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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1352587879' post='1865014'] Thank you! [/quote] My pleasure! Not my favourite song, I like some of fleas playing but sometimes the whole song, mix or something doesn't do it for me. It's fine, they have a lot of fans. It drives me crazy to have a piece of music stuck in my head and not know what it is. A particularly ridiculous example was a cheesy guitar and synth line in the backround of a chris morris radio show - had it stuck in my head for ages. Heard a snippet somewhere else with a lyric 'all this red tape' - looked it up, it was part of the pina colada song! http://i.imgur.com/NVX5S.jpg - I had a looped sample of the guitar part after the chorus stuck in my head. Lame. Catchy as hell though!
  2. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1352584178' post='1864971'] Gah! What's the name of the first tune that kid plays? I recognise it but can't think for the life of me what it's called or who it's by. It's going to bug me to death if I don't find out. [/quote] The first tune the young nipper slaps out is 'Can't Stop' by the red hot chilly willies...
  3. [quote name='yankeedoodle' timestamp='1352564669' post='1864688'] another question once above 3A, does it matter how much higher it is? I have a few 10a leads.are these still suitable? thanks [/quote] AFAIK they should be fine. The best solution as I understand it is to have the right fuse in the amp, a power cable rated higher than the maximum current needed, and a suitable fuse in the plug - That should not be too far above the max current drawn either - eg. the mb fusion head I have has a 10A circuit rating - it came with a 16A rated moulded plug with fuse for german style sockets, I've replaced it with a 13A plug for UK style sockets with no problems. The ha2500 manual here: [url="http://www.samsontech.com/hartke/products/amplifiers/ha-series-amplifiers/ha2500/"]http://www.samsontec...lifiers/ha2500/[/url] bottom of page 16 confirms the 2.5A choice for UK mains voltage. But that's the internal fuse . . . On page 6 it says: "[i]1. Fuse sled - This contains a fuse holder and shows the currently selected voltage rating for your Model 2500. Make sure the voltage rating is correctly set before powering up the amplifier! Fuse ratings are 10 amp for 115 vac and 6.2 amp for 230 vac. For information on how to change the voltage rating, see Appendix B on page 14[/i]." Perhaps there is not just a simple jumper mechanism (as on page 16)? I should think even if it's 6.2 or 2.5 Amps, a 10A fuse with similarly rated plug and cable should work. The fuse in the amp would fail before the one in the plug in the event of a surge as I understand it. I'm not an expert though.
  4. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1352524300' post='1864213'] What about one of those ibanez mikro basses? They look awesome [/quote] I've heard these are very playable and excellent for the money. They have a 28.6" scale length and are light like the rest of the GSR line of ibby's. They are suitable for small hands : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvI4GnVdHQw Also a good sound demo (towards end of vid, @ 3.00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Ho86tHJsA&feature=related
  5. [quote name='77precisionblackmaple' timestamp='1352553596' post='1864536'] its the ancient GK 400 from'89 so no bi amp and rated at 200 watts @ 4 ohms. The watts thing means nothing as we've all come to realise. The barefaced super 12 is the standard 4 ohm cab with no tweeter,its just a lovely thing. Its made me stop chasing the 'magic rig' thats been eluding me for 32 years. The Gk sounds just perfect through it.Im smitten. [/quote] I think we all have heard how the GK heads are rated conservatively, seems very plausible to me, whereas some TC heads have been criticized for baked in compression and misleading rating. I don't know if that TC head's rating has been drawn into question? The S12's light weight and portable shape no doubt make the great sounding combination practical.
  6. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1352390440' post='1862496'] The source of the criticism is the poor design, (as in, the headstock) and shoddy finish. It looks like a cheap bass. I've no idea how any boutique builder can charge big bucks for such a simple design, especially when the American Standards are pretty damn good and about £1k. [/quote] The scary thing is it's up against the CS fender line. You need to market well, and produce very good instruments to enter that space. If they could have made the bass' headstock a standard fender shape they would have - everything else bar the labelling reeks of fender P. I can see the majority of people interested in a bass like this, and with a budget to get it, would get the matching headstock, and the options of neck, finish, relicing, etc. etc. that fender CS offers. IIRC they charge around $3k for some of their builds.
