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Everything posted by cloudburst

  1. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1372716991' post='2129194']...instant focus on the fact the player is a girl combined with a reference to her looks [/quote] Her looks didn't come under my notice. She's not my type. The post was about her tone. I liked her tone. I like plays on words. That's all. CB
  2. Lyrics are very important to me. Apart from the obvious of communicating a story via a song, I find lyrics have a lot of power to stimulate my imagination. An example which has been very important to me are the lyrics from Thomas Dolby's album The Golden Age Of Wireless. They do a fine job of conjuring up the science of a bygone era and transporting me there. Another practical aspect which I am currently getting to grips with is that lyrics are very helpful when composing music. When I'm faced with my band needing a bassline for a new song, I will always sit and listen to the words first, in order to get a feel for the story of the song, the mood shifts, the phrasing etc. I find that helps me when constructing the bassline. CB
  3. Danny Wilson. That always confused me. CB
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372712660' post='2129127'] Does playing the bass make a woman more alluring to them ? It certainly doesn't to me. [/quote] Oh man - it does it for me! CB
  5. Everyone is joking. Dingus is joking about the girl thing. I mean...Gail Ann Dorsey...need I say more? White Cloud was joking with me about Wals. But I wasn't joking about having the chequebook out to buy a Wal... ...until I realised I was being had. .....so anyway... I played through this bassline note for note and was able to get fairly close to the tone with my Bongo and just a forest green compressor. Tomorrow night I'll see how close I can get with the XL-2. CB
  6. I'm starting to get the feeling that every thread I start just ends up in pandemonium. CB
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372697265' post='2128750'] With the right strings, compression, messing around with parametric eq, playing hard by the bridge, having a bit of nail attack, most basses will do it. Just get a POD man, you can get most sounds you can dream of with one of them. I had comments on my Corvette $$ that it sounded more like a R*********** than a R***********. It was just me using a POD trying to get a Chris Squire tone, and it was coming out my little studio monitors and recorded on a little digi camera. I've done the same with a home build, a Streamer and now my Jazz, passive and active. [/quote] I'm hopeless at effects. I know nothing. I only own an OC-2, bought when they first came out (which I only use with fretless) and a Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor. Which POD is best to get? CB
  8. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1372685241' post='2128495'] The tone sounds similar to a Wal. [/quote] Aaaaaaargh. Not what I wanted to hear. Yet exactly what I wanted to hear. Chequebook well and truly OUT. Hit me with your Wals any prospective ex-Wal-owners. CB
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372617666' post='2127772'] ...you should be able to get a very close approximation of that sound with your HH Bongo using the E.Q and the balance control . [/quote] Thx - I sensed that may be the answer - but didn't really want to put words in anyone's mouth. Must have a try at this tomorrow night. :-) CB
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzmV7SXED5A Nice tone she's getting from a .... what? Looks like a Warwick Corvette, but the pickup spacing looks greater than any of the double buck Corvettes I've seen. And how's she getting this tone from it? I'm rubbish at identifying tone; does it sound like there's anything else in her signal chain? What other basses do you reckon would get closest to this? CB
  11. This is just one example of how there's more to life than Fender, more to life than 4 strings and more to life than overweight big-handed male bassists. http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/06/26/poliana-magalhaes-jamiroquais-runaway-playalong/ CB
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1372500827' post='2126449'] I didn't get this at all. Unknown bass player plays vaguely similar riffs on four variants of a P-bass. Each has a different set-up (note the silly-low action on the '51 RI), different strings (particularly the 5-year-old Rotos on the '74), and obviously different pickups. Where was the informative comparison? What did this video tell me? [/quote] I know what it tells me. This guy is as irritating as hell. I'm sure I've heard him before talking complete rubbish about the history of the jazz bass. Perhaps that was some other American. The only decent tone I heard in the whole clip was the first couple of seconds of the black/black 70s P Bass. CB
  13. Good Times by Chic CB
  14. You wrapped the bass in plastic to protect the soap-bar pickups? :-) CB
  15. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1372315250' post='2124086'] I'd expect them to react similarly if it was only the temperature that changed, how about big changes in humidity though? [/quote] That's the thing - my two MusicMan instruments (painted and unfinished necks) always react in the same manner regardless of any 'environmental' change. I've yet to see even the smallest difference in their retuning requirements. CB
  16. "You can't beat Fender" That depends on your criteria. I love my Jazz. In 1974, aged 9, it was my first bass. However, when I compare to my current basses: - For tone (given the style of music I currently play) it comes last - For weight/transportability it comes last I still love it. But you shouldn't take your opinion and advertise it as a general fact. CB
  17. Membership fee would work ok for me. One further suggestion I have to help increase the revenue would be to keep the yearly marketplace fee at £20 but to change the individual item listing from £7 to ~1% of item value. - increases number of adverts for and sales of small items - increases revenue from sales of large items CB
  18. Can't believe we've missed Louis Johnson from the thread. I'd recommend The Brothers Johnson 'Best Of' or 'Light Up The Night'. CB
  19. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1372229662' post='2123032'] The movement on MusicMan basses might be to do with the minimal finish on the necks, no? I imagine this allows the neck to take on moisture from atmospheric humidity more readily. [/quote] Good theory - but in practice I don't think it to be the case. My Bongo (painted neck) and fretless Sterling (unfinished neck) sit in the same room and react identically to temperature variation according to my TU-3. CB
  20. "Loud" depends on the size of the venue, which you don't mention. Since you mention combos, I'll recommend the Markbass CMD121p which you'll pick up on here for about £450 if you keep your eyes peeled. It wouldn't be "loud" if you were to play Wembley though :-) CB
  21. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1372077676' post='2121238'] Presuming you have the bass one? Mine is pretty good. Can hear what you're playing although they do munch through the batteries [/quote] Yep. The bass one. Thanks ref the batteries. Will check. Perhaps it's the types of basses I use - normally Bongo with its 18v circuitry or my XL2 which is actually hotter. CB
  22. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1372001975' post='2120501'] My brother was looking at this but prefers a proper case for his basses. [/quote] Define "proper". Horses for courses - here's what I use, depending upon the circumstances: 1) A purpose built metal flight-case with an exact XL-sized cutaway in the interior foam 2) A Steinberger hard case (designed for modern instruments but fits okay) 3) A Warwick Rockbag padded gig-bag 4) The original Steinberger XL gig-bag [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1372001975' post='2120501'] Do the hard-shell cases made for the Synapse model available via Thomann fit the L2 and XL2? [/quote] Yes.
  23. I'd look at it this way Pete. Change is good every so often. If you want to minimise the risk, then don't make changes that can't be easily reversed. So keep any bass which you'd have trouble replacing and move the rest on. CB PS: I'm very glad I did finally make a change. I pretty much spent 37 years playing the same Fender Jazz Bass on the same set of strings. Never really realised there was a whole world of tone out there. Until I got Bongo'd, XL'd etc. Now there's no looking back.
  24. Oh really. These lists can't be taken seriously. They need all to be renamed "Another xx Basslines You Should Listen To". CB
  25. [quote name='Noah Deere' timestamp='1371897159' post='2119264'] I have a Vox Amplug, but wouldn't recommend it because the sound on it isn't great (there's always static in the back ground). [/quote] +1 I think the Vox Amplugs sound terrible. As do the IOS software amps. CB
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