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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1351593201' post='1852925'] You might have been better with the BEQ-1 as its got the lower frequencies in for bass guitars... too late to swap? [/quote] Yup - these are the links: http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_beq1.htm but I can't seem to find a GEQ1. .. .??? there is a http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_eq100.htm
  2. That plus a jack to jack connection is a less vibration and knock resistant link for a speaker cable than a speakon to speakon. I would also like having two speakon ended speaker cables. Good luck borrowing one should one fail!
  3. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1351524596' post='1852140'] The GLX / Harley Benton 'boss-alike' Graphic Pedal is a clone too - rumour has it made in the same factory with the same components. for £20, it was a bargain and works well on my own board. Think Thomann stock them. [/quote] Yup - a few resellers have an 'own brand' brand - thomann have harley benton listed as a 'major retailer', http://www.thomann.de/ie/harley_benton.html
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1351294588' post='1849931'] Reckon comparing them in the evening, between houses with kids, would be really unpopular. The ports are plugged because Vintage comes with a pair of those plugs, so hey are both fitted for delivery. It drops the tuning to be more akin to a sealed cab in the lows. Plan is kind of that the Vintage covers the guitary side, so that roll off is beneficial, means no more brutally heavy 4x12 for my mids and up, see how it works out. They are plugged in for a go tomorrow. [/quote] My compact is a pretty good guitar cab - capable of decent treble and seriously loud mids and lo-mids (for distorted sound). If you're running a head with over 20W of power - wear ear protection. Each of those cabs are as sensitive as two compacts!
  5. Keep in mind the compact isn't a full range cab either! With my GK head I find myself rolling my tone control down and still cutting a fair bit of treble most of the time (centred at 10kHz but helps roll off the harshness above 3 kHz nicely) No prizes for guessing which cab is lighter . . . but for the dosh it sounds great. If the EB150 cab already has adaquete bracing and dampening that's great - if not I'd recommend considering further mods to make it even better. Same with the ports (esp if they're tuned very high or low - a complete guess but I'd say they aren't).
  6. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1349687282' post='1828986'] took delivery of my super15 the other day and WOAH, this thing is light, get to properly crank it tonight so lets see how it sounds [/quote] Wear ear protection and stand quite far away. give it 1000+ W and vibrate your whole village! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey9_a20Ko9I
  7. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1350300461' post='1836907'] Thanks guys, so definitely Eden, definitely MB fusion and almost definitely MarkBass. I think the WT800 will be beyond my budget unfortunately. Will check out the 550 on here though. Cheers [/quote] Let you ears decide. I'd say they'll all have their strengths. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1350301287' post='1836924'] .... From what I've heard about the GK 'tone', it really is quite bright, quite growly when you want it to be, and in the case of their new micros (MB500/800) BIGGGG down low and very bright. E.g. a mid-scoop but this an be easily dialed out. [/quote] Yup. If you leave contour fully off and bring the mids forward a little (about 10,2,3 and 10 with Treble, Hi Mid, Lo Mid and Bass respectively as a rough example) you can get a pretty creamy, even tone. Roll off some tone on the bass, foam mute, cut all the treble on the EQ and you've got thunder. Especially if you are on channel B with some saturation .
  8. GK MB fusion sounds Great - with tons of lows when clean, and plenty when breaking up . . . Try one if you can (remember to dial out all the effects (contour, presence, deep) and EQ in some mids to taste - Channel B has some sweet warmth )
  9. [quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1347540816' post='1802145'] I had an SVT3Pro with the HLF410 for 6 years - Super 12 arrived and the SVT was replaced within 2 months. I'm not sure why the pairing doesn't cut it but, I've now got an Orange TB500 and the sound is righteous! [/quote] Heard a lot about the SVT 3 pro and a big one . . . an old tale of woe as I recall . . . http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183310-barefaced-cabs/page__st__80 seems to recount the tale! (there's another but I can't find it).
  10. Try the GK mb fusion: Good Eq, and a flat GK harshness that sounds suprisingly bright and agressive through the Compact. Channel B can do a pretty satisfying breakup in an ampeggy smoothness vein - I can't really describe it well, you definately need to boost the mids to get there!
