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Posts posted by cloudburst

  1. Wellll, when I said I was buying one of these, I spoke too soon. The seller let me down at the last minute. Hey, we're musicians and these things happen eh.

    So - if you have an XL-2 or XL-2A and you'd like to sell it to me, the money is here and burning a hole in my pocket.


  2. Fender Antigua (mushroomburst) instruments.
    Cherryburst (as used by EBMM to ruin otherwise good instruments) - should only be seen on a leather buttonback sofa.
    Blueboy (Rickenbacker limited edition colour) - lovely colour but even if I did have sufficient brain trauma to result in GAS for a Rick, I don't think I could bring myself to quote the name to the burly music shop owner.


  3. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1357491073' post='1923413']
    On any bass forum there are always a very vocal minority who knock Fender. Some aspects of what they say I can see sense in but Fender (for me at least) couldn't have explained why they can rightfully claim he crown any better than with this ad from the late 70s


    Ha ha - love the picture. My caption would, however, be more along the lines of: "The Fender Precision Bass - played by five sex pests".


  4. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1357483890' post='1923191']
    Easy - any instrument that's over 20 years old is a classic. Doesn't matter if it's any 'good', has a particularly high value, has been copied, is still in production etc.

    If it's good enough for The Classic Car Club of America it's good enough for me :)

    I respectfully disagree. In my opinion, Vintage would be a better term for an instrument that you wish to classify based on age alone. As an example, I think most would agree that one of those Ampeg scroll-headed instruments would be a Vintage bass, but not a Classic.

    [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1357484482' post='1923215']
    I think there are only four classic bass guitars:

    Fender Precision
    Fender Jazz
    Rickenbacker 4001/4003
    Musicman Stingray

    I think you're pretty close to the mark. The only one I'd think to add would be the Steinberger L2/XL2. Where it could be argued that most other basses have their ancestry in the instruments you've picked, the Steinberger is a radically different design which has stood the test of time and is still revered by many. But perhaps this is just because I'm in the process of buying one. :-)


  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357351281' post='1921618']
    I just don't understand why somebody wouldn't just like something because they like it? that's all i ever do. If it's something popular, that's alright. If it's something unpopular, that's alright too. I don't make room for other people in what i like. Either you like it, or you don't, but it won't change my mind if you do or don't like it, because i do.



  6. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1357333277' post='1921365']
    I'm glad I don't fit that description, but many do and it seems a little harsh on them... each to their own... who are we to judge?

    Back to the topic - erm, surely a Warwick Thumb 4 Bolt-on? I can't think of a more iconic bass... not their 'top' model, but perhaps one of their most distinctive?

    Obviously I'm biased :)

    It's official - Hipsters favour Warwick bolt-ons! You heard it here first :-)


  7. I looked up the meaning of "classic", then filtered to leave the relevant criteria:

    1. Benchmark - has become a model or standard to judge against
    2. Enduring - lasting significance; has stood the test of time
    3. Simple - elegant design
    4. Traditional - conforming to established standards

    Hope this helps.


  8. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1357159222' post='1918467']
    Cloudburst, this really is an iconic bass of the 80s......to be seen all over Top of the Pops at the time. And they also sound great as well.

    I suspect you may get a bit of stick at the Institute over your choice, however?!

    Agreed on all points DrT. Especially the last one! And loving your sig :-)


  9. Chris, if you like a clear tone at home and an instrument which sounds well in a live situation, this is exactly what I get from my Bongo. There is a great range of tone at your disposal, and after a while the controls are easily manageable - in my opinion - as opposed to what some report. I've not ever tried a Bongo 5.


  10. Really thinking of going for the XL-2 for the following reasons:
    - I'll be at the institute from September doing a course so the XL-2 would be easy to transport to and fro (as opposed to the Bongo which lives in its hard case)
    - For some reason I've really bonded with my Bongo and would like to keep it mint, so the Steinberger could take the abuse of being in college every day
    - It would hold its money for me as well if not better than having the money sat in a bank

    Does all this seem like sound logic?
    Or am I just trying to convince myself?
    Is there a Steinberger-specific downside of any sort?


    PS: Is that Robbie Shakespeare in the photo?

  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1356964027' post='1915693']
    As someone has mentioned the front windows has small sliding inserts like rally cars used to have although this one wasn't a rally car. I spent some time in Radbournes trying to find the 'Turbo 2' decals and the correct pinstripes. Remember pinstripes on cars? I knew a bloke who did pinstripng for living. Nothing else, just pinstripes and car decals!

    I only have two spare parts left. One is a side grill in front of the right rear wheel arch. The other (coincidentally) is a Turbo2 decal roll - purchased from Radbourne Racing (that's why you couldn't find them!)


  12. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1356957012' post='1915519']
    most popular music at min, really isn't in 5 string territory

    What does this mean?
    5 strings aren't just about lower notes.
    They are also about being able to play the same passages across the fretboard rather than along it, meaning you can stay in the one position.
    And they are also obviously about having a good thumb-rest for the e-string :-)


  13. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1356948618' post='1915368']
    If you're doing classic rock covers why would you need to improvise? Genuinely confused.

    To make them bearable. To stop yourself going to sleep. To get through those that (shock) you don't know, haven't played before and haven't had the time to learn before the impromptu gig.


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