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Posts posted by cloudburst

  1. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1373323241' post='2136301']
    I wish I hadn't done that now, I'm a little disappointed... Having said that, I don't know what to be disappointed in, I don't know which is wrong, the callipers or the strings.

    [font=courier new,courier,monospace]The strings are: .105 .085 .070 .050[/font]
    [font=courier new,courier,monospace]And I got:[color=#fff0f5]......[/color] .103 .083 .067 .048[/font]

    The strings are D'Addario Chromes.

    I'd test other strings but they're the only ones I even know the make of , nevermind the gauge.

    Hey, I appreciate you doing that.
    But. I have to say it seems those particular calipers wouldn't tell me whether I had a 105/45 set or a 100/40 set.


  2. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1373321251' post='2136253']
    I have to confess that I haven't used mine to check for string gauge as I haven't had to. Sorry.

    They're supposed to be accurate down to .003mm, but I have no way of knowing if they actually are that accurate because the only thing I have to measure them with is themselves. I can't even judge tenths of a mm with my just my eyes and a steel rule.

    Would you mind having a try with your strings for me to see if they work?


  3. I frequently take my hat off to tribute bands who come up with a real cracker of a name. Did a quick search and couldn't find a thread. So here goes. And they don't have to exist yet.

    Couple of examples to get the ball rolling:
    - One Step Behind (a Madness tribute)
    - Fleetwood Mock
    - Status Quote
    - Nearvana

    And one I dreamt up myself and sways fancied setting up:
    - Rehab Sprout


  4. Thanks folks. Quite like the idea of the card thingy.
    The digital calipers sound easy to use without having even to bother taking the strings off.
    But...is it just hearsay - or has anyone actually used them and found them successful at accurately gauging the gauge? :-)


  5. ...are my strings?

    - You buy yourself a secondhand bass
    - You like the strings
    - You need a new set
    - You Google the colour of the silk and work out what type of strings they are

    But what's the most commonly used way to accurately identify what gauge they are?


  6. Thanks folks. I'm leaning toward another Bongo.

    Amplification - usually when playing live, it's the venue's kit that I use; for smaller venues, I've my Markbass 121p combo, which I'm sure will be fine.

    Spacing - if the Bongo 5 is indeed the same as the SR5 - I'll be fine, having small delicate fingers, rather than farmer's sausages.

    Weight - I would prefer to lug around an extra half pound than have those hideous looking lightweight tuners they've started using. Yeuch.


  7. I'm pretty useless with effects.

    Was just listening to Daft Punk's Get Lucky and noticed that there seem to be two distinct bass tones at play. The middle range notes seem to have a relatively clean tone. However, when the bass dips below a certain pitch, there appears to be an effect in use. The difference between the two tones seems quite marked.

    Anyone shed any light?


  8. I'm thinking of getting a fiver and currently weighing up the options.

    One of the options, since I play a Bongo 4HH (love it) would be to get a Bongo 5HH. ....yea, yea, getting older, bum getting bigger, need bigger loo seat etc etc (just before you guys say it).

    Just wondering, then, if any of you know:
    - is the 5 much heavier than the 4?
    - is the body the same size?
    - is it regarded as a 'good 5' in terms of B string and in comparison with SR5?
    - how does string spacing compare with Bongo 4 and SR5?

    Other options I'm considering are SR5, SR Classic 5 and (wild card) Yamaha BB Nathan East.


  9. [quote name='canarybass' timestamp='1372886760' post='2131317']
    I used to own an Allegro in a colour which my wife always described as diarrhea biege. That would probably equate to vintage tweed in Fender colors.
    From memory, that was Harvest Gold.
    I hate myself for knowing this.


  10. Can't believe I'm getting sucked into this again.

    But there are 2 statements in the title of this thread. One is pretty accurate and the other isn't. IMO

    1. "Fender got it right first time". I tend to agree - they really got it MUCH closer than you could reasonably expect.
    2. "You can't beat Fender". Well - you can. Depends on your criteria. A Steinberger will beat a Precision for transportability for example.


  11. Could we please keep this thread focused on tone and ability.

    If you feel the need to be offended, or fancy being offended on someone else's behalf, then could I respectfully ask you to keep it away from my thread and direct it at the manufacturers of Big Muff pedals.


  12. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1372716991' post='2129194']...instant focus on the fact the player is a girl combined with a reference to her looks
    Her looks didn't come under my notice. She's not my type. The post was about her tone. I liked her tone. I like plays on words. That's all.


  13. Lyrics are very important to me.

    Apart from the obvious of communicating a story via a song, I find lyrics have a lot of power to stimulate my imagination.
    An example which has been very important to me are the lyrics from Thomas Dolby's album The Golden Age Of Wireless. They do a fine job of conjuring up the science of a bygone era and transporting me there.

    Another practical aspect which I am currently getting to grips with is that lyrics are very helpful when composing music. When I'm faced with my band needing a bassline for a new song, I will always sit and listen to the words first, in order to get a feel for the story of the song, the mood shifts, the phrasing etc. I find that helps me when constructing the bassline.


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