  7. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1352416343' post='1862921'] +1...I've heard the Fusion is kind of "toyish" but with good sound/weight. [/quote] It's like a laptop in weight - and not a heavy one. The controls feel good and are accurate & usable. All buttons feel good and can be used without looking (although the lights help in loud situations). Overall, it seems fairly rugged, but not something I'd feel confident dropping down a flight of stairs. Sound is very nice, with a lot of variety. So far I can find a use for everything but the contour. Scoop my mids? I'm boosting them pretty much always as the head has a slightly scooped sound when the EQ is flat.
  8. [quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1352411295' post='1862840'] You can also buy the woofer alone (€109) and build a wooden cabinet with the same volume. €140 and a few hours of work and you're set. [/quote] Not a bad Idea. You'd want to get some good light and tough ply to keep it to the GK specs - 5.5kg or 16lbs http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products/combos/ Still, it could be done!
  9. [quote name='subrob' timestamp='1352413289' post='1862874'] I've never bought a bass amp before so perhaps a little encouragement was all that I needed... 'bugrit'. Now where's my credit card...? Thanks all ) [/quote] My strong advice is not to concentrate all of one's budget into one item - if you are happy with your cab or cabs and basses, then by all means put the bulk of it into a head. Check out the return policy of the place you buy it from, you can't be certain till you try it.
  10. [quote name='wriggers' timestamp='1352393718' post='1862546'] Thanks for that Mr PlungerModerno. Email back from GK also said MBX112. So it looks like it will be one of those lads. They're a bit more expensive than the 212MBE's but hey ho! [/quote] The mbx's are from an older line - which is aimed at more studio type stuff (like the MB150s and similar combo's). I've heard the MBE line are voiced in a way some people find unpleasant, and add some bracing and dampening material to change the way they sound. They have been called a more budget cab than the mbx112. AFAIK that's pretty much the case, and while the 212 may be good, and work well with your combo - the extension cab will likely be the best sounding, if not the loudest option. Enjoy the increased clarity and headroom at volume. I've heard those amps are very good. They are on my shortlist if I get another combo!
  11. I have an mb fusion. If you get one you'll get some serious Crunch and tube OD - which the treble knob can smooth out to a warm fuzzy tone that can bring me to a special tonal space. Try it for yourself. If you're getting one new, you can probably return it if you don't like it. You'll probably like it. Have you had your encouragement? Are you not entertained!!! Yeah, next time don't come here looking for discouragement. Rock on!!!
  12. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1352408698' post='1862801'] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fS1uDnIPTvo"]http://www.youtube.c...d&v=fS1uDnIPTvo[/url] [/quote] LOL!
  13. [quote name='77precisionblackmaple' timestamp='1352378767' post='1862297'] yes,gigged one with barefaced super 12 and sadly just wasnt quite loud enough at gig level,also once you try to get it loud and punchy,all dynamics disappear and there is no headroom. I also tried it with my 4x10/1x15 rig and still not loud enough. Back to GK 400rb '89 vintage! [/quote] If it works . . . The S12 is pretty sensitive: 102 dB calculated as 'broadband': http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/super-twelve.htm So to run out of headroom means the amp is not delivering enough power at 4 ohms. 250W of TC vs. the 375? of the traditional GK head - I'm not aware if it's the same output as the 400rb-iv, or indeed if your S12 has bi-amping wiring (or if it's a S12T).
