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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='Icunningham' timestamp='1344290357' post='1762450'] That bass tone is amazing [/quote] It is good. It's so harsh it works. Still think for most vocal tracks you'd need to tweak the treble of the bass... Even without vocals I'd want to tweak it about the place a little - but that's coz the song is asking for a rockin' lead vox and such.
  2. You call that late! I'm about the same. Now back to practice (believe me I need it). Welcome to an awesome site
  3. [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1344276459' post='1762163'] I don't have pa support, so it probably wouldnt be right for me then. I might take a look at one of the Super cabs or even the big twin. Cheers Thebassman [/quote] Don't forget the super fifteen... Or two compacts. The compact is a pretty super 115. If you put 1000W into two compacts... you're playing very very loud. In a venue where that won't cut it... You need a PA. IMO. I haven't got my compact yet...
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1344262230' post='1761865'] Especially when you're trying to roll em up after the gig! [/quote] Yup - but the main concern is starting a fire... not guaranteed to happen but a real risk when overloading components.
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1344236696' post='1761458'] I think the speaker/instrument cable is more of an issue the opposite way around. I tried using a speaker cable on my bass & it buzzed like a fridge. [/quote] Yes, the lack of shielding is an issue... but connecting a high powered amp to a cab with a cable rated much lower than the voltage and especially current running through it... hot cables are bad.
  6. Instrument cables will handle low loads... but don't use them to hook up a 4 kW PA.... As for the stereo, it'd be like mixing cabs, or any other real world acoustic situation.... who knows if it will work well in a particular space? I don't.
  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1344218560' post='1761426'] 3 super 15s is only a bit over the weight of an SVT8x10, so not too far off. [/quote] 4 super 15's LOL Imagine that on a small stage... I'd be afraid to send 50W to them EDIT: WOW it kinda puts it into perspective... either BF cabs are insanely light... or are old designs using lead and other heavy metals throughout...
  8. Nice bass tone... It sits ok, but It'll mangle the vocal unless you clamp it down with some Eq and/or compression. IMO. If you have the track on it's own, I'd try running it with some EQ automation and compression at the mixing stage to let it 'get out of the way' with a little less attack & treble during some of the vocals... Nice tune, reminds me of thin lizzy for some reason....
  9. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1344193378' post='1761062'] Review and pictures when it arrives please. [/quote] Oh yes. I'm hoping to borrow / have a camera that's decent and maybe have a vid! I have a zoom H1 . . . a bit flimsy but sounds good. Based on the experience of others, I'll have the compact within a month... [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1344198711' post='1761187'] The compact looks interesting, especially price wise. Would it be a one cab solution for bigger gigs too? Cheers Thebassman [/quote] Should be with PA support - without it it depends on the volume / venue. In an insanely loud metal band a 815 might be needed for a single cab solution. OK now I want to see somebody try to move that monstrosity... EDIT: I doubt even Alex Claber (Barefaced founder if you didn't already know) could make a portable and light 815.
  10. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1344209034' post='1761397'] Nope - still waiting. To be fair I don't even call myself a bassist. If some asks me if I play anything I tend to reply 'I play a bit of bass', which is probably about right. [/quote] Same boat... but I've been working on it, and am putting a lot of resources into changing from beginner to very much improver. The theory is taking a while to get... but I'm at it till I get it. I'm in it for good. I may as well be competent all round. Looking forward to being called 'bassist' soon.
  11. [quote name='Matt_Arlita' timestamp='1344183990' post='1760824'] +1! [/quote] Tentative +2 (haven't got my compact just yet . . . well Alex did say it'd take a little while (6 - 8 weeks)).
  12. PM'd
  13. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181630-new-ampcab-day-orange-and-barefaced-content/ This person (Duarte) seems to like it
  14. Hope this works out for you - It's scary when something like this happens, esp if you can't replace it for a long time .
  15. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1344066732' post='1759260'] After much thought, I will almost certainly plump for a Genz Benz Streamliner 900 head, as it is supposed to be a bit warmer than the Shuttle. Will this work well with the Super 12, and what other cabs should I consider to get the best out of the Streamliner? [/quote] All Genz Gear has good to great reputation... lots of USA bassists say there CS is excellent, not sure if it's as good this side of the pond... Hopefully someone will have tried that combination of amp and cab - my understanding is you'd need to play it yourself to know how well it fits your ears... Good luck,
  16. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1344073568' post='1759360'] I also love vinyl, but find it chafes a lot in the hot weather. Oh, sorry, wrong forum.... [/quote] LOL. Big +1 on the improved mini - You can't ignore the 'classic' effect biasing a significant portion of the buyers.
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1344027906' post='1759035'] Lows will still couple with the floor, since lows have a long wavelength so need to be sourced very far from the floor to decouple. [/quote] Wait... I thought 'coupling' was done mainly by the mechanical connection between the cab and floor... Oh... http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/stage-or-floor-coupling.htm If Mr. Claber has his facts right... Acoustic coupling is the desirable one... My assumptions are proven mistaken. Thank you for correcting me.
  18. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1344026748' post='1759012'] If you tip a 4x10 45 degrees the speakers will be even further apart horizontally [/quote] Yup... and you'll have likely sacrificed a spot to store the amp and lows due to not coupling with the floor.
  19. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1344007589' post='1758665'] placed my order on a super 15 the other day, have always been against 15s completely but alex and i traded a few emails and he was really helpful and gave reasons why he recommended the cab, the wait is already annoying though! i hate waiting. [/quote] The wait starts of pretty bad... but gets worse over time IME. Week 6 here. Reality is the weight is a miniscule inconvenience compared to the wait... Oh wait I got that backwards . I can't wait... Oh wait yes I can. I'd just rather get my bass thumping through it in the very near future!!!
  20. AHHHHH! If I wasn't getting a Barefaced compact + head at the same time I'd be all over this (it's amazingly cheap... those pickups have a lot of admirers). I have a PJ that's nice but this one is very cool. Love the colour too! Have a bump though!
  21. Here's the 15E spec [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/classic/svt15e/"]http://www.ampeg.com/products/classic/svt15e/[/url] [url="http://www.ampeg.com/discontinued.php"]http://www.ampeg.com/discontinued.php[/url] seems to give info on the others... hmmm I can't see them. Well I tried!
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1343988143' post='1758194'] Basically what you will get here is that people that continue to use them will shout pretty loud and people that don't might not want to get involved in a potential slanging match. I suggest you forget all that and take advantage of the 30 day free trial and then you will know if they can do what suits you. [/quote] +1. My logic when I put a deposit on a Compact. Some love them a lot, some are not pushed. I know I'll like it at least as much as my cheapo combo - which is good for the dosh - but the money back deal is as good as it gets. If you can afford to get a barefaced cab, do the crowd, and your back a favour and try one (or two). It's not permanent.
  23. Good thread - Some people have had experience with depression, as have I, It's the toxic mix of negative reinforcement that leads to inactivity IME... Some great advice given here... and here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/101624-depression/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/101624-depression/[/url] Having support is important. As is getting effective treatment. IME it's far too easy to give in when you're down. IME activity is essential. Don't give yourself too much time to think if it's always negative. Exercise is great.
  24. [quote name='ojplaysbass' timestamp='1343949010' post='1757882'] 2 birds with one stone? [/quote] +1. It's hard at first but is a great skill to have.
  25. Brace yourself... If you want soul, you need to bring a little Duck to the party : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=1kgBgX5HsqU&feature=endscreen"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=1kgBgX5HsqU&feature=endscreen[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUGsZgkjrco"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUGsZgkjrco[/url]
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