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Everything posted by BassJase

  1. Mmmm.... tempteed to the Laney cab.... And i'm in Bristol every other weekend.... Think i'll check the bank balance and give it some thought. Have a bump on me!
  2. Hey hey, can i nab the Belly, Blade, Green Day, Hundred Reasons and James Bond albums please mate? I'll happily donate to a good cause, please PM me cheque or PayPal details and i'll get some cash to ya'. Cheers!
  3. I'll take the D'Addarios, if you could PM me your paypal details or cheque details then i'll get payment done and dusted. Cheers amigo!
  4. Righty-ho, I'm not using this Black Rat 2U metal rack case, so it might as well go to a new loving home. These things are pretty much bomb-proof, solid as hell and its in very good overall condition. It has rack strips at both the front and back and is pretty deep, the case itself is 17 inches in depth, and with the front and back lids there's just over 23 inches of space. Obviously i'll be taking the 1U blanking strip and power supply out of it, but its a steal at £40 delivered. (These go for silly money new.) PayPal or cheque is fine, or hit me up with any interesting trades you might have, (pedals/strings/pedal tuners/whatever..!) Cheers!
  5. I've got a T-Max head and they're bloody great, so versatile and they sound awesome. They're actually 200w@8ohms, 350w@4ohms and 500w@2ohms. The manual for them is here; [url="http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/80302264.pdf"]http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/80302264.pdf[/url] Good luck with the sale mate!
  6. Now she be mine!! Chers Matt, was nice to meet you and what a steal, sounds gorgeous mate.
  7. Well i've had a gig re-scheduled, so it looks like i'sa comin'! Is there gonna be anything like a "for sale" table or something? Last year there were a few things up for grabs but it was all a bit confusing who was selling what... Don't wanna turn it into a car boot sale or anything, but coming away from it with something under your arm is always nice, and no postage to pay or postal-service-worries to be had!
  8. Ooh, ooh, any chance of a piccy or two mate?
  9. Lovely job, i'll have; Ministry - Greatest Fits Mudvayne - LD.50 PM me on how to pay dude, cheque or paypal any good for you? Cheers old boy.
  10. I'd be well up for a hoody or t-shirt, Basschat preferably, but anything else bass-wise may be of interest. This place does some good ones; [url="http://www.groove-dna.com/"]http://www.groove-dna.com/[/url] and so does this one; [url="http://www.uglybassplayer.com/store/shirts-sweatshirts-c-81.html"]http://www.uglybassplayer.com/store/shirts...hirts-c-81.html[/url] But both are U.S sites and therefore you have to pay for the extra shipping. Good idea though matey!
  11. You star obbm! Many thanks amigo.
  12. Many, many thanks fellas, i was hoping i could use another 4ohm 2x10 to run it at full welly, and hopefully it won't blow on me! Yeah it was a greta deal, it was just sat there gathering dust for literally about 3 or 4 years with no buyers so it was used quite often as a demo amp for the basses. No manual for it though, and unfortunately the lead is fixed (grr...) but apart from that i'm well pleased with it.
  13. Howdy y'all, Just wondering if anyone can help me with a query i have.... I recently bought a Peavey T-Maxx 2x10 combo amp (it was sat from new in our local music shop for about 3/4 years, and they recently closed down and i got it for £180.... ) and i'll be gigging it this weekend. The thing is that i'm playing it at a venue i've never been to before, so i want to take along another extension cab in case a bit more welly is needed. The extension speaker socket on the back says "mimimum 2 ohms." Now, does that mean i'd need a 2ohm cab, or a 4ohm or a 8ohm can to make it reach its full welly? The whole ohm thing confuses me at the best of times...! Many thanks for any help, -Jase.
