tone there should be a wide range of wiring options to get the exact response you want - but You may need modern sounding pickups if you want a harsher sound than the CS pickups can offer. Here's a useful vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdfIZEB2rdM#t=122
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