  14. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1352312226' post='1861512'] The bass is definitely worth it. It is by the exceptional luthier in NYC Mas Hino. Mas was a protege of John Suhr, along with Jimmy Coppolo. Mas was the luthier who built most of the Pensa Suhr basses. The Olinta was meant to be designed around the 760M string, also known as the Jamerson set. It is yes, primarily a '62 P bass copy, but the neck is specifically built for the higher tension thick string and to optomize the playability. Mas's work is immaculate. It really is. $2950 US is about the same as you would pay for a Sadowsky, maybe a touch more, but this I am sure is a limited run. Its definitely worth a look. [/quote] I think it, like all musical equipment, deserves a chance. However at that price point it has a lot to live up to. The photo shoot wasn't, IMO, appropriately executed for a product at that price point. this pic: http://www.labellamusicstrings.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/P1050390.jpg and the one previously posted show off a flaw in plain sight, there appears to be some dust etc. The preparation of the carpet, the location, or the instrument had some niggles that are pretty amateur given that this is a high end bass. Most online retailers take superior shots as they anticipate the scrutiny of potential customers. This may be the only bass to have some finish niggles, the dust could be from the carpet etc, etc. Point is they should reshoot ASAP as this is not, IMO, the way to promote any instrument, let alone high end instruments. I would like to try the bass, but it would need to be perfect and mind blowing at that price. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1352319177' post='1861668'] From some of the replies here it looks as if enough people are persuaded by the hype and are into the luthier more than the instrument itself. It'll sell whatever it seems. [/quote] Yes, that's plausible. I would like to try it, but as it is a functional instrument first (not an art piece in the vein of the Carl Thompson beasts) the builder would be a distant second in my mind. The bass needs to speak for itself. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1352315847' post='1861589'] I'm sorry but the finish is terrible, Shoddy detail around the neck pocket, dots not right, it looks like a £100 Chinese copy. It is truly awful to look at and it is presented to the bass buying public in such a way that whoever is in charge of advertising that bass should be "re-trained". I hope it plays like a "buttery thing". [/quote] It seems OK - but not up to par for a non-relic'd 3K bass!!! The bass may be great, and the pinnacle of P's, but that's not the story told by the marketing, and LaBella should feel this sort of thing out internally before putting it out there. I'd be embarrassed if it were my company's name on the headstock, at least to see it in those photos. Check out the way some others do it: http://www.thomann.de/ie/media_bdbviewer_AR_185961.html?image=0 http://www.thomann.de/ie/media_bdbviewer_AR_250453.html?image=0 http://www.fodera.com/Main/NewBorns.aspx http://www.sadowsky.com/stock/nyc_b_is.html I also found a Hino website?: https://mashinonyc.wordpress.com/page/2/
  15. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1348919329' post='1819761'] that drummers awsome [/quote] He rocks the kit hard. There's an awesome comment on the vid: "That cowbell fill at the end was sick" P.S. I want a fretless version with a 40 inch scale and 20 strings (10 string pairs with octave up strings above each one). Should be fun through a practice amp.
  16. [quote name='wriggers' timestamp='1352317984' post='1861647'] Hi all Thomann are selling the GK 212MBE rated at 600W @8 ohms. Would this be a suitable/good match for my MB150s. Please bear in mind that anything too technical becomes like driftweed in my mind. Hope that I can get an answer from you lovely people Cheers Paul [/quote] Maybe - maybe not. Mixing driver sizes (i.e. 12" and 15") and mixing driver types - eg. 2 different types of 12" drivers - produces unpredictable results. A matching driver - 115 akin to the 150s's will likely be a safer bet. I am no expert but that's the advice I've heard repeated in these threads. The 112MBX extension cab [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products/combos/"]http://www.gallien-k...roducts/combos/[/url] may work with it - It's from the same line, but is a 112 rather than a 115 - if matched it may work. Kind of like the Compact and Midget stack from barefaced: Sorry if I got slightly technical. Hope you get a good match. I'd recommend contacting GK directly, as they will probably have advice on this. EDIT: Wait a second! the MB150s isn't a 115 cab! The MBX extension is probably the one to go for IMHO. http://www.thomann.de/ie/gallien_krueger_mbx112.htm
  17. [quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1352221266' post='1860359'] There's no such thing as an antidote! [/quote] It's like a vampire in Terry Pratchetts novel 'Monstrous Regiment' - They gave up blood and became extremely addicted to coffee. With my compact I am very happy - now my GAS has moved onto compression and other effects, and bass mods/upgrades. It never goes away entirely, or stays dormant for long!
