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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='captainjon' timestamp='1413070787' post='2574749'] thanks for the feedback. i dont hear it so much, just the soundman, and i also like to use a bass exciter which ends up making any noise worse. i have used other corvettes before, and this seems to be the worse from memory. If i decided to get another preamp like an aguilar, would that make any real difference or just a waste of cash? [/quote] It depends - The Bass exciter however is like any Compressor / Distortion that can be high gain - You'll probably want a noise gate working to cut out the worst of the noise. Some guitarists & bassists swear by them. Personally I'd be looking at that before a second preamp... But you can form your own opinion. FWIW, the bass signal should be OK if you can avoid boosting the noise too much.
  2. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1413113493' post='2574964'] My mistake it's a 1989 [/quote] No problemo - Thanks for the correction! I guess I'll keep looking for an '88. This looks like an awesome bass though.
  3. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1413028135' post='2574288'] Must say I’m quite impressed with this strap.... It was very comfortable to wear...The girl singer liked the smell of it! My only gripe would be the price, not because this strap is not worth it, because it is, but because I’d require three, and for that money I could buy another Bass. Now, can I squeeze three of these onto a Christmas wish list my wife has started for me? Hmm [/quote] It does sit well on the shoulder - and smells lovely. Quality Hide, Tanned beautifully! As far as cost goes - could you get one for your main bass - and get others later as funds permit? A gift would be a nice idea.
  4. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1412953582' post='2573636'] Could you post a short recording of the bass turned up but not being played - it may be that the interference noise is masked by the playing volume? [/quote] +1. I had another listen to the soundcloud recording. Right at the beginning there is about a second where no notes are being played and there is some noise. The good news is I had to turn the volume waaaAAAAAY up to be able to hear it properly (with OK headphones). From what I heard there may be noise entering the signal chain. Probably not from a very powerful or close source - IME something like a computer LCD/LED monitor or a Hard drive (non-SSD) very close (less than 1 foot / 300 mm) produces a really severe noise in a single coil pickup - even with good shielding. I gained the above info when trying to record a Jazz bass sitting right next to a PC. In the case of the your Jazzman It would seem to be a minor noise issue. All your true singlecoils will be sensitive to EMF signals - even with shielding the noise is picked up from the front! If you are noticing the noise very much in certain situations (e.g. under lights) you can look at noise gating - otherwise you can swap a single coil for a dual coil hum cancelling design. Some people say they sound as good - I guess it depends. Welcome to the forum anyway!
  5. Wow! Interesting thread, good advice from a lot of varying experiences... I'm a gigging newb too - only I don't have a band yet. Gonna have to work on that ASAP. Anyway - best of luck to you Grangur. Glad you've got a clear picture of what's going on about you.
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412954775' post='2573655'] What I mean is, it's specific to your diagnosed condition. they do not constitute a panacea, wrist rests and marble mice can exacerbate certain conditions. Also, if you have not raised your laptop so the screen is at the correct height, you may risk cervical spine injuries and upper back and shoulder disorders. If you have raised it, you'll need a separate keyboard. [/quote] +1 Wrist & hand injuries can be awful, but I'd rather that than similarly severe back problems. Get a raiser for any monitors or laptops, use a book or two, chunk of wood - anything to get it close to eye level... +1,000 to the separate keyboard & mouse... The ergonomics of laptops / notebooks are awful for anything but short term use (30 min or less). Take care bagsieblue. Hope things improve - please let us know and we'll try to support you whatever you decide to do.
  7. I have a wanted thread for an '88 ( [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/246802-1988-bass-wanted-yob/"]http://basschat.co.u...ass-wanted-yob/[/url] ).... is this an 1988 for sure? It looks like a super match! I am very interested! EDIT: a relevant link: [url="http://www.glguitars.com/chronology/index2.asp"]http://www.glguitars.com/chronology/index2.asp[/url]
  8. Good insight into a historic composition & recording. I wasn't surprised to hear the deliberateness of the songs structure - it's a careful, wonderful, passionate piece - Led Zeppelin at a high point.
  9. As in the title, Picked up a set of Elixir bass strings - bright out of the box, but not nearly as harsh as some other NPS (D'Addario XL's of a similar gauge). Put them on an Ibanez active bass - serious variety of tones on tap - everything from enormous dub lows, to glassy crisp treble, and everything in between. The feel is unusual - still have to get totally used to it but it's a tiny niggle. Sound nice and balanced, only had them on for a little while so we'll see how they endure. Would consider them again, but for the rather steep price they'd better last a fair bit more than a set of XL's (the go to NPS round for me so far). Will check back in after the normal round "deadening" time of about 4 - 6 weeks. Hope these rock for months!
  10. Thanks for the review! I'm not crazy about the Tbird personally, but each to their own. Glad you've found a bass you love to play. When I get another chance I'll be sure to give one another chance with an open mind. ATM I'm leaning more towards getting an EB-3... ...anyway the reason I decided to comment was just to let you know to be super careful with cases and nitro finishes! As I understand it you need to keep the nitro clean before storing.
  11. As HowieBass said - sounds like a faint hiss - All pickups can make that noise though a preamp - BTW if you have the treble all the way up on most preamps you get a hiss... E.g. I have an active 2 band EQ on a Cort bass - twin humbuckers (Stingray style copies) when the treble is boosted more than 50% . . . slight hiss. I'm guessing the warwick has a better preamp coz that's pretty quiet for a single coil pickup. I'm guessing with the bridge humbucker solo'd the preamp would be even quieter with extreme treble boost.
