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Everything posted by PlungerModerno

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1340802283' post='1709777'] I'd love to try the new 1U Puma 500 or 900 with the M212. Why don't Tecamp have distributors in the UK? [/quote] Hmmm. They have a page [url="http://www.tecamp.de/en/store-finder.html"]http://www.tecamp.de/en/store-finder.html[/url] that tells me they have stores across Europe. UK would make sense. The model might be 'we sell high end gear, they'll come to us' but nothing in their site or current distributors suggests that. They seem nice amps.
  2. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1340793559' post='1709597'] I love the Fusion, if you're anywhere near Newcastle feel free to come try it. I also really, really loved the Harley Benton but it's not quite in the same league as the rest listed here. What kind of sounds do you like? That's the most important question. [/quote] It'd be a long trip (I'm in Ireland!). I appreciate the offer though. I have a Harley benton PJ bass and 110W combo... sounds good. Doesn't go loud & low, but is fine for now. I never cease to be impressed at how good it sounds, for the price (200 odd Euro new for both). The Fender I bought later, a telebass (like this [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_modern_player_tele_bass_2tsb.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_modern_player_tele_bass_2tsb.htm[/url]), has a rich low end sound. Articulate but way too much for the combo to reproduce well. I find that using my pedal (zoom b2.1u) I can use decent headphones and get Ok results. The lesson was I want lots of lows. I put flats on the fender. lovely. The pedal also allows me to try different (although basic) synth and effect laden tones. I like. But the principle tone I want is deeeeeeep low mids & lows, with options on highs & high mids to add 'seasoning', especially when muting*. The 'mini rig of doom' I am in the process of assembling (or getting Alex at Barefaced to assemble) is going to be a big step up for me. With my current gear I have a very rough idea of what I want in a rig. I don't know enough to assess which set of gear will definitely suit my needs... I'll need to have a flexible rig regardless. But I like warmth. I think a clean tone should be mid rich, and the fusion should give me that option, as well as possible tube distortion, and the GK 'presence' slap tone thingummy. It's a huge investment, but the more I play, the more I realize it's going to be for many years. It's not that much if I spread it out. *Oh if I had just two techniques I'd like to master, and play solely, It'd be finger-style and muting (right hand mainly). Just thinking about it is pretty exciting (no, not in that way ).
  3. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1340747478' post='1709202'] thanks man! if i had the money id just order and return if i didnt like sadly i cant take the punt as i have no funds. fingers crossed someone will get in touch andy [/quote] I think a previous poster mentioned this, or something similar... You could try contacting Alex at barefaced... He might be able to make an arrangement, contact an owner on your behalf, maybe arrange a demo if he's demoing them nearer you (It happens for most manufacturers, boutique...not so much). Plus you might get the will to travel to the home of barefaced and work from there - I'm not saying you're lazy, but if I knew the cab I wanted was half a day away... If I could check it out I would. He's sound, and will give you the oppertuinty to try the cab if he can. I should mention, although you probably know this, he has lead times of 6 - 8 weeks... not super long, but it might mean accepting a lower price for your 610 if you have to sell in a hurry... You'll find a way. I was told I'll be informed when the build run starts for my cab... that info could allow you to hang on to the 610 till the last minute of course. Good luck!
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1340743867' post='1709125'] The danger part of a tube amp is that unplugging it doesn't stop it biting you. Which is the best lesson on electrical safety. [/quote] Very true... Those Capacitors mean business. I'd still start by plugging it out though. and using well insulated tools. After training how to repair them for a few years with somebody who knows how. A schematic and research of components wouldn't hurt either. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1340745684' post='1709158'] If the original premise were true, headphones/earphones wouldn't work. G. [/quote] Indeed. You'd be limited to low mids at best. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1340745839' post='1709166'] That said, chances of an audible 40hz are fairly slim in a lot of circumstances. [/quote] Yup. AFAIK it's hard to hear 40 Hz unless it's quite loud... we humans don't have a good time distinguishing the low - low end. Especially in a mix.