  14. This has now been sold to a guy named Spike who plays in the Swamp Donkeys.
  15. [quote name='BOD2' post='134430' date='Feb 5 2008, 03:31 PM']I have a Behringer V-Amp Pro (rackmount one) and Bass POD XT Pro (also rackmount). I would say that the Bass POD is better for bass than the V-Amp. The POD's sounds are richer, more variable, less "digital" at times and the controls are much easier to use. The V-Amp can sound artificial at some settings and can be noisy at some settings. Also the V-Amp needs two hands free to manipulate some of the controls. Having said that, the V-Amp is excellent value for money, has some very good sounds and also has some settings suitable for use with guitars and keyboards (useful if you play either of these too) whereas the POD is more strictly geared up for bass. Both offer computer interfaces to the controls if you connect up to your pc. This makes programming them easier (much easier in the case of the V-Amp) as you can see ALL of the settings simultaneously. The manual for the V-Amp is a bit bewildering at times whereas the POD one is better. To sum up - if you want a pro sounding rig based on a modeller I would got for the POD. The better sounds and ease of use are essential in a pro-rig. If you just want a modeller to play with and perhaps do some basic recording with then the V-Amp is an excellent choice, especially if you can get a second hand one cheap ![/quote] I completely agree with nearly all of this, top banana to you for giving such a well thought-out and written review. Good effrt sir! I had the original rackmount pod pro, then upgraded to the pod pro xt live (the floorboard one), and then got a v-amp pro (rackmount one) for £70. I then sold both of the pods. Completely agree that the pods are probably better overall in the sound department, but for the extra cost of them, to me, i don't think they're worth it.
  16. Bloody cider..... Cheers Joe! 'Tis corrected now.
  17. Heres my DOD sampler pedal thingy, if a fellow BC-er buys it i'll reduce the postage somewhat... cheers y'all! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DOD-PDS2000-Digital-Sampler-Pedal-Very-Rare-Good-Con_W0QQitemZ270208503136QQihZ017QQcategoryZ38070QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DOD-PDS2000-Digital-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  18. The beast 'tis on eBay now..... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-RGB500-Bass-Combo-300-Watt-Excellent-Workhorse_W0QQitemZ270208505600QQihZ017QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-RGB500-Bass-Co...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  19. Not sure my man, the tracks are; i love destruction, all i ever get, f.u.b.a.r, all kinda crazy, gonna be alright, save a peace for me, nothing to lose, aint gonna get me, lost my brain once again, its always something, cyco miko wants you, aint messn' around. Hope this helps Dood! (BTW, i also have a few DVDs and PS2 games for sale, but not sure if i'm allowed to put these on here or not?)
  20. Had a bit of a clearout and i've got a few cd's to get rid of, all prices include p+p, and are all in great condition. Kittie- Spit (all girl metal group) £3. Bloodhound Gang- Use Your Fingers £3. SX10- Rhymes In The Chamber (Sen Dog from Cypress Hill's metal side-project group, superb album) £5. Cyco Miko- Lost My Brain Once Again (Mike Muir for Suicidal Tendencies) £3. Blur- s/t (the one with song 2 and beetlebum) £3. Bootsy Collins- Back In The Day (the 14-track best of) £5. PayPal, cheque, postal orders or whatever will do fine for payment. Cheers y'all!
  21. Many thanks to you both for that, i'm probably gonna give it a go on EvilBay in the next few days and see how it goes. It just doesn't seem rational to keep it when i've never even used it, and someone might get some fun out of it. As soon as i eBay it i'll put the thread for it on here, but yep you will have first dibs on it if it doesn't go for the reserve i'll put on it. (which seems like £45 sounds fair to me after Tayste's advice....) Cheers fellas!
  22. One last BUMP before EvilBay on Thursday..... If anyone was interested in this i do drive to East London and Bristol at least once a month so delivery around these areas could be arranged.
  23. Right, i've had a good sort through my old gig bag and found this treasure; Its a DOD PDS2000 digital sampler pedal, and i have no use for it. I quickly tried it out and it works fine, i rang a guitarist "pedal-a-holic" friend and he said they're good, but its sat doing nothing so i was wondering if i should EvilBay it and see what it fetches? I have no idea of its value, my mate said they're prety rare now, but rare doesn't mean sought-after....! If anyone has any more knowledge on this, or what a rough price to ask might be, then any help would be much appreciated. Cheers y'all!
  24. Gutted! I've got an afternoon gig that day, grrr...... I really wanted to come along as well, especially to try Robbies RIM basses, bloody typical... Have a nice time everyone, and don't forget to post a vid up of the day!
  25. Just a quick Mr Bump, i'll be putting this on the dreaded eBay on Sunday evening if nobody's interested here, but obviously i would rather sell it to another BC-er.... Cheers y'all.
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