  12. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1412847342' post='2572564'] I use D'Addario rounds, so I may treat the bass to some Chromes [/quote] Chromes are comparably taut to the Roto 77's - although it all depends on your gauge selection.
  13. I know it depends on the finish (nitro or poly) as well as the extent of the damage (to the wood or just dented paint...). A guitar restorer or finisher/refinisher might be the best to ask for advice. Hopefully one will take a look at the specimen and let you know how to make it better (or make it better for you ). Check out these for techniques or tricks... in the meantime: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xx4Zx5j0uE"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xx4Zx5j0uE[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgDG3gHk9Fo"]https://www.youtube....h?v=sgDG3gHk9Fo[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B32lbUhw_jA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=B32lbUhw_jA[/url]
  14. Beautiful piece of wood. Probably a decent bass.
  15. How aboot this [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70aANO8GPm0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=70aANO8GPm0[/url] It get's a mention here: [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/print/Further_Adventures_in_Fretboard_Design"]http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/print/Further_Adventures_in_Fretboard_Design[/url]
  16. It could be the neck - if you're getting dead spots or inconsistent tuning / intonation issues. If it stays in tune, all the notes work OK, and it doesn't need a truss rod adjustment once a week I'd say it's probably not the neck causing your woes. Neck issues tend to be 'orrible. Strings and/or electronics is probably your bottleneck. Setup and technique are the next most likely, then Stuff like EQ, compression, and rig, then the room your in / headphones colouring what you hear - then the wood in the bass, and lastly things like how your feeling ATM, and what brand cable you're using. All in my opinion of course. I can't prove much of what I've suggested, and won't try to - Suffice it to say I agree with those above suggesting string and pickup changes rather than a new neck ATM. If you have the funds you could always do both . I'd explore recording a bassline, then EQing it (or playing with EQ while playing) to see can you get an idea for what's missing from, or getting in the way of, the sound you have in your head.
  17. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1412712610' post='2571320'] Oh wow! Thanks Doddy. I shall buy some new D'addarios when I work out how to say it. And where to get them.. ... and if 'long scale' will fit a 35" scale bass [/quote] See [url="http://www.daddario.com/DADProductDetail.Page?ActiveID=3769&productid=128&productname=EXL170_Nickel_Wound_Bass__Light__45_100__Long_Scale"]http://www.daddario.com/DADProductDetail.Page?ActiveID=3769&productid=128&productname=EXL170_Nickel_Wound_Bass__Light__45_100__Long_Scale[/url] Long scale should reach 36 1/4 inches... but I'd wager it'd be a close call on some 35" scale basses, especially with long saddle - string ball, and string through body basses...
  18. Cute! some more pics for the "wood porn" pile would be very welcome. Happy playing!
  19. That's OK - Not surprised at that price! (even for a refinished bass). Thanks for the quick response.
  20. If you need to shift one soon - go with your back. If you can move the Marshall without risking harm - go ahead and sell the MarkBass. If you can wait awhile (and have some cash to play with) you can see about getting the MarkBass sounding like the Marshall (either a preamp pedal or rackmount pre that does a wide range of sounds (e.g. sansamp like the below)). [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4gU09MS_5c"]https://www.youtube....h?v=l4gU09MS_5c[/url] That way you get the lighter setup with a flexible pre. Of course this would mean further investment - it's just a suggestion. If it were me - I'd look at getting the Head only version [color=#0000ff]of the Marshall[/color] & a lightish Cab - Like Beer Of The Bass suggested already! [color=#0000ff]*EDIT for clarification.[/color]
  21. Yowza! Gorgeous Bass... Check out the flamed maple on that neck If this had a maple fretboard it'd be a dream bass for me... I have wicked GAS for a Ray 5er. Is it still available?
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1412779983' post='2571962'] Blimey Any cover of any song is bound to upset some people, but it's hardly the end of the world is it? [/quote] It's a very special song - It's as if someone covered Let It Be - Oh wait: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwGERoFtQoM"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwGERoFtQoM[/url]
  23. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1412713563' post='2571341'] I suppose it's so bad because you can't help but compare it to the sublime original. Brian Wilson seems to have that multi-voice thing going on like the lady on the thread the other day :-D I don't know why, but I found Dave Grohl's presence especially cringeworthy. [/quote] +1 He was, like his late brother Carl, one of the sweetest singers in the sweetest band of the 60's. AFAIK heavy smoking ruined the timbre in his voice in the 70's . Listen to this, with Brian on lead vox: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YIaXYrCGys"]https://www.youtube....h?v=_YIaXYrCGys[/url] And the perfectly gorgeous original release: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn3El5WPiLc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=cn3El5WPiLc[/url] EDIT: Carl Wilson sings lead on the original release. Deeply moving... Here's a doc on the making of: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVUBpzlELOg"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVUBpzlELOg[/url] & [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCTVcNsJGX0"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCTVcNsJGX0[/url]
  24. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1412776947' post='2571922'] Tiger 200 Twin (vintage motorbike theme) [/quote] Now that is a nice name - reminds me of a certain iconic tank...
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