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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1343987215' post='1758173'] The TC heads sound best if you leave them at default by most peoples accounts (I disagree though ) I'm yet to hear a BF cab I've liked but I'll keep listening out for one that does it for me [/quote] Cool. I've yet to hear a BF cab at all . The return policy is cool - I can't wait to try it (goodbye fighting unamplified drums for supremacy ) TC heads seem to be hit and miss . . . Like all the rest I guess. I'm leaning towards a GK mb fusion - but the Markbass, TC, Ashdown, Ampeg, other GK, Genz, and all the others are stuff I'd love to try... I'll get around to it at some point.
  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1343981031' post='1758020'] I listened to a compact (or was it a midget?) at a bass bash not so long ago. I couldn't help thinking on the day that the sound it produced with a variety of amps through it was bit thin, without much body. I wasn't the only one thinking that either. In all fairness though, we'd just listened to a few amps through an Epifani 4 x 10, so maybe our ears were a little pre - conditioned by this ? I fully expect some verbal for this from BF fans, but it is was I found on the day. Disappointed a little too, as I'd grown to expect much more. I'd be quite interested to hear more BF cabs though, as I don't expect those findings to be reflected throughout the whole range of products. [/quote] I'd say if you take any fairly flat cab and compare it to a cab with a midrange 'hump' you'll be dissapointed if you don't rethink eq. Check the "Why shouldn't I get a compact?" section on this page [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/compact.htm"]http://barefacedbass...nge/compact.htm[/url] Alex makes it clear with points 2 and 5 that the cab is designed to put out pretty much what you put in... I doubt the epi 410 is as flat. EDIT: I'm definitely not criticizing your experience - I've never played a barefaced cab (got a compact on order though) - but I think there is a lot going on between the two cabs - the Compact is a very different cab, when you say thin do you mean too present (very middy) or just not enough low end - coz I've heard they have buckets of both - if you send the signal you want out - in. I'll get to try myself hopefully in the next few weeks! [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1343981885' post='1758035'] I've tried a compact with my Orange Terror and my TC Classic. The Terror sounded amazing and the TC didn't. I'm not sure what this means or if it helps? [/quote] It's interesting - I'd say most heads could sound great through a good cab, I don't know much about the heads or the cab (yet ). I've heard some of the TC heads take a lot of tweaking to get the best tones out... whereas the Orange heads tend to sound awesome no matter what you try - that could be a factor, not sue about the TC classic head, if it fits that description.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343919052' post='1757334'] At the risk of exposing my ignorance, I don't think the vertical axis is as important, as your ears are on the horizontal axis... or something... [/quote] I wouldn't call that ignorant (not that you should give a monkeys, or that I would know...) Check this out : http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/understanding-sound-dispersion.htm Kinda gives a brief run through some of it...
  4. Week 6*. They snow gathers against the still leather of my boots. It's not supposed to go this way, but I can't complain. Time doesn't ask for consent. OH... check this out (It's got some Duck magic!): [url="http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm"]http://freebasspart....ass_Players.htm[/url] I am growing extremely eager for the Compact. I hope my Tele's neck 'bucker will produce enough fat fat lows to break her in nicely *end of week 5... for consistency with the other posts... EDIT II. it's actually end of week 6 (just past).
  5. They do get rave reviews... I'm just beginning week 6 of my wait to get a Compact. If I were going to be playing in a loud rock outfit I'd look at a super 15 or Dual Compacts or a Compact+Midget pair. Vintage grille cloth of course I'm reserving on praising them too much untill I get my hands on one - there are two selling points that make them pretty awsome (at least on paper). Clean sound (you make the tone choices much more than a vintage only voiced cab), and they are extremely portable. Oh and they sound amazing in almost any room... so I hear (from others). Alex is busy, but always willing to give you advice on his cabs... He can answer your questions much better than I. Send him an email or fill out the form... http://barefacedbass.com/contact-us.htm AFAIK from this forum and elsewhere on the internets what Alex claims about his cabs is completely legit. They are establishing a worldwide rep as up there with the best from what I read. If you're hesitant you may get the chance to play through someone else's to give you a feel... Plus AFAIK you can arrange to get a trial at Barefaced to demo some of the cabs! Ask Alex.
  6. [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1343845101' post='1756284'] but are two small handbags better than one big one? [/quote]
  7. I'm no expert - but look at your mids. The Tbird isn't going to 'cut' like a J with fresh rounds bridge solo'd, tone open... you did try boosting those mids a bit? I'd back off the bass a bit and the treble - then try a subtle boost of the mids. My 2c, gleaned from trying to make my 112 combo keep up with a drummer. The 115 has a much better chance indoors than out. The bass reinforcement of a corner or wall will be sorely missed outdoors - where the guitarist may (correctly or not) think it's the ideal time to crank their rig(s)... I'd try a second 115... If you use Thomann you can send it back if you want. 2 115's is a little more than a 410 in area (I'm pretty sure it's about 10% more effectively - maybe more). It's also a lot nearer your head so will sound better. I've heard mixed things about the VX's. If you like one try two. The Hartke head should kill at 4ohms. Enjoy your new rig - and enjoy the saving of your back!