  5. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340737679' post='1708998'] Possibly. Unfortunately I think for a lot of people a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. [/quote] Very true, perhaps the 'hopefully' in my previous post should be an 'ideally'.... But you know what they say... As soon as you invent an idiot proof device... somebody invents a better idiot. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340738704' post='1709012'] Ha! Yes, and we always know exactly what the room will be like before we get there... [/quote] But of course. Everyone travels to the venue a day in advance and does extensive sound checking.... (assuming it's open)
  6. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340726053' post='1708687'] Well it depends how far you want to go with it. You would be amazed at how much a little bit of maths knowledge helps your understanding of in-depth science. [/quote] Aye. If you have some working formulae, like V = IR, F = ma (in SI), basic algebra & trig, and the other basic problem solving tools... you can go far. Stuff like "High voltage is an arcing risk" or "High current means heating" are pretty useful too. I think the best lesson a little knowledge gives, hopefully, is when to know when you're over your head. E.g. If you understand a tube amp has High voltage circutry... be very careful or give it to a good tech... and if you do open her up.... UNPLUG THE POWER!!!
  7. People are nice to offer to share the experience of their equipment. I've ordered a Compact. I couldn't find anyone in Ireland who has one, anyway, if it doesn't suit I can send it back. I'm not gigging (yet) so I can fall back to my combo If needs be. Good luck with the Dubster / super 15. My understanding is that they are incredibly loud & low.
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340724130' post='1708650'] According to my quick calculations, it is 343 m/s. I think if you were worrying about things like relative humidity, you would be looking at very precise numbers seeing as it doesn't have a massive effect on the density of the air. [/quote] [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1340724368' post='1708655'] Close enough for rock 'n' roll, as we used to say . Another useful yardstick is that the wavelength at 1kHz is about a foot. [/quote] Cool. I guess if I need to do calculations I'll check for worked examples, and review the theory. I think understanding that sound* is waves of pressure in air is more important than being able to cite numbers, especially for acoustically challenged musicians like us bassists. *sound in the colloquial sense. I think the technical definition is 'sound energy' or somesuch. I like acoustics. I sound less bad when I troubleshoot sound issues. I guess it's kinda like signal chain. You don't need to be an expert to have a basic knowledge.
  9. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1340723223' post='1708620'] The speed of sound is actually approx 345 m/s. Therefore at 40Hz the wavelength is just over 8.6m . If the theory as stated in that article were true, none of us would hear the fundamental of bottom E in any normal sized room . [/quote] I remember being told 'all the threes'.... i.e. at sea level, at room temperature it's around 333 m/s .... give or take some... If you need more precise numbers the relative humidity, and other effects might come into play.
  10. [quote name='Commando Jack' timestamp='1340722587' post='1708603'] Remember a combo can't be split so counts as 1 configuration unless it has an extention cab output! I counted, and I have a total of 6 configurations if I include a 60 W guitar amp [/quote] True. My combo has a speaker out, but it must bypass the speaker in it as it's 110W at 4 Ohms. You can't add a 0 Ohm cab to it!!!! Remember. It's all about the technique. You could be Wooten and sound killer on a 50W combo! Then Again vic. is better without amplification than I am with it!
  11. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340722495' post='1708598'] It's bollocks. The soundwave does not need to be a soundwave length away from your ear to be heard properly; it's just air being pushed backwards and forwards. As long as that air being pushed backwards and forwards reaches your eardrum, it's fine. [/quote] Bingo!
  12. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1340721724' post='1708572'] Most BC'ers do seem to yeah.... [/quote] I think he's... wait a sec... 4 cabs X 4 heads.... OK... Yeah I doubt 20% of bassists have 3 or more rigs, including a practice combo. I could be wrong.
  13. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1340720892' post='1708552'] I [u]am[/u] an Acoustics Engineer (CEng, MIOA) and I can tell you that that statement is total BS. There are many factors influencing the frequency content of what you hear but if that's what he meant he has expressed his point very badly. [/quote] That's what I thought, and why I posted this thread. Some people simply DO know better, not sucking up just stating the fact! I, like so many others, felt Acoustics were a case of volume and Eq., putting mediocre sound down to poor performance or gear. Then I went to the Roisin Dubh in Galway. Good craic, nice shows..... but the acoustics in the main place are abysmal*. I have got into music since, and I can relate to people who aren't sound-savvy being mislead by myths, but the info is out there, and has been for 10 years or more in broad circulation. If you are a musician you should understand the basics of how sound works. Or at least if you write an article you should check your facts. *A perfect case study for an expert trouble shooter... As far as I know the sound guy is really good too.... I'd hate to hear it with a bad one!
