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Posts posted by cloudburst

  1. Yee haa. Made the plunge.

    Bought an Audi S3 Sportback with the S-tronic DSG gearbox. Very dark metallic blue. Black leather interior.

    Four wheel drive. Not overly big, but plenty of space. Reasonably economical. Awesome to drive with that DSG box.

    Thanks for all your help.

    PS: Also bought a Steinberger XL-2 so probably don't need the practical car anymore LOL


  2. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1358722043' post='1944189']
    I don't think he'll lose any sleep, he's just happy they didn't ask him to endorse a bass modelled on a toilet seat and an amp dressed up as a bee.
    Ha ha. Love it :-)


    PS: These bees get everywhere :-)

  3. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1358712850' post='1943947']
    You're right, your one experience with Ashdown applies to their entire range and all of their users.
    Agreed. That would make total sense - I haven't liked Pino so much since he stopped using the fretless StingRay and OC-2 and changed to Ashdown amps and P-Basses.


  4. I reckon we should all celebrate the diversity and be thankful that the Ashdown users have introduced us to these 'wading bass lines'. Every day's a school day where music's concerned. :-)


  5. Ashdown wooly?


    So much so that in the practice studios we use, I always go to the extra effort to bring along my own little Markbass combo.

    Can't remember the model of Ashdown, but it is total rubbish. No matter how I played around with it I couldn't get any mids or tightness. And every so often it would spit out an extra loud, extra wooly tone - completely out of the blue - that set every drum kit in the vicinity resonating. The band members all looked as puzzled as I was.

    We now make good use of the Ashdown amp and cab to stack our coats on. It's probably fairly mediocre at this task too.


  6. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1358416922' post='1938636']
    Actually, as a point of order, as a 'born-again-Christian' I have a pretty thick skin and, despite, it seems, what some think, I am no more or less offended by bad language etc than anyone else. But when people use 'Jesus!' etc as a swear [b]it cuts me to the core[/b].
    I'm religious about Apple products and find your metaphor based upon the mutilation of the popular fruit to be deeply offensive.


  7. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1358373737' post='1938240']
    Sterling made for girls and skinny small men looks silly on a big fella

    Ha ha. I've a Sterling fretless and love it. But then I'm a small skinny guy. :-)
    Don't underestimate the Sterling though. The brand new fretted Sterling I tried a few days ago was an absolute revelation to me (having owned a StingRay in the 80s). Lovely to hold, lovely size, lovely to play and one hell of a punch.
    Sterling is one underrated bass in my opinion.


  8. My Bongo 4HH is by far the best bass I've ever played.

    My observations (hope these help you):
    1. Looks - some love it, some call it a loo seat.
    2. Neck - painted - mine's worn in lovely and glossy; I generally find EBMM necks a little sensitive to temp (but consistent with each other and easy enough to set a compromise so you're not always adjusting); truss-rod wheel is great
    3. Weight - light.
    4. Balance - good.
    5. Tone - range of tones is virtually unbeatable; some folk say a little "hifi" as opposed to "organic" but can certainly approximate a 'Ray, and the first bass where I've been proud to listen back to my recorded performances.
    6. Controls - 18v active electronics are very capable; some players are worried about the potential to accidentally key in a completely wrong tone at a bad time in a performance until they get used to the stacked 4-band eq controls; I reckon its easy to get used to and all 4 knobs (plus the pickup pan) have centre detents.


  9. Thanks folks. Must take another look at that particular bass when I get a chance. I didn't have all that much time, so wasn't able to really analyse. Settings were the same on the amp for both basses so all I really did was fiddle about with the SR5 settings to no avail. First thing to try will be to have a play on the SR5 unplugged - just to take a view on the strings.


  10. Was a bit stressed at lunchtime today, so I dropped into a music store that I hadn't been in for absolute years, and noticed a few MusicMen and Markbasses.

    I'd wanted to try out a SR5 for a while and there was a new one on the wall.

    First I plugged in a new Sterling 4H. What a lovely bass to play. I have a fretless Sterling but this was the first fretted Sterling I've played. Oh man it was fine. Far nicer to play than I remember my own SR4 being back in the 1980s.

    Then I plugged in the new SR5H. Man was I underwhelmed. Certainly it felt nice in the hands. And not as terminally heavy as I'd expected. But just no zing. Compared to my Bongo, my Sterling and the fretted Sterling in the shop, it just sounded dull. Tried all the settings on the bass. The Markbass combo remained on flat settings throughout.

    What gives? Would I have had a different experience had I played an SR5H from about 6 or 7 years ago?


  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pre-Ernie-Ball-Musicman-Stingray-Bass-Guitar-1979-Natural-rosewood-Fingerboard-/281050479968?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item416fe9fd60&ssPageName=RSS:B:SHOP:GB:101
    Looks like a reasonable price.
    Was there an option to have no dot markers on the fretboard?


  12. My 74 Jazz (also a 4 bolt) is not that far in serial numbers to yours (mine is about 75,000 newer) and could not have aged more differently. In fact it looks pretty new. The headstock has remained pale and not adopted the lovely vintage browning that yours has. And I played mine as my main bass for over 35 years. Just shows what different climate etc etc can do.

    Good luck with the sale. These basses feel and play beautifully. And if mine is anything to go by, the neck is super stable and you rarely need to adjust the truss rod or even tune the darn thing. :-)


  13. [quote name='JimD' timestamp='1357740328' post='1927551']
    It has been said that my plywood Hondo II precision copy, made fretless and covered in wrapping paper (with a sliced up pickguard) by me is very ugly.

    Here is a polaroid of it.

    [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamesdavies/2412058106/"]fretless bass[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/jamesdavies/"]Jim Davies[/url], on Flickr

    I actually like this one! :-)


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