  11. Good effect on target. Nice outcome, it's awesome when an old friend comes around.
  12. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1344781811' post='1769035'] I hate fans in amps. Absolutely NOT necessary. [/quote] I'd imagine you'd need crazy passive cooling for any high powered all valve head - My GK mb fusion gets warm, I figure a lot of it is the tube pre section (when driven the fan seems to switch on earlier, even if the master is pretty tame. The fan is noisy - like a standard computer PSU fan to my ears - not a problem unless you're getting a mic close to the head and are playing at very low volumes. Or bedroom practice. Even at moderate volumes it's buried in the noise floor.
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1348757731' post='1817810'] 100.5 is enough. Its the LFs that are unsuitable. [/quote] Yup. They're really spec'd for subs or 2 or 3 way systems - if you want a dub tone they should be golden, but you'd need stacks of watts AFAIK, those low octaves don't fill a room by themselves.
  14. Don't forget - Louder is better when it comes to perceived sound awesomeness . . . within reason of course. I've heard a certain Mr. Katz say* that even experienced sets of ears will pick poorer quality mixes if they're played louder - You really do need to listen at the same volume (percieved not peak) to really compare two recordings or, indeed, rigs. AFAIK anyway, I'm no expert. This* is interesting for those who haven't watched it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=XCd6MHlo_iA
  15. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1348738571' post='1817479'] A drummer I knew said that all bassists are moody bastards...pretty much describes me!! [/quote] I'd say all musicians can be a bit moody - they're people after all. Having said that I can get very moody about some things. . . and have been called so by a drummer. . .
  16. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1348545084' post='1815005'] Job done and its not at all bad actually. Might knock up a few blanks in copper and bronze so I have some ready. I wonder what an 18 carot gold nut would be like ? [/quote] Soft? It'd be pretty shiny more than likely. I'd go with plated rather than solid.
  17. Well It's time to hand in an inital report: After a few days low volume practicing, I finally got to let the Compact + Fusion 'open-up' this evening. Wow. It's very very loud - especially in the low end . . . the B channel of the GK Fusion when just starting to get gritty is a really full, warm and creamy tone when eq'ed right (mids boosted, lows slightly cut, treble nearly off). Pretty much exactly what I had in mind - a big deep sound out of the box, lots of forward bite from the GK when flat, but that can be dialed in and out to taste. The tube OD and preamp generally sounds very nice, sweet and mild to harsh and brutal with lots of decent options in between. It'll take me ages to get to know the amp & cab combo, the two channels along with the contour facility + fairly impressive EQ make it a flexible arrangement - and even without a tweeter or mid driver the 15" neo driver has lots of bright top end - if not extended range sparkle then a very pleasing top end roll off that allows dry and bright bass tones to ring loud and clear - if not exactly sparkle. I'm still amazed at the jump in tone from the budget combo - a new octave of lows (more at medium to high volumes) and the tube pre has a strange warmth I like quite a lot, even if it sounds pretty much exactly like a soild state GK tone if given lots of headroom and played flat (IMO, and not IME, not having played through a GK rig).
  18. I need a bucket!
  19. [quote name='lockpicker1969' timestamp='1347459383' post='1801105'] [i]Thomann are saying [/i] [left][color=blue][font=Arial][size=2][color=#000000]If the amp cannot be repaired or we cannot offer a replacement then we will of course provide a full refund but at this stage repair is the only option possible. i am not happy about this as i have lost faith in it now[/color][/size][/font][/color][/left] [/quote] http://www.thomann.de/gb/index.html I'm pretty sure the amp comes with a 3 year guarentee . . . Yep http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_ba5110c.htm You're entitled to repair at the very least. If the amp is not fit for purpose you'd be entitled to a full refund AFAIK.
