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Everything posted by Zenitram

  1. The Alpha Junos don't deal in CC but in sysex, which is the problem. Rotating the alpha dial while recording doesn't do anything in Reaper. In Midiox it does see the burst of data in the Received window as I turn the dial: how could I use that to my advantage in Reaper? Any idea? Midiox looks completely confusing -- I couldn't even say what it actually does, or is supposed to do. Thanks!
  2. I'd like to make Reaper record parameter changes (cut-off, resonance, etc.) in real time (or not, I suppose) with my Roland Alpha Juno 2. So far I can't find a way for it to be done. Does anyone have any knowledge of this sort of thing? Many thanks. Windows 7 32bit MBox 2 audio/midi interface Midi cables correctly wired up Juno sysex enabled Edit: Hmm, it seems this just isn't a thing that can be done, due to the nature of sysex.
  3. Chris was great. Is great. His greatness is ongoing.
  4. Tom was very easy to sell to. If you see what I mean.
  5. Derrick is grand. He even delivered the stuff.
  6. I just saw this: http://createdigitalmusic.com/2009/10/compact-foot-controller-mod-korg-nanokey-for-your-feet/ and thought I'd post it here for those of you looking for midi-note foot controllers.
  7. I can recommend this guy: http://drownedinsound.com/community/boards/music/4258146
  8. Has anyone ever used this interface? http://www.roland.com/products/en/UA-101/ It's got 8 analogue ins, and I'm interested in it as a way to send all my hardware synths (which are a combination of new and old, analogue, VA and digital) into my computer on different channels (as well as any bass parts I might happen to play), so I can then apply effects to them in real time in Reason and Reaper, as part of the composition/messing-around process, rather than having to record the synth 'clean' to audio, and then applying the effects to that, without being able to change the synth bit. If that makes sense. I can get one fairly cheap, and it seems a bit too good to be true. I can also get a really nice mixer with lots of sends and auxes and all that, which I would have fun with if I start acquiring some more/better hardware effects. So all the FX stuff would be in hardware form, happening before it all gets to the computer. I can't decide which way round I want to do it. Obviously, using the computer to add lots of crazy effects in real time to my synths on multiple channels means a strain on the old machine, but it also means I already have all the plugins and effects and things anyone could possibly want, in Reason and VSTs. But then hardware is so attractive too. So, er, does anyone have anything to suggest, or comment, about that, at all? Thanks.
  9. Yeah, I was hoping it would work alongisde the analogue inputs, but it seems that it doesn't, that the DAW (Reaper and Reason, in my case), will accept either the analogues or the digital, but not both. So it's less useful than I thought it would be, but that's only because I thought it did something that it doesn't. It might do what I think it does in Pro Tools, but I have uninstalled it and don't intend to use it, so, er, stuff it.
  10. Can you measure the neck pocket please? Thanks!
  11. Never mind; I got it to work. You have to specify this and that in a DAW for it to work, which it does. Which is great.
  12. I don't suppose anyone here uses a Digidesign MBox 2 interface, with the SPDIF connectors, at all, do they? My Novation Ultranova synth has a SPDIF out, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I enable the out in the audio menu, and plug in my newly acquired 75 ohm SPDIF cable to the SPDIF in on the Mbox, but it doesn't work. The SPDIF led doesn't come on, and there's no sound reaching the MBox, or so it seems. If anyone has any ideas, or experience with SPDIF, then, er, that would be great.
  13. Or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5XX9LX2es4
  14. This deal is getting worse all the time!
  15. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/free-baby-grand-piano-black-neindorf-in-usable-condition-but-needing-some-tlc-must-collect/1069404035"]http://www.gumtree.c...lect/1069404035[/url] Wow, etc. (Actually it's less wow than I first thought, but, er, it's still, y'know, like, FREE, man.)
  16. G Watson An acquaintance rather than a 'friend' friend, from previous shows him and my GF have been in.
  17. And another friend was in Fings!
  18. A friend of mine was Ryan's cover on Jersey Boys.
  19. In fact I'm not actually typing these words, but just pretending to, while a professional typist crouched below my desk does it for real.
  20. Kewl. So is he the actor on stage, playing live, or the muso in the pit, playing the other bits that need playing? Your friend, that is. And yes I wasn't very clear myself; I was referring above to non-muso shows where a character happens to play an instrument for a bit. But then, that can also be played live (by the actor, I mean) sometimes. So, er, it depends. Shows with characters who are musicians, well, it seems to be mainly live, backed up by the band in the pit, to give it oomph. And even the singing is recorded sometimes. That high note in Phantom is on tape, for example, in case the actress can't hit it on the night. Anything with lots of dancing and singing at the same time will generally be on a click with pre-recorded vocals (belting stuff out and making it intelligible, while busting a gut dancing about on stage like a loon, eight times a week, isn't practical).
  21. Oh yes, it has to have a "live" band, but that means the band in the pit, off stage (usually). But the fact there's someone on stage strumming a guitar (or whatever) doesn't mean that's what you can hear. It's more than likely (as in very, very likely) that it's the guitarist in the pit doing the actual playing.
  22. Does Jersey Boys advertise itself as having a live band, though?
  23. [i]Once[/i] is also a show with proper actor/musicians performing. I haven't seen it, but it's supposed to be AMAZING.
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