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1340720430' post='1708539'] The distance required before you can hear bass thing is made up, but sort of observable in some circumstances, mostly a flat ceiling and a source without mids. [/quote] That's what I suspected. There are a lot of 'common sense' ideas out there. I've heard it's due to comb filtering and the dreaded standing waves [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1340720538' post='1708541'] Bad start right there. He can't spelll Aesthetical either. Liam [/quote] LOL. He's chiliean so a couple of typos are OK. Hell I don't care where you're from as long as the idea comes across well, well...
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340720218' post='1708526'] no no no tecamp are class D Im not convinced Thunderfunk are. It probably won't do 'creamy' warmth. not in a valve style [/quote] Oh. I misread your post, sorry. [url="http://www.thunderfunk.com/Downloads/Thunderfunk_Owner"]http://www.thunderfunk.com/Downloads/Thunderfunk_Owner's_Manual.pdf[/url] has a mountain of info but I can't find the description of the 'class' of the power amp. My guess after a skim is it's a G/H class amp, like the GK rb's. I'm no expert though.
  16. I was looking at this article... and I read something strange. [url="http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2012/06/ten-tips-for-getting-the-best-stage-sound-possible-for-your-bass-by-igor-saavedra/"]http://bassmusicianm...-igor-saavedra/[/url] Take a look at number 7. I'm not an Acoustic Engineer or an expert on human hearing... but isn't this a myth? [quote][color=#333333]Lower frequencies are quite longer than higher frequencies, so they need more distance to “Express themselves in your ears”.[/color][/quote] ??????????????? I thought I could hear lows in my headphones. I've seen some spec'd down to 8 Hz! Besides, You don't need a full wavelength to hear a note.... the pressure-waves are mechanically traveling between the source and the listener. If you can hear it at 10 m you should be able to hear it at 10 mm. [quote][color=#333333]The higher the volumes the more bass frequency content on your sound… always consider that![/color][/quote] ??????????????? I've read about the fletcher munsen curve, and how louder sounds better, and below about '80 dB' lows sound attenuated (I use quotes because I know I'm not using dB correctly. I need to define distance etc.). Once I am above low volumes and below the point of ear distortion... the lows pretty much keep up with the rest as far as I know. Maybe I need to read up some more. IMO the author of the article needs to too though. What do you personagables think?
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340715328' post='1708448'] Go look on talk bass, there is a guy called kjung or something who has owned and reviewed almost every lightweight amp it seems. He used to have lots of great videos up but took them all down Tecamp are very very well built. I've been told using military spec parts but can't vouch for that as never opened mine up, so not the same risks as valve amps. One thing they are good for is having a good bottom end. very clean, but not in a clinical way. I like them and think they sound fuller than other micro amps I've tried. Thunderfunk are also well loved but I don't think are class D and super lightweight. [/quote] [url="http://www.tecamp.de/en/products/amlification/2-puma-500.html#specifications"]http://www.tecamp.de/en/products/amlification/2-puma-500.html#specifications[/url] tells me they are class D power amps.... once I translate it from German (chrome has a translate feature). If they were G/H or A/B they'd be three times heavier (as I understand it). [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOtRKmucNLc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOtRKmucNLc[/url] has a pretty good breakdown of what it can do. I can't find any other reviews online ... ah this is for the 900: [url="http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2012/01/tecamp-puma-900-head-and-s212-cab/"]http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2012/01/tecamp-puma-900-head-and-s212-cab/[/url] I want one! I'm just not convinced it has the amount of creamy warmth I want. The taste control is intriguing, and the Eq. seems responsive. I guess I'm biased towards a GK because I'll have a return period. With a used amp I'd obviously have to play through it.