  8. I'm not sure if the design of 410's have a big problem. They're like 810's... an old design that still rocks. Too much hassle for me when I include stairs though. They also don't have very 'flat' performance - fine for most (in fact better) but the 3 way designs (Barefaced Big Twin, fEARful, Many PAs) are much better for some peoples needs... I wouldn't know. I'm not an expert. But I do suspect the retention of the 810's and 410's are more due to economy and tradition than new engineering and bass cab development that shows them to be the best. Maybe the best bang per buck - perhaps not at some price ranges...
  9. I have a Planet Waves 'Oxygen Free Copper' 10' that's started failing (noise, cutting out). Found the failure is at one end. Loop under amp handle... OK for now. Need good cables! I have an ashton 20'.... fairly heavy shielding (judging by weight and sound) and good, steel, shrink wrapped ends. The Planet Waves is the entry level one with moulded ends. Lame. I Think I'll be checking out the above link, get a few good ones...
  10. NO..... The GAS will come back.... eventually
  11. I like the 66 nickels. The steels killed my frets, but I was in a phase of very heavy fretting and fret 'clank'... . Even if you have steel frets they'll eat them over time: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Hz_d3JPs0&feature=plcp[/media] What's lovely about them is the tone (the nickels are great IMO). 3:20 lol
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1343368497' post='1749525'] As it happens... Thunderfunk aren't class D which is one of the best things about them..and there are many, IMO. They weight in at around 20lbs. [/quote] Yeah, I guessed G/H before, could be the case (I really wouldn't know). Do class D's automatically suck? I don't doubt they're different but I am willing to try. They are super portable at least.
  13. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The wating game sucks.... Let's play hungry hungry hippos! EDIT: 5 down, 1 - 3 estimated left... +extra delays. Small scale production... has it's disadvantages. The low weight is still making it worth it!
  14. I've been looking at amps... this video is interesting [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL0M6dyCTO0[/media] ... the LH series tone stacks seem pretty sweet. I'm leaning towards a GK mb fusion ATM. smaller, lighter, more tubes, GK EQ - which also seems extremely cool. EDIT: Just checked the LH manual... It doesn't go into detail on the preamp, just that it has one or more 12Ax7 at high plate voltage - cool stuff - part of why they sound good
  15. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1342958046' post='1743099'] Just to make you feel better, I'm now a week overdue. I did hum and har for a bit, but Alex assured me I hadn't lost my place in the queue. [/quote] Cheers... It takes time, but I've heard it's worth it. Hopefully You'll get yours soon, and I not too far behind!
  16. 4 weeks.... This isn't bad. As long as you don't think about it. Check out a young Zwainul on piano, and a rocking Sextet! (Warning Hawt double bass action!) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=VceXg7NwM3Y"][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=VceXg7NwM3Y[/media][/url]
  17. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1342793871' post='1741076'] When our drummer cut a round hole in the front skin of his bass drum (to improve projection or some other nonsense) he wondered why it sounded rattlier and rattlier as the rehearsal went on. We were of course posting empty beer cans through the handy size hole. [/quote] LOOOOL!!!! Poor bugger wondering if his snare is messed up or... ??
  18. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1342737886' post='1740398'] Me too! Ordered it around 3 weeks ago. And I will be pairing it with a Bass Terror! Can't wait. [/quote] The terror interests me... It has a a lot of fans and is a way to get a loud Orange without the vast cost and weight of their all tube heads... ATM I'm far more leaning towards a GK mb fusion 500.... the EQ and dual channel features are sweet. I've heard the Orange EQ is perfect for some and less perfect for others... I think I could get great results from either... The form factor is sweeeet (GK is about the size of a netbook) and is lighter... One of the reasons I got interested in Barefaced in the first place. Will the compact notice the 'bright' setting (a boost at 10 KHz) ? I doubt it. It'll give me the thick bottom end I need to get groovin' though!
  19. Sad, He was among the first great EB players, and a legend in his own lifetime. Unforgettable.
  20. I use a Zoom b2.1u into a Senhiesser HD 201's.... not perfect but it gets it done. If I eq out some lows I can get far too loud. If I leave it flat it distorts with all the lows at medium to high volumes. I like it like that, means I can keep overall volume controlled. I think headphones and earphones are a little risky as you can get relatively high dB's at those tiny distances.... with care and restraint it's no worse than practicing at moderate volume without ear protection.
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1342561383' post='1737230'] Coming from the person who has just bought a Markbass:-) IMO they look much better with the silver cloth front option [/quote] +1. I like them (they look nice IMO, subtle and proportionate, except maybe some of the asymmetric designs). The Silver grille cloth makes them look great. I ordered a compact with silver cloth a little over 3 weeks ago. If you heard one and liked it, but had a concern about the looks, If you asked Alex he'd likely give you a recommendation on how to mod it's looks without affecting it's performance eg. using alternate finishes / coverings, a different style of grille (obviously covering the ports and changing rigidity would be the biggest concerns. I guess looks aren't as big a deal for me
  22. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1342037697' post='1728641'] Haha 1800 surely they could of at least made it go to 2000........ [/quote] Check it again... you're missing a zero
  23. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1342250186' post='1732247'] @Plunger - do it, you can't go wrong IMO, both with the amp and the case! [/quote] It's on my list... Just got to get the Barefaced compact first (on order for 3 weeks) [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1342250306' post='1732248'] Its a great head! [/quote] Sounds like it. Mr. Ponytail can play : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoigBqxrjgU
  24. I'm 3 weeks into my wait for my compact.... It's not getting any easier!
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