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Everything posted by cloudburst

  1. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347802141' post='1805136'] ET is correct, the first fretless P was 1970. The ampeg baby is an upright, they did 2 fretless basses with scroll headstocks, dont recall the models (From memory; AMB1 & ASB1???) , they are known as the scroll bass and devil bass, one had full depth f-holes, the other had horns, they were available from '66. Not aware of a pre-'66 production mainstream fretless? I'll be looking into the quote later, it's somewhere, but i have alot of fender/bass books, so may take a while!! [/quote] From Page 125 of "How the Fender bass changed the world": The first production fretless bass was the Ampeg AUB-1, introduced in 1966. It had a scroll peghead, an extra-long 34.5" scale length, and a diaphragm pickup mounted under the bridge. CB PS: I would add a picture, but it's a god-awful looking thing and may scare small children.
  2. Perhaps point out to him the difference between cm and mm and offer to pay him in cents rather than euros? CB
  3. Imagine my surprise when I ordered a pack of peanuts. CB
  4. This could be really cool. Forget the body - use the last few frets to mount the pickup and bridge. Makes Steinberger look hopelessly over engineered. Post pics. Get kudos from all of us. Job done. CB
  5. I feel happier playing upright - I fret less. CB
  6. Just wasted a load of cash on a return flight to the USA. What a disappointment Walmart turned out to be. :-( CB
  7. I wanted a minimalist bass so I ordered one of these Steinways you guys rave about. Damn thing weighs a ton. And it has 230 strings. WTF? CB
  8. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1347566227' post='1802607'] Sometimes I cheat when playing my Warwick Thumb bass and use my fingers. [/quote] Love it :-) CB
  9. Workmen...Tools... :-0 CB
  10. For me the most important uses of music notation are: 1. Playing someone else's ideas when you haven't heard them before and/or don't need or want to commit them to memory. PINO: Would (I think) exclusively be engaged to create his own bassline so this wouldn't apply. 2. Helping you study and work out how to play a chunk of someone else's music, if you can't do it totally by ear. PINO: Would probably subconsciously incorporate other people's ideas without thinking about it and would most likely have a good enough ear to reproduce most other things he chose to. So this wouldn't apply either. 3. Recording your own creations so you can reproduce them consistently. PINO: Would most likely use his own shorthand technique to jot down pivotal points in his songs and remember the intervening phrases he has created. NOtation not needed here either. Probably a load of crap - but that's the way I think about it. CB
  11. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1347408726' post='1800556'] Note to self - vet everything I ever write on this site, ever Back to the OT, this clip really sums up for me why I love P-Basses. It's been posted before, but it really does showcase the talents of the extraordinary talents of Pino Palladino and Meshell Ndegeocello. Wonderful stuff, and props to the organ player for a solo that literally rips your face off! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F-rTyBzZN0[/media] [/quote] I'm a huge Pino fan. Always have been. But this does absolutely nothing for me. I find it too busy with too many notes and quite uninteresting. If I heard this and didn't know who was playing it, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Sorry - just being honest and I'll probably get flamed like crazy, but it just goes to show how different people hear things differently. When Pino played fretless through an Octaver, you could tell a mile off with HIS inventive melodies, and sliding double stops and sliding double-stopped harmonics, that it was HIM playing on some new album when you heard it for the first time. You looked up the credits and hey presto, there HE was. Really sorry folks. Awaiting incoming. CB
  12. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1347404665' post='1800527'] I think I could easily spend the rest of my bass playing life with only a P bass. [/quote] You could probably raise that P bass relationship to "rest of eternity" by trying a Rickenbacker. CB
  13. The second one is my neighbour. And she IS very quirkily phwoaaarrr. CB
  14. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347403905' post='1800509'] ... and "queue" /pendant [/quote] I think in that context it would be "cue". But I didn't want to say! :-) CB
  15. Could I respectfully request that we keep this thread on topic! ie: all black/red/yellow sunburst is to be avoided like the plague. This is where it starts. First we have Jamerson's P, before you know it someone will be posting pics of Palladino's SR. Well I'm not having it! CB
  16. I thinks it's a tad academic since Pino knocks us all into a cocked hat - musicians, composers, cloudbursts, Stravinskys. CB
  17. Sorry about that. Couldn't resist, since it was THAT word :-) CB
  18. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1347391767' post='1800245'] Que the pendants and Fender critics giving you their alternative answers to this one [/quote] I think you'll find it's "pedants". CB
  19. Being in the market for an unlined fretless, I toddled off to my local music store. "Fancy that - a fretless Precision", I thought, "that will be just the ticket". Precision my a*se. My intonation was (still) all over the place. These big companies think they can get away with murder. Buyer beware! CB
  20. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1347323159' post='1799442'] Good lord there's some very strange basses appearing in this thread - very small string gauge Spookily, I know two people with those Dean things in that colour as well. Cloudburst, is this the colour you meant? [attachment=117981:24042010424.jpg][attachment=117980:24042010423.jpg] Actually was called sunburst back when this bass was new (1993) - became honey burst a few years later. And not to be outdone by Dean............. [attachment=117982:24042010450.jpg] [/quote] Yep - that's the honeyburst that I quite like. The blueburst underneath, however....well...er...how do I put this... CB
  21. I'm the opposite. I've fallen out of love with Fenders after a lifetime. Played my Fender Jazz since I was 9 (I'm 47). Dabbled with other instruments along the way - Fender Musicmaster, Fender P/J, MM StingRay - but always went back to my Jazz. Thought that was it forever. This year I bought a 51RI P-Bass with Quarterpounder. Great sound. Horrible colour. Sold it. Took a real flyer and bought my Bongo. Nothing comes close for me. Oh man, I'm so happy that very few folks 'get' the Bongo. My 74 Jazz is under the bed (possibly forever). I now automatically pass over Fenders when scanning the basses for sale section. That saves a shedload of time. CB
  22. Bob is absolutely 100% - a multi-talented musician and a pleasure to deal with. I bought a Markbass 121p combo from him. I was away in Italy all summer so he was kind enough to hold the amp for a couple of months until I arrived back home. Smooth transaction, very quick and efficient shipping and amp arrived next day, carefully packed. Many thanks Bob! (My neighbours aren't quite so pleased though) Gary.
  23. Do you mean edgy - as in with a bit of an edge? Or eggy - in which case it probably depends on who's albumen you're listening to. :-) CB
  24. And the less said about Fender's mushroomburst the better! Yeuch. (Wanted to mention this Antigua finish earlier but had to wait - just in case I traumatised any children who weren't yet in bed). CB
  25. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1347297699' post='1799005'] ps is it a double stop at 2m27s? or is the D string not being held? Can't tell. [/quote] It's a D (7th fret on G string) with a B-flat (8th fret on D string). CB
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