  18. Oh and waiting for this cab is going to be painful. Good thing I have so much Hal Leonard stuff to practice!
  19. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1340710983' post='1708347'] When you get your cab, find a local shop that stocks a few of the amps you want & take your cab along to try them. MarkBass, GK, Genz Benz & so on all make great heads, but it's down to personal preference on what tone you like. [/quote] This is a good idea.... I'll have 30 days thanks to Alex at Barefaced to decide for certain... I don't think I'll be disappointed. It will take a lot of travel though.... wish I ordered the midget now [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340710992' post='1708348'] there is a secondhand tecamp puma in the for sale section. That is all I need to say [/quote] Are these good? I've read that some people adore these amps (thunderfunk & puma). I'd need to try a used amp before buying though. I've heard there are known 'signs' to look for (esp. with valve amps). I might miss them (assuming there are any!). [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1340712824' post='1708393'] Yes, the MB Fusion 500 is GK sounding, but with a lot more warmth/harmonics to it, than the usual crispness of GK. I`d go as far as saying it sounds like a GK/Ampeg hybrid. And seeing as I love both brands, it really is the best of both worlds for me. [/quote] The GK gear does get a lot of love, and for my ears the DI samples I can find here: [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/gallien_krueger_mb_fusion.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...r_mb_fusion.htm[/url] and these youtube demos (with OK audio): [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoigBqxrjgU[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D949D271XQ[/media] Seem to give me very strong signals in favour of this head (mb fusion 500). The incredible portability makes it a serious contender ATM. EDIT: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178681-gallien-krueger-mb-fusion-500/page__p__1687710__hl__mb%20fusion__fromsearch__1#entry1687710"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178681-gallien-krueger-mb-fusion-500/page__p__1687710__hl__mb%20fusion__fromsearch__1#entry1687710[/url] Cool. Exactly the type of thing I was after. I read this, and the mb500 review a few weeks ago, but I was looking at the mb500 at the time. Thanks.
  20. Hello peoples of chatty chatty bass chat, I have a hankering for some killer gear that won't kill my back. Just recently put a deposit on a Barefaced Compact ..... .....with Silver grille detail Also got my hands on the Ed Friedland books 1-3 of the Hall Leonard method. Learning to read music takes time.... but unlike when I was trying to learn treble & bass clef simultaneously (had a go at keys) this one clef at a time approach seems the most appropriate for bass, at least for now. When I finish those, I can hit the Carol Kaye books, and Ed's blues book. Seems legit. .... Back to the remit of this sub-forum, I'm wondering about portable amps. Think 2U or less and less than 10 Kg, Ideally a micro like a Markbass mini or GK mb head. Oh and 300/500 8/4 Ohm capacity is my power ballpark. My initial leaning were towards the GK mb500. Currently It's towards the mb fusion. I don't feel I need the extra 'grind' the emulation on the 500 or the gain on the fusion offer, however the 'warmth' of the fusion seems better. I am not the best at describing 'warmth' or other subjective terms. My understanding of it is tonal fullness, slightly lo-fi with lots of mids. Any recommendations?... I haven't got the chance to play through a Barefaced Compact or any micro head ATM, I can justify the hassle of sending a head back in case of malfunction or genuine unsuitability, however I do want to stay in budget... ideally less than 500 Euro. I've been saving for a while and frankly I am dying for my compact & head.
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1337880296' post='1666959'] Hi Plunger, Welcome to BC from another noob. I hope and trust you'll enjoy this friendly forum. Quite eclectic list of artists you got there. Ain't it great to be diverse? best, bert [/quote] Thanks, I hope to enjoy it too. I joined Talkbass a little while ago - how I found out about this place. I've been using DuckDuckGo mainly instead of Google's search engine, gets me out of their bubble (which I adore) but It means I don't get europe / ireland biased searches... hence me getting loads of hits for Talkbass... Nice people though, if a bit carroty. It is good to be diverse. And music is no exception. On the bike this morning I heard (on random play) The beach boys "let's go away for a while"... immediately followed by tools "part of me". NIIIIIICE... The hot weather.... it makes my eyes go funny... [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1337893768' post='1667208'] Hi there, Wooo another Irish bass player. [/quote] Cheers, I've thought about it and what I really need is more GAS. Lots more. I've almost 100% decided on a barefaced compact.... gonna be a big investment... but the results should be a featherweight monster!!!
  22. Hello there.... I've been playing bass for nearly a year... nothing too heavy but really getting into it now. Playing with a drummer, thinking about band type situations in the next 6 months to a year. I like rock and almost anything groovy. Hard to define precisely but you get the general idear... everything from Kyuss and Tool, through Thin Lizzy and Rory Gallagher, to Beach Boys, the Beatles, Booker T. & the MG's etc. heavily into the low end. Played keys with little enthusiasm, skill or flair before. Found bass was my kinda thing... That's enough yackin' helps to put me in context when I accidently upset somebody though ignorance... Current rig: Fender Telebass (Modern Player), Harley benton hot rod PJ, Zoom B2.1u, Harley Benton 110W 112 combo. yeah, I'm workin' on it.
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