  18. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1351962486' post='1857359'] ah ok, I didn't know that. Is the HE closer to the half-sized idea of an 8x10? the main reason I didn't consider that as an option was the fact that it is 8 ohms, and my landmark is only 300W, so I want as much power from it as possible. [/quote] Perhaps - I wouldn't write the HLF off outright - but the weight would be overkill for both of them if it were me. Like every time someone mentions looking at 410 cabs I'll suggest considering 2 210 cabs - similar performance, much easier going up stairs.
  19. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1351961515' post='1857335'] Yeah, the HLF is not really a half-sized version of the 8x10. Its a hugely deep, heavy ported cab. I'm not sure that it is scooped so much that it is really bottom heavy. It throws out loads of low end and I often have to do a bit of work to actually tame the sub frequencies. I think there are better, lighter cabs on the market, but Ampeg still has that element of cool, despite its limitations. [/quote] Maybe I'm getting mixed between the Hartke Hydrives . . . all the feedback I can find seems positive, but everyone is agreeing on the huge lows, so it's not a sealed ampeg tone. My recommendation is try it out, as some reviews are saying it needs lots of watts and/or unpreditable issues with some heads. Like the SVT 3 pro, and the barefaced saga ...
  20. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1351960189' post='1857319'] Cheers guys, probably should have mentioned that the head I'm using is a Tech 21 Landmark, which I have set to their 'SVT' setting, giving a very nice driven ampeg tone. Having tried other SVT cabs I know it will sound really nice, but thinking about lifting 40kg makes me cry [/quote] Isn't the HLF a ported, scooped sounding cab? I've never played through one but I've heard descriptions saying it's not a typical SVT sound. I suspect the S12 will give you more flexibility both in transportation and tone - while the HLF will have a more traditional coloured effect - which may be perfect but may not, I really wouldn't know.
  21. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1351796636' post='1855594'] Haha, that's the one, cheers for finding it! [/quote] No probs, it's one of the pics that helped me choose a vintage grille for my compact. My GK mb fusion is not exactly a matamp monster but it does quite nicely and causes some pleasant structural damage to nearby structures and dentalwork. P.S. Those Compacts and their thin ply walls can take serious weight . . . as the photo indicates. All tube? if it's 200 W plus it's gotta weigh 25 - 50 kg or thereabouts.
  22. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1351778811' post='1855266'] There's a pic somewhere on these forums of mine on top of my Barefaced Compact... cant seem to find it though, I will keep looking. [/quote] This pic ???
  23. Seems like the suitability comes down to the details: -Security, -Dryness, -Temperature, The last two are more risky in winter, where burst pipes and condensation tend to ruin equipment. I know from experience insurance can take a while to cough up, so take the good precautions mentioned on this thread.
  24. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1351762952' post='1854973'] Rather than buying more eq to lay upon eq why not consider the bass/amp/cab combination that suits you? As one who likes to keep things simple and normally play with everything flat I would find having all these gadgets to get my 'normal' sound rather irritating. [/quote] I can relate to that - My GK mb fusion has a decent EQ section, but I have to push up the mids and cut lows and highs a little just to get it flat - it works but I wish it was flat when flat! That said I really like the sound of the preamp, even if I can't get it to sound exactly as I want without playing with it for a bit. I'm still not used to the two channel thing (that and there's just one static EQ section between them) which may be a factor.
  25. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1351706987' post='1854462'] It was the keyboard player trying to find mains for his little world..... He'd had a few sherbets methinks..... [/quote] That was a close one - I still think a 1/4" instrument jack is less than Ideal in pretty much every situation (aside from the event you describe and a few others). I guess the solution is to keep all cables under control (tape, etc.) and let the sober guy wire the sound up! Does anyone run a speaker cable far from their head? I've seen it done but not often. If I were running a speaker cable from a rack or pedal board etc, I'd feel better if the cable was snug and ran where it can't be tripped over - and hopefully not crushed! And as flyfisher said, confusing an instrument cable with a speaker cable is asking for trouble.
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