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Everything posted by cloudburst

  1. I'm hopeless at working out which effects I need to use. So I need to ask - what effect is used in I'm Your Man by Deon Estus? I don't mean the solo section - just the main driving bass pattern. I'm wondering if I can achieve it with my OC-2 or is it created by something rather different? Thx. CB
  2. Brian bought 2 Vox Amplugs from me. Transaction could not have been smoother. Many thanks!! CB
  3. Trade list update stylee bump. CB
  4. I thought by trading for a 'car' you bought white and wanted candy apple red lol. :-) CB
  5. I did have a long chat with the seller on the phone. The subsequent insistence on cash really blind-sided me as I've never had anyone ask this before, and I've done quite a few much larger bank transfers to folk for cars etc. Anyways. As usual you guys on BC talk a lot of sense. Decision made. I'm going to buy from a retailer. This is absolutely no reflection on the seller. He seems a very nice straight honest guy and has very good BC feedback. He said he had someone pay for something by bank transfer on a Saturday and then the money was removed from his account on the Monday because the other chap was involved in fraud. So I respect his wishes. Thanks for your input folks. CB
  6. All, I've been part of a number of high-value transactions on BC which have worked well due to trust on both sides. In two of these cases I've been sent expensive basses PRIOR (yes prior!) to my sending funds....because the seller wanted me to be happy with the instrument. The sellers were lapolpora and camdenrob in these cases. Thing is - these transactions were performed remotely. NOW.... I'm trying to buy a keyboard (valued at £1650) from a well established BC'er (who shall definitely from my point of view remain nameless). And it would be a local face to face sale. I'm offering to travel to view this keyboard and have agreed to perform a Faster Payment using internet banking to the seller's bank account whilst he watches. I would only leave with the keyboard once the seller can see the money has arrived in his bank account. I've also offered up my flawless BC feedback. However, this is not good enough for the seller, who insists on cash. Taking £1650 out of a bank at the weekend is inconvenient and I feel also that it's less reliable for the seller as any notes I give him could easily be fake. I also feel that the seller is disrespecting my good name which is comprehensively evidenced in BC feedback. My strong gut inclination is to pay an extra £400 and buy the said keyboard from the local (and more convenient) retailer who isn't questioning my integrity. What would you do? CB
  7. The seller says "obviously I'll stick on the missing E string before I send it.." Judging by the previously mentioned strap lock fixture - I'll bet he will do exactly that. :-) CB
  8. Words fail me. The "custom strap lock" looks particularly interesting. But doesn't warrant a mention in the description... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Colour-Fender-Jaguar-Bass-MIJ-modified-W-Precision-Bass-Pickups-/151569015190?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item234a37a196 CB
  9. Nice bass! To meet it looks more 1973 than 1978. CB
  10. Thanks for this thread Ian - a useful reminder. It's easy to become complacent due to some of the really trusting and trustworthy forum members. Examples are lapolpora and camdenrob - both of whom have delivered basses to me on trust and prior to payment. Thanks guys! This thread reminds me to check members out before diving into a transaction. I think the site feedback system, topped up with a good chat on the phone, is a necessary and effective layer of protection for transactions of any significant value. Thanks again all.. CB
  11. Bump with amended trades list. I patiently live in hope :-) CB
  12. Thanks all for your inputs (!) I'm coming to the conclusion that I WAS thinking along the wrong lines and it's probably the done thing to build it up one layer at a time from click to rough track to drums, guitar, bass, acoustic, vocals. So now I think I'm in the market for a Scarlett 2i4. Thanks again. CB
  13. I'm starting to form the impression that most folk don't approach it this way, but rather start with a rough track to provide tempo, then individually add drums, guitar, bass, vocals etc. Does that sound about right? Certainly makes for a cheaper interface box, less cables to trip on and less cups of tea to make in one go. CB
  14. In order to record some good quality audio that we can mix and play with, avoiding excess studio time until absolutely necessary for mastering etc, I'm keen for my band to explore recording at home. We have: - Vocals & acoustic guitar - Guitar - Bass (me) - Drums and occasionally overdubbed - keys (the guitarist) - WX7 wind controller (me) I've a MacbookPro Retina and am expecting to go out and buy an analogue to USB interface box (been looking at the Scarlett 18i8). The main challenge is the drums. For many reasons, I don't want to have a full drum-kit in the room: - the neighbours - the bleed with other acoustic instruments - complexity to mic - drummer's availability etc So I've come up with two options: 1. Have the drummer record with us live but use his MIDI drum-kit (it's a good one that he seems keen enough to use) 2. Use our rough recordings of the entire band as a backing track to separately record the rest of the instruments, having the drummer add the drums layer at his convenience with his own equipment The problem I see with option 2 is the need to avoid bleed of the 'rough backing track' into the voice and mic'd instruments layers. Seems the obvious solution is headphones for everyone, and no monitors. However, most of those analogue to USB interface boxes seem only to have 2 headphone outputs - so I'm starting to think this may be a clue that I'm approaching this in a silly way. So my questions: - Is this a common scenario, and are my options sensible. Is there a better way? - Would option 2 work, or would it be too much trouble? - Why so few headphone outputs on these boxes? - Am I right in looking at the Scarlett 18i8? Would something else be better for me? Many thanks. And please go easy on me - I'm a total noob at home recording. CB
  15. These are fabulous. I have one - and it has probably the most playable neck of any of my basses. CB
  16. Very nice. I love these instruments very much (as no doubt most of you know). Was playing my white one at a gig on Thurs and actually got complimented by the engineer on its sound during the sound check. GLWTS. CB
  17. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jfader101: can you confirm that this is the same bass as listed in the auction below, as your original post in this thread showed the serial number W3457.[/font][/color] [url="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tHO9m-PFxMwJ:basschat.co.uk/topic/249861-wal-bass-mk1-custom/unread/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk"]http://webcache.goog...n&ct=clnk&gl=uk[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Here are pictures (LOT 388) of the bass W3457, which sold at auction yesterday.[/font][/color] [url="http://www.cuttlestones.co.uk/salecatalogue/WS211114.htm?s=382&f=411"]http://www.cuttlesto...htm?s=382&f=411[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]CB[/font][/color]
  18. I loved both these shows when they were shown a short time ago. Kate Bush is my favourite musician of all time anyway. But I was surprised at how much I liked Jack Bruce's performances with the folky band - his brittle, worn-in vocals, the sensitivity of his songs and his work on the piano and fretless Thumb. Awesome. CB
  19. Bump - added to list of potential trades. :-) CB
  20. Bump with slightly amended trades list. CB
  21. The thing is - I've got two Steinies ! CB
  22. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]STILL holding out for a poly finish Wal, a midnight blue 4003, a Roland Jupiter 8 or a Roland Jupiter 50.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]CB[/font][/color]
  23. I think you've converted from Euros to Pounds in the wrong direction. €2500 equates to about £1940 CB
  24. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]STILL holding out for a poly finish Wal, a midnight blue 4003 or a Roland Jupiter 8.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My pig-headed persistence will pay off eventually.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I hope. :-)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]CB[/font][/color]
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