  20. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1347228155' post='1798367'] I too thought he used a Jazz and flats but there you go... 'Ramble On' is my favourite Zep song - the bass line and tone is to die for. [/quote] +1,000 on ramble on. Just in case someone hasn't savoured this : (Utyub) /watch?v=3ANwQW8aspI [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1347202536' post='1797961'] It's funny you mention the recent Rush albums; when I was growing up I was big fan of the band ( like a lot of men who are of a certain age nowadays) but I have found their recent albums quite literally unlistenable because of the dense textures of the recordings. The whole thing just sounds relentless and unintelligable to me . I wouldn't single out Rush in this respect however. I think that they are just trying to stay contemporary by mimicking a stylistic trend common to a whole host of bands in the "alternative rock" genre who want to make their recordings to make an impact by making them sound as aggressive as possible . Regarding how the sound of production has changed , producers and engineers have a far wider dynamic range and bandwidth of sound to play with nowadays , having escaped the technical constrictions placed on these parameters by vinyl. I agree with you that ,by and large, a lot of music has lost something as a result of this. One of the interesting things about Zeppelin is the different production sound from one album to the next. The first few albums have an analogue lushness to them that is a stark contrast to the far thinner and much more compressed sound of Physical Graffiti and Prescence. And then again , Prescence and In Through The Out Door have a much more expansive bottom end than the other albums. I think one thing about Led Zeppelin that a lot of people miss out on is that Jimmy Page wasn't just a great guitarist and song writer, he was a great record producer too. He produced all the Led Zeppelin albums, for goodness sake ! What greater accolade is there for any record producer than that? [/quote] Page & Jones' session experience were no small part in their amazing recorded sound - as was Pages producing skill. Those records a masterful - even if on they forgot the grease on since I've been loving you
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1347125425' post='1797251'] That is going to be a cracking sounding rig. [/quote] I hope so. I'm delighted at how it sounds 'full range' as a headphone amp - with pretty budget sennheiser hd201's - and I've discovered my PC speakers have ruddy awful midrange - the Compact won't translate the 'bite' as well as a cab with greater treble response & extended range - but I am optimistic about the mids (most important set of frequencies IMO). I should mention, I got my amp of thomann (GK packaging is good, and they put it in another box with padding). It is a made in china GK amp - which may effect resale price .. . If it's reliable I'll be happy. Those tubes sound glorious!
  22. WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOOP! NAD! GK mb fusion. Pre sounds great. Just need the speaker cable now . . .
  23. I just got a GK mb fusion in the post . . . . yowza. LOTS of filthy tube action . . . nice EQ section. I'm not used to it, or any GK gear. Try it if you can. So far I've only tested the preamp section (no speaker cable yet) P.S. it comes with a footswitch for switching between the two channels - it's nice to play with. It's bigger bro the fusion 550 has motorized eq - which could come in handy!
  24. Mixing cabs is never going to be as sure a thing as doubling up. That said, what works, works. I'd imagine a good pair of 210's or 115's would give great performance (Genz gear has a great rep). They probably test and tweak the cabs (like 210's, 410's and 115's and other common bedfellows) to sound great together. I'd expect great results. Even at barefaced, where the acoustic theory and practice are important features of design (and marketing) they sell a Compact + midget stack (115 + 112 (T)) Which is designed to complement. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/which-barefaced.htm"]http://barefacedbass...h-barefaced.htm[/url] (see EMS part at top of page). Good luck with your new cabs! EDIT: I think half the drama over mixing cabs comes from '410 + 115' matches which will, in most ranges of cabs, seriously sell the 410 short and result in less low end than 2 410's or even the 410 on it's own according to some. I'm pretty inexperienced so I'm not sure. People like Genz. I think it'll be plenty good.
  25. If you have decent EQ.... there's every chance it'll work great. Compact on her own would sound a little less than Hi-Fi. Let's be fair though! Most Home, car and head/earphone sound system has a couple of quirks that make them pretty bad reference monitors (odd behaviour around crossover freq., weak mids, boosted highs and lows . . . or worst of all. One note bass (where there is a severe bump where a sub resonates at almost any low notes)) Usually you can get decent sound out of them . . . That's my understanding. Compact + Midget should be So - So (perhaps a little better than the solo Compact) but the Midget T would be far better for the sparklies as Mr. Foxen remarked. Remember - the room won't be perfect either . . . It may be awesome!
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